
  • 网络Salto Angel;angel fall
  1. 当然,安赫尔瀑布只是这个瀑布的欧洲名字——它最初的名字是KerepakupaiVena,意思是“最深处的瀑布”。

    Of course , Angel Falls is just the European name - the original name is Kerepakupai Vena , which means " waterfall of the deepest place . "

  2. 其中最有趣的是安赫尔瀑布是怎样发现的。

    One of the most interesting facts about Angel Falls is how it was found .

  3. 当他死后,他的骨灰被撒在安赫尔瀑布。

    When he died , his ashes were scattered over the falls .

  4. 安赫尔瀑布是以一位美国飞行员的名字命名的。

    The falls was named after an American pilot .

  5. 而这些美景的存在,全仰仗于安赫尔瀑布对当地微型气候的巨大贡献。瀑布的雄浑气势,周围的如画美景,总使人流连忘返。

    Adding to the beauty , Angel Falls can play dramatic tricks with the local microclimate .

  6. 但对于当时该地区的原著居民培蒙人来说,安赫尔瀑布无疑是人尽皆知的地标。

    The falls were a well-known landmark , however , for the Pem ó n , the people native to the region .

  7. 虽然瀑布发烧友们亲临安赫尔瀑布仅为一睹它从高空飞泻而下的壮观景象,但请别忘了,瀑布周围地区也因其独特的美景而誉满天下。

    While waterfall enthusiasts may head to Angel Falls to view the drop alone , the area surrounding the falls is also noted for its particular beauty .

  8. 然而,他们建造房子的基地十分惊险。安赫尔瀑布是世界上最高的无间断瀑布,落差超过900米(3000英尺)。

    However , the waterfalls that they 're based on are just as breathtaking . Angel Falls is the world 's highest uninterrupted waterfall at over 900 meters ( 3000 ft ) high .

  9. 安赫尔瀑布坐落于委内瑞拉的博利瓦省,它3212英尺(979米)的巨大落差令人啧啧称奇,它更凭此摘得世界落差最大瀑布的桂冠,而其单级落差之大也堪称世界之最。

    Angel Falls , located in the Bolivar province of Venezuela , not only claims the distinction of being the highest waterfall in the world at an astonishing 3212 feet tall ( 979 meters ) , but it also has the single highest plunge in the world .