
  • 网络ANNECY
  1. 那天,年轻的安纳西从海上回到家中。

    And the day that young Annachie came home on the tide .

  2. 如果得不到安纳西,我就死去!

    I 'll die if I don 't get my love annachie !

  3. 我永生难忘我的情人安纳西!

    And I never will forget my love annachie !

  4. 法国安纳西的申奥委主席查尔斯。贝格伯德早先曾表示,安纳西市将向运动员提供持久的体育遗产。

    Charles Beigbeder , president of the campaign for Annecy in2018 , had said earlier that his city would offer athletes a lasting legacy .