
  • 网络Porcelain cup;a china cup
  1. 他拿着那个瓷杯把玩,爱不释手。

    He keeps holding the China Cup and simply couldn 't part with it .

  2. 很多人都知道,他是一位出租车司机出身的傲慢的亿万富翁,在苏富比(Sotheby’s)的一场拍卖会上以3630万美元买下一个小小的明代瓷杯,后来还曝出他用这件古董喝茶的照片,引起一片哗然。

    To many , he is the brash former taxi driver turned billionaire who provoked an uproar when he bought a tiny Ming dynasty porcelain cup for $ 36.3 million at a Sotheby 's auction - and proceeded to be photographed drinking tea from the antique vessel .

  3. 我们可以用瓷杯代替纸杯。

    We can use china cups instead of paper ones .

  4. 使用一个瓷杯和一个饭盒更好,因为它们可以重复使用。

    It 's better to use a chinacup and a lunch box because you can use them again .

  5. 本文通过断面电子扫描显微镜(SEM),观察了炻瓷杯不同部位釉层及中间过渡层的形貌,分析了表观缺陷的形成原因。

    The formative reasons of the surface defect were analysed by the observation of the morphology in the different part of glaze layer and intermediate layer used with cross-section sweep electron microscope ( SEM ) in this article .

  6. 糕点大厨尼古拉·巴切(NicolasBacheyre)制作的巧克力热饮上桌时其实不是热的,而是温的,盛放在传统的利摩日瓷杯里,保证让你以最经典的方式告别巴黎。

    A spot of the pastry chef Nicolas Bacheyre 's chocolat chaud , served warm , not hot , in traditional Limoges porcelain , is guaranteed to send you off in classic style .

  7. 我们在有访客时,才用我们那套最好的瓷杯。

    We only use our best china cups when we have visitors .

  8. 用真瓷杯和真瓷碟端上的茶。

    Tea served in real china cups and saucers .

  9. 炻瓷杯表观缺陷的成因分析

    The analysis of the defect formative reasons on the surface of stoneware cup

  10. 瓷杯:最为常见,能恰好的诠释咖啡的细致香醇。

    Cups : The most common interpretation of coffee can be just fine mellow .

  11. 亚历山大从粉红色瓷杯里啜茶。

    Alexander sipped tea from roseate china .

  12. 直到这个时候,我们喝的茶,都是从通常点缀着玫瑰花的茶壶倒入瓷杯中的。

    By now our tea has been poured from the inevitably rose-speckled teapot into our china cups .

  13. 最好用瓷杯和饭碗,因为你还能再有它们。

    It'better to use a china cup and a lunch bow because you can use them again .

  14. 用盖碗或瓷杯冲泡细嫩茶时,不加杯盖为宜。

    It 's better not to cover the tea cups when we make tea with tender teas .

  15. 老板杯-五牛图红瓷杯,好运招财杯,送老板。

    Cup bosses-Blades Figure red cup , and Good Luck Lucky Cup , sent to the owner .

  16. 陶杯的质朴,与瓷杯的圆润,分别标志不同的咖啡态度。

    Simple ceramic cup , and cups of mellow , respectively , mark the different attitudes of coffee .

  17. 人们习惯用瓷杯喝卡布奇诺。瓷杯要比玻璃杯或者是纸杯更能保温些。

    It is traditionally served in a porcelain cup , which has far better heat retention than glass or paper .

  18. 如果是高档红茶,那么,以选用白瓷杯为宜,以便观其色泽。

    If it is high black tea , then , to use white porcelain cup is appropriate to view the color .

  19. 半晌午的时候,我在办公室泡了一壶咖啡,将它分给众人,并用瓷杯喝了一杯。

    Mid-morning I made a jug of coffee in the office , offered it round and drank mine from a china cup .

  20. 预备一只白瓷杯,在杯内涂上牛油和少许糖,倒进梳乎厘浆。

    Prepare a white ceramic cup . Brush the inner surface with butter and a little sugar . Pour in souffle batter .

  21. 上海艺术品藏家刘益谦最近花3630万美元买了一个表面烧制有小鸡图案的瓷杯。

    Shanghai-based art collector Liu Yiqian recently spent $ 36.3 million on a tiny porcelain cup with a humble chicken painted on its surface .

  22. 睡着的那个人的后面有一个书架,上面摆放着普洱茶、小瓷杯和装满绿茶的大罐子。

    Behind the sleeping man was a bookshelf filled with round wheels of Pu'er tea , small porcelain cups and large tins filled with green tea .

  23. 泡制正山小种的茶具应该选用红茶茶壶茶杯组泡,杯子选用白瓷杯或玻璃杯。

    The bottle is mountain of kinds of small tea should be chosen black tea cups set the teapot , cup chooses white foam China cups or glass .

  24. 但对于许多中国人来说,最令人吃惊的事情不是这只瓷杯的价格,也不是刘益谦用美国运通卡支付拍卖款。

    But for many in China , the most shocking thing wasn 't the amount he paid , or the fact that he paid with an American Express card .

  25. 咖啡放在小白瓷杯里,白瓷很厚,和中国人爱用的薄瓷相比另有一番稳重笃实的感觉。

    Coffee was put in a little white china cup , which is even thicker compared with the thin one popular in China and really gives you a feeling of steadiness and religiousness .

  26. 老师只是笑笑,然后到厨房取来各式各样的杯子瓷杯、塑料杯、玻璃杯等等,有些外表平平,有些看起来精致名贵。

    The lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cupssome porcelain , some in plastic , some in glass , some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite .

  27. 当咖啡汁液里的泡沫升到顶部,就可以把浓香的咖啡倒进一只小小的无柄瓷杯,这种杯子称作费尔江(fildzan),平时放在一只叫做扎夫(zarf)的黄铜护套里。

    When the froth foams to the top , the rich brew is poured into a small , handleless china cup known as a fildzan ( FILL-john ) , which sits in a copper sheath , or zarf .