
huá xiáng jī
  • glider;sailplane;glider plane;aerodone;soarer;air sailer
滑翔机 [huá xiáng jī]
  • [glider;aerodone;sailplane] 一种用来滑翔的固定翼飞行器,有时也用于翱翔,通常是没有动力装置的

滑翔机[huá xiáng jī]
  1. 她留给他作为圣诞礼物的玩具滑翔机并不能替代她的存在。

    The toy glider she left him as a Christmas present was no compensation for her absence .

  2. 那个驾驶员设法让滑翔机着陆到一个安全的地方。

    The pilot managed to land the glider on a safe place .

  3. 滑翔机连同驾驶员都扑通一声栽进了湖里,只能被捞出来。

    The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out .

  4. “波浪滑翔机”可以提供规模达百万兆字节(TB)级别的数据。

    Wave glider can provide data by the terabyte .

  5. 在海水表面时,水下滑翔机借助于GPS导航和双向的无线信号通讯,来实现远程控制和测量数据的实施传输。

    At the surface , it 's commanded remotely and report their measurements in near real time via GPS navigation and two-way wireless telemetry .

  6. 中国古人们所用的“断线风筝”就是我们现在的悬挂式滑翔机(HangGliders)。

    The Chinese were using untethered kites that we know today as hang gliders .

  7. 不久,古人将想要高飞的夙愿寓于风筝制作工艺中,从而推动了风筝制造技术的发展,创造出了另一个中国发明——悬挂式滑翔机(HangGliders)。

    Soon , the urge to fly would be married with the technology of the kite to produce another Chinese invention , the hang glider .

  8. 约翰•费兰(JohnPhelan)是一家制造公司主管国际销售的副总裁,他在一次会议中盛情邀请销售人员乘坐他的滑翔机。

    John Phelan , who was vice president of international sales at a manufacturing company , warmly invited the sales force to ride in his glider during a conference .

  9. 采用LS-SVM计算时间序列的Lyapunov指数谱于指定时间内数算成功接回滑翔机的次数。

    Calculation Lyapunov exponent spectrum of time series based on least-squared support vector machine Within the assigned period of time , the number of successful grasping of the glider will be counted .

  10. 但是,全新的“波浪滑翔机SV3”处理数据以及与附近其他“波浪滑翔机”进行网络传输的速度都是按照TB级别进行的,基本上形成了一个横跨公海,而且信息丰富的云。

    But the brand new wave glider sv3 processes data by the terabyte and networks with other wave Gliders in its vicinity , basically creating an information-rich cloud stretching across the high seas .

  11. 他用滑翔机飞行,这是一种不需要本身动力的飞行器。

    He flew in gliders ? Aircraft that have no power .

  12. 我能做滑翔机,骑印度豹。

    And I can hang-glide and I can ride a cheetah .

  13. 数分钟后,有有一架滑翔机撞到附近的树上。

    And minutes later , ANOTHER slammed into a nearby tree .

  14. 水下滑翔机GPS/SINS组合导航系统研究

    Study on GPS / SINS Integrated Navigation System of Underwater Glider

  15. 上校,尽你所能的去完成那台滑翔机。

    Captain , do what you can to finish this aircraft .

  16. 滑翔机把部队投到或送到防卫队的后方。

    Troops were dropped or landed by gliders behind the defenders .

  17. 玛莎答应下个星期天带我去乘滑翔机。

    Martha 's promised to take me gliding next sunday .

  18. 滑翔机掠过树梢和屋脊。

    The glider skimmed at tree-top height along and over the ridge .

  19. 滑翔机使用的范围几乎是不可限量的。

    The range of experience in gliding is almost limitless .

  20. 第二次世界大战中滑翔机曾广泛用于运送军队。

    Gliders were widely used in World War II to carry troops .

  21. 基于代理模型的水下滑翔机机翼设计优化方法

    Surrogate Models Based Optimization Methods for the Design of Underwater Glider Wing

  22. 这部影片是用摄影机系在悬挂式滑翔机上拍摄的。

    The film was taken by a camera mounted on a hang-glider .

  23. 计划是分步建造一架双人滑翔机。

    The plan was to construct a two-man glider part by part .

  24. 他开摩托滑翔机和小型的飞机。

    He flies a motor glider and small airplanes .

  25. 本文对水下滑翔机在垂直面内的运动进行了深入全面的研究。

    The research is focused on the vertical plane motion of underwater glider .

  26. 水下滑翔机本体及调节机构研究

    Study on the Hull and Mechanism of Underwater Glider

  27. 水下滑翔机浮力调节系统设计及动态性能研究

    Design and dynamic performance study of buoyancy regulating system of autonomous underwater glider

  28. 悬挂式滑翔机藉着暖气流在高空飞行。

    Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft .

  29. 穿越雪地滑行的滑雪人滑翔机向草地滑落。

    Skiers gliding across the snow The glider planed down towards the meadow .

  30. 8×8轮式车辆半主动油气悬挂振动测试研究滑翔机和悬挂式滑翔机

    Vibration test of semi-active hydro-pneumatic suspension of a 8 × 8 wheel-type vehicle