
  • 网络porcelain;Porcelain plate;Plates;porcelain dish
  1. 这些瓷盘的花纹很别致。

    These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them .

  2. 旧金山获过米其林之星的Quince餐厅就开始用iPad代替瓷盘做餐盘,盛放自己的招牌菜。

    Quince , a Michelin-starred restaurant in San Francisco has recently swapped ol ' fashioned porcelain plates with Apple iPads for a couple of its most popular dishes .

  3. 略论骨瓷盘类产品器型与素烧匣钵设计的相关性SEM观察A、C、E组金属表面微观结构。采用精密车床加工制作成形器控制瓷盘厚度为1.8mm,附着长度为4mm。

    The Relationship between the Shapes of Bone China Flate Plate Products and the Design of Saggar Shapes A metal die was made with a precision machine tool to control thickness and length of the ceramic .

  4. 有人看上了一套玛丽莲·梦露瓷盘。

    One man fancied a set of Marilyn Monroe porcelain plates .

  5. 我的绳子刚好挂住了这只瓷盘边上的一个小缺口。

    My line had caught on a small chip in the lip .

  6. 我们现在把英语放在了“纸盘上而不瓷盘上”。

    We now take our English " on paper plates instead of china " .

  7. 蔬菜分别盛在瓷盘里。

    The vegetables were in separate China dishes .

  8. 以后你在与这些瓷盘打交道时就得加倍小心了。

    From here , you need to be much more careful when working with these fragile china plates .

  9. 这次从海底挖掘出的文物包括有,绿釉瓷盘、青花瓷器和其他罕见的古董。

    Relics found at the site include green glazed porcelain plates , shadowy blue porcelains and other rare antiques .

  10. 基于声音测试与分析,研究了损伤的和未损伤的瓷盘的声音特征。

    Basing on the testing and analyzing , the characteristics of sound are studied to find the damaged plate .

  11. 这个瓷盘上自豪地印着“我为黑人投票”的字样。

    Own a Piece of Obama This porcelain plate proudly states " I voted for a black person . "

  12. 若您喜欢我们的瓷盘或不锈钢杯,您可以以批发价带回家哟!

    If you like our porcelain tableware or stainless steel cups , you can buy them here at wholesale price .

  13. 以瓷盘为清洗对象,人为涂抹食用油等,研究了超声波频率、功率和作用时间对瓷盘清洗效果的影响。

    We use porcelain as cleaning object , studied the cleaning effect of ultrasonic frequency , power and role time on porcelain .

  14. 他们4月29号的婚礼日期还未到,这些漫画和其他的纪念册,中国瓷盘,钱币一样已经在市场上很流行了。

    They joined several other commemorative books , china plates and a coin on the market ahead of the couple 's April29th wedding .

  15. 也要考虑在碗碟和桌子之间形成反差,比如把白色瓷盘放在深色木质表面上。

    Consider creating a contrast between the plate and the table , such as white china on a dark wood surface , as well .

  16. 柳景图案(中国传统蓝白二色图案,有小河垂柳,尤见于瓷盘等上)

    Willow-pattern ( traditional blue and white Chinese design that includes a picture of a willow-tree and a river , used esp on china plates , etc )

  17. 如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发,冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。

    If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish ; on cooling , crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish .

  18. 她想要吃可以慢慢嚼的青菜,我便一丝不苟地把一根黄瓜切得薄薄的,一片片列成半圆形,用华丽的瓷盘盛着。

    When she asked for some vegetables to nibble on , I fastidiously julienned a cucumber into thin slices , layering them atop one another in a semicircle on a florid porcelain plate .

  19. 在婚礼当天,新娘的婆婆或教母把一个瓷盘放在新娘头上,然后新婚夫妇开始他们的新婚舞蹈(通常是华尔兹)。

    On her wedding day , the bride 's mother-in-law or god mother puts a china plate on top of her head when the newlyweds begin their wedding dance , usually a waltz .

  20. 一旦该瓷盘底部的警示标签脱落,被用做餐盘而非装饰盘,铅和镉对消费者的身体健康可能产生危害。

    If the warning label on the bottom of the plate is removed and these plates are used as dinner plates , and not as decorative plates , then consumers would be exposed to lead and cadmium .

  21. 这件贵为国家一级文物的青釉瓷盘,系宋代哥窑瓷器珍品,在进行分析测试时因工作人员操作仪器失误被挤压受损。

    The state 's top-level celadon-glazed dish , a masterpiece of Ge kiln porcelain from the Song Dynasty , was squeezed by a testing instrument due to human error , the museum said in a statement on Sunday .

  22. 事实上,第一个获得洗碗机专利的约瑟芬·科克伦并没有在洗碗上花太多时间。她发明洗碗机的真正动力是她的仆人在丰盛的晚餐之后打碎了她的传家宝瓷盘,她因此而感到非常沮丧。

    Actually , Josephine Cochrane , who received the patent for the first working dishwasher , didn 't spend that much time washing dishes . The real impetus for her invention was frustration over her servants breaking her heirloom china after fancy dinners .

  23. 就是这一餐:我在母亲的厨房里打开外卖包装,小心翼翼地从盒子里拿出四只大虾,悉心放在一只精美的瓷盘里,拿进她的房间。

    It was a meal that I would unwrap from the takeout packaging in my mother 's kitchen , carefully plucking four shrimp from the box and meticulously laying them out on one of her ornate china plates before taking it to her room .