
dé jūn
  • the German army
  1. 德军已经横扫欧洲了。

    The German Army has fanned out across Europe . 18 .

  2. 我们要渗透到德军司令部去。

    We wanted to infiltrate the German army command .

  3. 他们的部队在炮轰仅有7英里之遥的德军防线。

    Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away .

  4. 第一空降师完全被德军的凶猛火力压住了。

    First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces

  5. 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。

    Prii had become fluent in German during the Wehrmacht 's occupation of Estonia in 1942

  6. 乐队演奏了德军进行曲。

    Bands played German marches .

  7. 这次轰炸看起来意在切断德国和占领法国的德军部队之间的补给线。

    The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France .

  8. 二战期间德军占领法国达四年之久。

    During World War ii , german occupation of France lasted four years .

  9. 盟军最终冲破了德军防线。

    The Allies finally broke through the German lines .

  10. Chinesesummary:这是一个以第二次世界大战作景的爱情故事,发生在法国被德军占领的前夕。

    It is a period love story , which takes place on the eve of the German occupation .

  11. Miller上尉和他的突击队员们试图穿越德军的海防线,来攻击德军的一个碉堡,打开海滩的缺口。

    Captain Miller and his company of rangers manage to crawl through the German obstacles to the seawall and assault a German casemate , opening an exit off the beach .

  12. 我们都知道华沙犹太人起义(WarsawGhettoUprising),当时波兰华沙的犹太人发动起义,与德军对抗十天之久。

    We 've already talked about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising , when Jews in Warsaw , Poland , launched a 10-day revolt against German soldiers .

  13. 1962年,英国诗人、作家罗伯特·格雷夫斯(RobertGraves)根据这个事件虚构了一个故事,在这个故事里,德军第133皇家撒克逊团和他所称的苏格兰军队比赛。

    Robert Graves , the British poet and writer , in 1962 reconstructed a story of the event , with Germany 's 133rd Royal Saxon Regiment taking on what he called Scottish troops .

  14. 伦敦——据说,1914年圣诞节,英军和德军士兵在西线突然停战数小时——这就是被载入史册的圣诞休战(TheChristmasTruce)。

    London - The Christmas Truce , when British and German soldiers were said to have suddenly stopped fighting on the Western Front for a few hours on Christmas Day 1914 , is written in history .

  15. 德国科学杂志《PM》还透露,德军在战败后,曾经销毁了大部分关于UFO的文件。但是1960年加拿大UFO专家设法重建了一个,令人吃惊的是,这个长相奇怪的物体竟然飞了起来。

    The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which , to their amazement , ' did actually fly ' .

  16. 先是德军士兵用德语唱《平安夜》(StilleNacht),然后英军士兵以英语的《平安夜》(SilentNight)回应。据说他们在两军战壕间的无人区进行了一场即兴足球比赛。

    What started with the singing of " Stille Nacht " on the German side , followed by a response of " Silent Night , " was said to have included an impromptu soccer game on the No Man 's Land between the opposing trenches .

  17. 1942年后期,美国海军在太平洋成功遏制了日军的扩张,英国军队在北非击败了隆美尔(rommel),而苏军在斯大林格勒包围了德军。

    In late 1942 , the American Navy halted Japanese expansion in the Pacific , the British army defeated Rommel in North Africa and Russian troops were encircling the German forces at Stalingrad .

  18. 其中一座立于偏僻荒野的纪念碑纪念的是被德军射杀的300多名平民。根据德意志国防军(Wehrmacht)日记以及纽伦堡审判(Nurembergtrial)记录,这只是发生在这一地区的诸多屠杀和驱逐事件的标记之一。

    One of them , on a remote moor , commemorates the shooting of more than 300 civilians by German forces - just one sign of the many killings and deportations that took place in this area , according to Wehrmacht diaries and Nuremberg trial records .

  19. 当时,V-VS只有三种飞机型号有效地能达到目标,目标随着德军进入俄罗斯尔变得越来越远。

    At that time , the V-VS had only three aircraft types available that could reach a target that was becoming more and more distant with each day the German army advanced into Russia .

  20. 情报部门说德军只留下一个连防守卡灵顿。

    S-2said the Germans only left a company to defend carentan .

  21. 一开始德军没有向他射击。

    At first , the Germans didn 't shoot at him .

  22. 德军和法军自发讲和,停止敌对。

    German and French troops spontaneously made peace and ceased hostilities .

  23. 德军坦克只不过在性能和编制方面占优势。

    The German tank superiority existed only in quality and organization .

  24. 当时第二次世界大战正在激烈地进行着,德军似乎是所向披靡。

    World War II was raging , and Germany seemed invincible .

  25. 井上在意大利进行的对抗德军一战中失去了右臂。

    He lost his right arm fighting the Germans in Italy .

  26. 首支奥马哈登陆部队遇到了德军猛烈抵抗

    The first troops on Omaha Beach meet ferocious German resistance .

  27. 为躲避入侵的德军,她不得不离开法国。

    She had to leave to escape the invading German soldiers .

  28. 在格雷夫斯的故事里,德军赢了,比分是3比2。

    In Graves 's account , the Germans won , 3-2 .

  29. 我们遭遇德军,我得回到指挥部。

    We made contact . I gotta get to the CP.

  30. 你知道德军发现后有什么结果?

    Do you realize what would happen if strachwitz found this out ?