
cí diāo
  • porcelain carving;carved porcelain
瓷雕 [cí diāo]
  • [porcelain carving] 在瓷制品上雕刻图案或人物

瓷雕[cí diāo]
  1. 2000年瓷雕《龙娃》、《靓莲》中国历史博物馆收藏。

    In2000 , ceramic sculpture Dragon Baby and Beautiful Lotus were collected by China History Museum .

  2. 艺术市场是创新的动力,艺术水平的提高伴随着德化瓷雕一路前行。

    As the market of artworks spurs innovation , the artistry of Dehua porcelain sculpture elevates with the growth of the art creation .

  3. 宋代景德镇的影青瓷雕具备的艺术特性,与当时的经济、政治、文化思想等都有较为密切的关系。

    The artistic qualities of Jingdezhen greenish white porcelain of song dynasty , with the economic , political , and cultural thoughts have a close relationship at the time .

  4. 影青瓷雕在这样的大环境下得到迅速发展,还有一个重要的因素便是宋代重文轻武的国策。

    The greenish white ceramic sculptures obtained the rapid development under in such the environment , what more an important factor in the song dynasty is the state policy of valuing culture while ignoring force .