
  1. JohannesRau总统在联合国粮食及农业组织世界粮食日活动上的讲话&德国总统网页

    Speech by Federal President Johannes Rau to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) marking World Food Day-Germany President 's Page

  2. 演讲人将是德国总统HorstKöhler和坦桑尼亚总统JakayaMrishoKikwete,以及粮农组织总干事雅克·迪乌夫。

    Speakers will be the Presidents of Germany , Horst K ö hler , and Tanzania , Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete , as well as FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf .

  3. 还有一位接手了德国总统的礼仪工作。

    Another has taken over the ceremonial job of the German presidency .

  4. 届时德国总统霍斯特•科勒先生将到场出席。

    German president Horst K ö hler is also expected to attend the event .

  5. 勃兰登堡门几十年来一直是德国总统们用于演讲时的背景。

    It has been the backdrop of U.S. presidential speeches in Germany for decades .

  6. 76岁的德国总统高克和他的同僚们是用刀叉吃完这顿中餐的,没有使用筷子。

    The 76-year-old and his entourage finished all the food with forks and knives rather than chopsticks .

  7. 2月27日,针对前德国总统克里斯蒂安·沃尔夫的受贿指控被汉诺威地方法院驳回。

    Am 27 . Februar wird der ehemalige Bundespr ä sident Christian Wulff vom Landgericht Hannover vom Vorwurf der Vorteilsnahme freigesprochen .

  8. 包括德国总统在内的德国政要,对欧洲央行展开的有限国债购买都已表示反对,另外也没有任何迹象表明德国政府会作出退让。

    Leading voices in Berlin , including the German president , have already objected to limited ECB bond purchases , and there has been no sign Berlin will back down .

  9. 在访问北京的第一个晚上,德国总统约阿希姆·高克在一个中国传统四合院里品尝了当地名菜北京烤鸭和一些其他的美味。

    On the first night during his visit to China , German President Joachim Gauck tasted the famed local dish , Peking duck , along with other delicacies in a traditional Chinese courtyard .

  10. 德国新任总统克里斯蒂安·武尔夫不吃柏林面包,陷入麻烦,遭到“讨伐”。

    Rejecting to eat any bread made in Berlin , the German newly-appointed president Christian Wulff has recently been crusaded against by the public .

  11. 成功和勇敢地处理了这场危机,使他赢得了委员会的尊敬,通过选举成为德国的总统。

    His competent and courageous handling of the crisis earned him respect across the board and contributed to his election as chancellor of West Germany .

  12. 7月1日,德国新总统克勒在柏林宣誓就职,接替任期已满的约翰内斯·劳。

    New German President Koehler raises his arm during a swearing-in ceremony in Berlin July 1 , 2004 . Koehler is successor of former German President Johannes Rau .

  13. 星期六在德国慕尼黑副总统拜登发表了其(上任以来)的首次重要讲话,强调在华盛顿和全球事物中的新论调。

    Vice President Joe Biden emphasized a " new tone " in Washington and around the world as he delivered his first major speech Saturday in Munich , Germany .

  14. 德国总理和法国总统已经宣布支持直接的财政援助。

    The German Chancellor and the French President have come out in favour of direct financial aid