
huá xiáng sǎn
  • paraglider;parasail
  1. 他们创造了动力滑翔伞飞行高度新的世界纪录。

    They set a new world record for the flying height of the powered paraglider .

  2. 有些精干的电脑程序员写了滑翔伞设计的程序,能够由任何一家公司或个人购买。

    Some enterprising computer programmers have written paraglider design programs that can be purchased by any company or individual .

  3. 除此之外,还可体验3D滑翔伞,以及欣赏众多巴西艺术和设计作品&多数风格大胆自信又不乏俏皮。

    There 's also a 3-D paragliding experience and extensive exhibitions of Brazilian art and design & much of it bold , confident and playful .

  4. 除此之外,还可体验3D滑翔伞,以及欣赏众多巴西艺术和设计作品——多数风格大胆自信又不乏俏皮。

    There 's also a " 3-D paragliding experience " and extensive exhibitions of Brazilian art and design - much of it bold , confident and playful .

  5. 想体验更多这种飞翔感的人,可以去鸟取滑沙学校(TottoriSakyuSandBoardSchool)学习滑沙(类似于滑雪,只是把雪换成了沙子),或是去鸟取沙丘滑翔伞学校(TottoriSandDunesParaglidingSchool)尝试滑翔伞。

    Those who want more of that flying feeling can get their feet off the ground at Tottori Sakyu Sand Board School ( like snowboards , but for sand ) or try paragliding with the Tottori Sand Dunes Paragliding School .

  6. 注意防火,滑翔伞易燃,禁烟区内禁止吸烟,杜绝随地乱丢烟头;(如有发现违例者,罚款RMB300元)

    Pay attention to flammable paragliders . Don 't smoke in no-smoking areas and prevent throwing dog-end everywhere . ( an offender will get a fine of RMB300 )

  7. 往远处看去,你能看到滑翔伞从邻近的山峰俯冲下来。

    And in the distance you can see paragliders descending nearby peaks .

  8. 美国犹他州的丹.麦克马斯纳是一名滑翔伞运动专家,同时也是一名滑翔伞教练员。

    Dan McManus is a professional paragliding and hang gliding instructor in Utah .

  9. 知道为什么我开始学习滑翔伞了吗?

    Do you know why I started learning paragliding ?

  10. 我希望这篇文章能帮助大家理解滑翔伞是怎么设计的。

    I hope this article will help everyday pilots understand how paragliders are actually designed .

  11. 我们去普吉岛玩滑翔伞。

    We went paragliding in Phuket .

  12. 珍妮·莫斯这些照片中有一部分是由一位滑翔伞驾驶员落回地面的时候拍摄的。

    Some of these pictures were taken by a parasail pilot as he drifted back to earth .

  13. 这虽然比前一个问题更难,但似乎可以通过滑翔伞来解决。

    This was a harder problem , but one to which the paraglide seemed to promise an answer .

  14. 没有什么比把自己绑在一股滑翔伞下,尽可能的快的进入巡航速度。

    There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go .

  15. 这些程序是滑翔伞公司用来进行设计的财产,是他们最谨慎保护的秘密。

    These programs are the property of the paragliding company that has designed them and are closely guarded secrets .

  16. 一种新型遥控动力滑翔伞,属轻型伞类飞行器。

    The utility model relates to a novel remote-control power paraglider , which belongs to the light parachute class aircraft .

  17. 他们还尝试了滑翔伞,在沿着木板路走到沙丘上时,将降落伞背在背上。

    They also tried paragliding , carrying their parachutes on their backs on the walk from the boardwalk to the dunes .

  18. (六)三角翼、滑翔伞、热气球、航空模型、风筝等可升空物品;

    ( vi ) delta wings , paragliders , hot air balloons , model airplanes , kites , or any other flying objects ;

  19. 目前我正考虑该为此时试飞活动准备哪些滑翔伞和坐袋&帮我参谋参谋如何?

    I am right now defining which gliders and harnesses should be available for the testival-so do you want to help me making this decison ?

  20. 有时候,人们问我现如今电脑程序就可以为我们设计滑翔伞,为什么我还要花费如此之多的时间自己来设计呢?

    Sometimes people ask me why I need to spend so much time designing paragliders when we now have computer programs that can design paragliders for you .

  21. 作为滑翔伞和滑翔机的驾驶员,他们利用太阳带来的空气热动力,也称为上升暖气流,像鹰一样越飞越高。

    As paragliders and glider pilots , they soar like hawks higher and higher , using air heated by the sun , called thermals , to rise high in the sky .

  22. 尽管滑翔伞运动员必须保持绝对冷静,丹很快发现自己的服务犬很愿意跟自已同行(“影子”没见到丹会有一些不安)。

    While flying in itself has been a calming pursuit he soon found out that his service dog never wanted to be away from him ( a bit of separation anxiety for Shadow ) .

  23. 丹从事滑翔伞飞行运动已经近37年之久。大多数时间他都在南部山脉接近盐湖谷尽头的飞行场练习上空乘风飞翔。

    He has been flying for about 37 years and he can be found most days catching the breeze at the flight park on a mountain ridge at the south end of the Salt Lake valley .

  24. 飞行运动如滑翔降伞和模型滑翔机近年在香港逐渐流行。

    Aviation sports activities , including paragliding and model sailplane soaring , are becoming more popular in Hong Kong in recent years .

  25. 翱翔着的飞鸟和滑翔用的伞翼,是这架空前成功的人力飞机设计之关键。

    Soaring birds and gliding wings were keys to the design of the first successful human-powered aircraft .

  26. 现在,我们就为您介绍一位投身于滑翔事业的滑翔伞教练&孟祥祯。

    Today , we are going to introduce you to a paragliding instructor .