
  • 网络liquid gold
  1. 在古希腊,荷马称橄榄油为液体黄金。

    In ancient Greece , Homer called olive oil liquid gold .

  2. 这些液体黄金将会面临什么样的遭遇呢?

    What will be the status of this liquid gold ?

  3. 我很珍贵的,就像液体黄金。

    I 'm precious , like liquid gold .

  4. 橄榄油在国际上有“液体黄金”,“美女之油”,“地中海甘露”等美誉。

    Olive oil in the international arena there is " liquid gold "," beauty of the oil "," Mediterranean honeydew " and reputation .

  5. 从玫瑰花瓣中提取的精油,是世界名贵的精油之一,素有液体黄金之称。

    In addition , rose essential oil extracting from its petals , known as " liquid gold ", is very famous and valuable in the world .

  6. 由于其浓郁的甜香、醇厚的风味和黄金般的色泽而成为酒中瑰宝,被誉为“液体黄金”。

    Because of its full-bodied sweet-smelling , mellow flavor and golden color , it is the treasure of the wine , called as " liquid gold " .

  7. 减水剂是混凝土中最为重要的外加剂,被誉为混凝土中的液体黄金,决定着混凝土的使用状况和未来发展趋势。

    Water reducing agent has been considered as the " Liquid Gold " and the pillar part in the concrete , plays a key role and determines the trend of concrete in the future .

  8. 由于橄榄油营养成分丰富、医疗保健功能突出而被公认为绿色保健食用油,素有“液体黄金”的美誉。

    Because nutrient rich olive oil , medical treatment and health care function outstanding , which is recognized as the green health care cooking oil , known as the " liquid gold " reputation .

  9. “尼罗河是我们的全部,是液体的黄金,”看着丰收在即的芒果,25岁的奥马尔解释说。

    " The Nile is everything to us , it 's liquid gold ," explained the25-year-old as he oversaw the day 's mango harvest .