
  • morality given priority over penalty
  1. 德主刑辅构建和谐社会

    On " Primary Virtue & Accessory Punishment " And Harmonious Society Construction

  2. 借鉴德主刑辅思想,完善我国治国方略

    Using the Experience of Morality-Guiding and Punishment-Supplementing , and Perfecting the Strategy of Managing State Affairs in Our Country

  3. “德主刑辅”思想是我国古代的治国方略,源远流长,绵延不绝。

    The Concept of " Morality Guiding and Punishment Supplementing " is the ancient strategy of managing state affairs in our country .

  4. 孔子首倡的德主刑辅思想代表了古代法律文化的基本性格,自西汉以后就成了封建社会的正统思想,影响深远。

    The thought of " leading morals and assistant criminal laws " proposed by Confucius represents the basic characters of Chinese ancient legal cultures .

  5. 最后,儒家还认识到治理国家应该德主刑辅宽猛相济,以便更好地维护社会稳定。

    Finally , the government should also recognize that " the German principal penalty auxiliary alternate leniency with severity . " . In order to better safeguard social stability .

  6. 中国古代国家管理思想的发展一般认为从礼治开始,经过法治,然后到汉代有了比较成熟的“德主刑辅”这样一个过程。

    The ancient Chinese national administration thought experienced a process from rule by rites , to rule by law and then to rule mainly by virtue with penalty as assistance .

  7. 传统中国中,熟人社会的基本格局、德主刑辅的治国方略使得司法采纳民意成为传统法律文化的重要特征。

    In ancient China , the acquaintance society , the strategy of morality with its priority to penalty make adopting public opinion in jurisdiction became an important feature of Chinese legal culture .

  8. 这种制度是在礼法结合、德主刑辅与明刑弼教的指导思想下,为了解决当时越诉严重的情形应运而生的,并且逐步形成了明初的一项重要的乡里纠纷解决制度。

    In the combination of etiquette , and the next sentence supplementing the guiding ideology of bute education , the system produces to address the problem . It is an important village dispute resolution system .

  9. 在现代社会背景下,对儒家“德主刑辅”政治文化的教育学意蕴及其现代性进行探讨具有重要的现实价值。

    In the background of modern society , it has real value to research the pedagogic meaning and its modernity of the political culture of " rule of morality with its priority to penalty " of the Confucian .

  10. 本论文从天是人间道德的价值本原,至高的道德原则,道德规范合法性的依据和德主刑辅的形上解释四个方面阐释了其理论的伦理内涵。

    This paper explains the following four aspects of ethical connotations . The Heaven are primitive human moral values , the highest ethical principle , the basis for the legitimacy of ethics and the interpretation of metaphysics about advocating the rule of virtue principles .

  11. 第三部分分析马克思主义与传统文化相结合的三点教训:1,结合中的误区&混淆了传统文化中的糟粕和精华,以传统文化中的德主刑辅思想和述而不作思想为例予以说明。

    The third part analyses three lessons when Marxism Integrated with Chinese traditional culture : 1 , We mistaken the dross for the essence , such as the thought of the virtue which is more important than the law and the thought of explaining and not developing .