
cí qì
  • porcelain;china;chinaware
瓷器 [cí qì]
  • [porcelain;chinaware] 细密的陶瓷器皿,质硬,半透明,白色,发声清脆,且无孔,以高岭土、石英和长石为常用的基本原料,经一次灼烧而成,主要用作餐具、假牙、电绝缘体和化学器皿

瓷器[cí qì]
  1. 属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。

    To this class of substance belong mica , porcelain , quartz , glass , wood , etc.

  2. 这件瓷器的年份比那件久。

    This piece of porcelain is older than that one .

  3. 我们把所有玻璃器皿和瓷器都放在这个橱里。

    We keep all our glass and china in this cupboard .

  4. 瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。

    The china was displayed in a glass cabinet .

  5. 这件瓷器是从旧货店里买来的。

    This china came from a junk shop .

  6. 只听见刀叉摩擦瓷器的刺耳声。

    The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china

  7. 拿出你最好的瓷器和水晶玻璃器皿。

    Get out your best china and crystal .

  8. 我把古瓷器收藏品存放在橱子里。

    I keep my collection of old China in the cabinet .

  9. 我们所有的玻璃器皿和瓷器都放在碗橱里。

    All our glass and China is kept in the cupboard .

  10. 他送给我一套漂亮的瓷器。

    He gave me a set of beautiful china .

  11. 餐桌上摆着银器、珍贵的瓷器和鲜花,显出一副豪华的气派。

    The dinner table was gorgeous with silver , rare China and flowers .

  12. 这是一个工艺精美的瓷器。

    It 's a porcelain of delicate workmanship .

  13. 江西景德镇出产精美的瓷器。

    Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province produces fine porcelain .

  14. 她打碎了一件瓷器。

    She broke a piece of china .

  15. 这瓷器很容易碎。

    This China chips easily .

  16. 古代两国的瓷器贸易不但开创和提升了双边的经济联系,而且为西方世界更多地了解中国打开了一扇窗口。

    The trade for porcelain not only promoted the bilateral economic contact , but also opened a window for the western world to know more about china .

  17. 那批易碎的瓷器经过颠簸的旅途仍完好无损。

    The friable china survived the bumpy journey safe and sound .

  18. 最后他在一个瓷器店找到了一个工作。

    At last he found a job in a chinaware house .

  19. 瓷器盘子比金属盘子保温时间长。

    China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans .

  20. “作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国“的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器“,即“中国“了。参考译文:

    Gradually , Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan , only remembering it is “ china “ , namely “ China “ .

  21. 有黄色、粉色或蓝色可选,印花设计的灵感来自于一种鹧鸪眼图案,这种图案是18世纪瓷器收藏的特色,这些瓷器大多是由奢侈的乔治四世收藏的。

    Available in yellow , pink or blue , they are printed with a design inspired by a partridge eye pattern that features on an 18th Century porcelain George IV.

  22. 在中国古代瓷器收藏圈里,鲜有藏品能够像明成化“鸡缸杯”(chickencup)那样引得一众富豪收藏家趋之若鹜。

    Among the deep-pocketed collectors of Chinese antique ceramics , few pieces arouse as much excitement as the small Ming dynasty-era bowls commonly known as the ' chicken cups . '

  23. 我们过来是想谈谈我们想买你们的HX系列瓷器。

    We came here to talk to you about our requirements of HX Series Chinaware .

  24. 苏富比的中国瓷器专家仇国仕(NicholasChow)说,对于藏友来说,拥有一只鸡缸杯是至高无上的荣耀。

    ' This is the crowning glory for collectors , ' said Nicholas Chow , Sotheby 's expert in Chinese ceramics .

  25. 当时中国的生活标准远远高于英国,在其后的一百年,欧洲商人开始沿着丝绸之路(SilkRoad)穿越中亚,前往中国购买丝绸、瓷器等奢侈物品。

    China 's standard of living was well ahead of Britain 's , and in the following century European traders began travelling the Silk Road through central Asia to buy its luxury goods such as silk and porcelain .

  26. 米歇尔是狂热的陶瓷藏家,在他担任理查德•基诺里公司(RichardGinori)创意总监时,他就沉溺于此。理查德•基诺里是历史悠久的意大利瓷器品牌,正是古驰2013年出手相救,才使它免于破产。

    Michele is an avid ceramics collector , a passion he indulges as the creative director of Richard Ginori , the historic Italian porcelain brand that Gucci saved from bankruptcy in 2013 .

  27. ElinorGordon死于去年七月,享年91岁,作为一个美国瓷器商人(或者说是收藏家),她在收集中国出口的瓷器方面堪称完美。

    Elinor Gordon , who died last July at the age of91 , was the consummate American dealer / collector of Chinese export porcelain .

  28. 此次展览的主管朱丽亚•柯蒂斯(JuliaCurtis)表示,日本人情愿卖掉他们的祖母,也不愿把这些景德镇瓷器卖给外国人。

    The Japanese " would rather sell their grandmothers than sell Jingdezhen porcelain to those outside of Japan ", says Julia Curtis , the exhibition 's curator .

  29. 用CaSO4:Tm超薄型热释光剂量片放在瓷器无釉或器物内部去釉后的部位,用表面TLD法测量瓷器样品中的年剂量。

    In order to improve accuracy of TL authentication test for porcelain , a method of measurement of annual dose using ultrathin ( CaSO 4 : Tm ) dosage layer on porcelain was studied . The TLD was placed on the part of porcelain without glaze .

  30. 又译作维支伍德,世界上最精致的瓷器,品位的代名词。

    Wedgwood , stands for the world 's most exquisite porcelain .