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  • Porcelain;ceramic chip
  1. 作脊饰的材料全部用传统材料,脊饰底胎所用材料有白灰膏、粉煤灰、河砂、棉花、纤维布、矿物质原料、糯米面、桐油和钢筋、铁丝、碎瓷片等。

    Uses the traditional material as all materials of the spine decorations , including lime plaster , fly ash , river sand , cotton , fibrous cloth , mineral materials , sticky rice powder , tung oil , reinforcing bar , iron wire and broken ceramic chip .

  2. 通过XRD分析,粉体与瓷片均呈四方相。

    The powder and the pieces are all tetragonal phase .

  3. 轧膜成型PTCR瓷片平整烧成工艺的研究

    Study on Sintering Processes of Chip PTCR Formed by Roll Process

  4. 成型工艺对片式PTCR素坯及瓷片性能的影响

    Effects of forming process on the characteristics of green tape and chip ceramic of PTCR

  5. 狼群“达奇”(Dutch)正从公园内一个遗弃的住宅中将瓷片、空罐头盒、锅、铁制工具碎片往外拖。

    The Dutch pack has dragged in ceramic shards , cans , pots , pieces of iron tools from abandoned homesteads in the park .

  6. 片式BaTiO3基PTCR瓷片的制备及烧结工艺的研究

    Study on Preparation and Sinter-System of BaTiO_3-based Chip PTCR

  7. 较系统的研究了不同烧结助剂对BeO瓷片组织和性能的作用机理和影响规律。

    The affection of different sintering additives to microstructure and properties of BeO ceramic chips was studied .

  8. 诺基亚(Nokia)使用的WindowsPhone操作系统有可直接在手机主屏上显示有用信息或图片的“活动瓷片”(livetiles),而不仅仅是必须通过碰触才能启动应用程序的一个个图标。

    The Windows Phone operating system that Nokia uses has ' live tiles ' that display useful information or photos directly on the device 's home screen , not just dummy icons you have to touch to launch apps .

  9. 因此镀镍液pH值应控制在40~50。热处理温度在250℃即可将扩散到陶瓷的初生态氢原子去除,热处理温度过高或热处理时间过长使镍明显氧化从而破坏了瓷片的欧姆接触。

    Optimum pH value might be from 4.0 to 5.0 . Nascent hydrogen atom formed on ceramic surface could be eliminated in heat treatment at low temperature of 250 ℃ . Higher temperature or longer heat treatment time would cause nickel oxidation and destroy ohmic contact of thermistors .

  10. 为了便于比较,同时测定了一件元代青花瓷片,它的热释光年代为距今620±140a。

    As a comparison , a porcelain sample with underglaze blue in Yuan Dynasty was dated too , and its TL age is 620 ± 140 B.P. .

  11. 瓷片中β剂量的积累和衰减研究

    Build-up and attenuation of bete dose within a porcelain slice

  12. 瓷片贴的墙,洁白的洗手盆,还有浴缸!

    Tiled walls , white wash-basin , and a bathtub !

  13. 大家应该能看到桌子下面的白色瓷片。

    I hope you can see the white tile underneath the table .

  14. 本人通过多次窑址考察,瓷片标本收集,社会的调研。

    I through times review , ceramics kiln , social investigation specimen collection .

  15. 从废瓷片电容中回收银

    Silver Recovery from Waste Ceramic Flaky Capacitors

  16. 大牛:用瓷片拼成的,像一幅镶嵌画!

    Porcelain shards , like a mosaic !

  17. 你不可以根据这个理由,把中国分裂成很多很小的中国瓷片。

    You can 't apart China into many many little tiny China because of that .

  18. 本文研究了稀土对镀银铜粉及瓷片电容电极涂层工艺与性能的影响。

    The effects of Rare Earth on the process and performance of Silver-coated copper powder and electrode coating were studied .

  19. 然而,直接处于光线之下的瓷片不会如此反光,它们的表面较暗。

    Well , the ones in director light must not be so reflective but be kind of of dark surface .

  20. 字母也是用碎瓷片做的,首尾相连,很有动感。

    The English word is also made of porcelain chips , with its letters connected together showing a dynamic beauty .

  21. 他踩着粉碎的白瓷片,撞开拥塞的人群,一直冲出了食堂。

    Stomping on the broken porcelain , he had pushed aside the curious crowd and rushed out of the cafeteria .

  22. 仿古砖与抛光砖、瓷片相比,它更接近于“自然”的状态。

    Compared with polished tiles and porcelain bricks , antique imitation tiles are closer to the natural state of earth .

  23. 用各种颜色的小块材料如石块、玻璃、瓷片、贝壳等紧密地拼集成各种图案的装饰工艺。

    Surface decoration of small coloured components-such as stone , glass , tile , or shell-closely set into an adhesive ground .

  24. 石头片,碎瓦,鹅卵石,碎瓷片都可以使图案形式上色彩上千变万化。

    Chips of stone , broken tiles , pebbles and fragments of porcelain could make mosaics inexhaustible in pattern and color .

  25. 为电阻体与安装支架之间不用瓷片隔离。

    RXG-A , RXG ( T ) - A not using the porcelain sheet to separate the resistor body from the installation frame .

  26. 测试时,输出端应并联一个0.1微法瓷片电容和一个10微法低内阻电解电容。

    A0.1uF ceramic disk capacitor 10uF electrolytic ( low ESR ) capacitor should be put across the output terminals during ripple noise measure .

  27. 衰减器采用金属蒸发镀膜衰减片作为衰减元件,连续衰减和步进衰减相结合。瓷片中β剂量的积累和衰减研究

    Glass plates deposited with metal through vapor deposition were used as attenuation elements . Build-up and attenuation of bete dose within a porcelain slice

  28. 本文对压电陶瓷变压器的材料性能,工艺参数和瓷片的特性进行了一系列试验与讨论。

    This paper presents a series of experimental results and discussions on the material behaviors , technical parameters and ceramic-disc characteristics of the piezoelectric transformer .

  29. 介绍了从电子元件行业的废料&废瓷片电容中回收贵金属银的简易方法。

    An easy method for recovering silver from waste ceramic flaky capacitors , a kind of waste material from electronic industry , has been presented in the article .

  30. 瓷片堆积处以稍高的频率和稍低的反射强度为其异常特征;

    The hyperbola arch-like abnormal character is caused by the sagger , and the abnormal character of china slice heap is represented with slightly high frequency and low strength reflection .