
sǎo léi jiàn
  • minesweeper
扫雷舰 [sǎo léi jiàn]
  • [mine sweeper] 用于搜索和排除水雷的军舰

  1. 它是被PLA海军操作的唯一适于远航的扫雷舰。

    It is the only seagoing minesweeper operated by the PLA Navy .

  2. 作为一艘巡洋舰,“阿米代尔”(Armidale)在二战期间为澳大利亚海军效力(尽管最初它被设计为一艘扫雷舰)。

    The HMAS Armidale was a corvette ( although it was originally built to be a minesweeper ) in service of the Australian navy during World War II .

  3. 有巡逻艇、布雷舰、扫雷舰、等等。

    They are patrol boats , mine-layers , mine-sweepers and so on .

  4. 美国的扫雷舰正在整个阿拉伯海扫雷。

    American minesweepers are sweeping the Arabian sea .

  5. 一艘驱逐舰、一艘扫雷舰及一艘补给舰将向以美国为首对阿富汗的攻击行动提供非战斗性援助。

    A destroyer , mine hunter and supply vessel will provide non-combat support to the American-led attacks on Afghanistan .

  6. 五角大楼已经派出了四队更多的扫雷舰来负责这一地区的问题,它还计划另一架飞机在早些时候前往该区域。

    The Pentagon has moved four more mine sweepers to this area and it also plans to brick another aircraft area in earlier .