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  • safety line
  1. 地铁安全线在日常运营中对保障运营安全有着重要意义。

    Metro safety line is very important to the daily operation .

  2. 请您站在黄色安全线以内排队候车。

    Please stand behind the yellow safety line while waiting for the train .

  3. 首先分析纸币宽度测量误差产生原因并给出纠错算法,其次在剖析安全线磁性波形特征的基础上提出了使用MCU的检测方法。该方法已成功应用于JWD-200型点钞机的研制。

    After analysing the causes of width error detecting and offering an algorithm to correct the error , it shows the peculiarity of magnetic safety lines and proposes a method of detecting the magnetism by MCU , which has been successfully applied in model JWD-200 banknotes dynamic discriminating device .

  4. 警察:请你站在黄色安全线后面!

    P : please stand back behind the Yellow line !

  5. 城市轨道交通安全线配置条件分析

    Analysis on the Configurable Condition of Safety Track in Urban Mass Transit

  6. 安全线在左侧的边上由上到下跑。

    Security thread runs top-to-bottom on the left-hand side .

  7. 安全线断线检测系统

    Research on Checking System of Broken Safe_line Mechanical Engineering

  8. 这是新加拿大币100元中的安全线

    It 's a security fiber for the new Canadian $ 100 bill .

  9. 有效保护资源,构筑粮食安全线;

    Effectively protecting resources to establish grain safety line ;

  10. 但像其他的登山者一样他们也总是先确认哪里是“安全线”

    But like all mountaineers , they always secure a safety line first .

  11. 广州地铁4号线门系统安全线故障分析

    Analysis of Troubles in Safety Line of Door System for Guangzhou Metro No.4 Line

  12. 接通安全线和头头说去。

    Get head office on the secure line .

  13. 我以为我早就越过安全线了,爵士。

    I think I 'm well past the point of safe return , sir .

  14. 报告指出他穿越沉船时没有使用任何安全线。

    The report notes that he had not used any safety line for the wreck penetration .

  15. 列车马上就要进站了,请乘客退后到安全线以外。

    The train is drawing into the station , please step back behind the safety line .

  16. 卡夫瑞是对的银行储藏室里的东西是新加拿大币100元的安全线

    Caffrey was right.That stuff from the bank vault - Security fibersfor the new canadian 100 .

  17. 为了避免事故的发生,我们应在火车的安全线以内等待。

    We must not cross the safety line while waiting for trains so that we stay safe .

  18. 安全线迹拷边机产生的线迹比拷边机的线迹多了一排,用4~5个线轴。

    The safety stitch overlock machine makes an additional row of stitching and uses 4 to 5 spools of thread .

  19. 答:等候列车请务必站在黄色安全线后,列车进站不要探头张望。

    A : Wait behind the yellow safety line ; refrain from sticking your head out when the train pulls in .

  20. 本方案通过喘振线、控制线、安全线的设置和限压控制,研究设计了新型的防喘振控制器。

    A new type of anti-surge controller is designed through pressure limiting and settings of surge line , control line and security line .

  21. 严格公路黄色安全线尤其是交叉路段的管理,是保障交通安全通畅的重要前提之一。

    It is of the first magnitude to strictly manage the yellow route of the section of a highway , especially at chiasma .

  22. 如果你没有任何需要进行安检的行李,你便可以跳过站台直接奔向安全线。

    If you don 't have any luggage to check , you can skip the counter and head straight to the security line .

  23. 分析了车辆客室门系统安全线故障的原因,并提出了解决措施。

    The causes to troubles in safety line of door system for vehicle compartments are analyzed , and measures for solution are put forward .

  24. 美国所有机场内的乘客都要在安全线内站立等候数小时,同时还得抛弃身边所有的罐头,从漱口水瓶、洗发水到啤酒瓶等。

    Across the country , passengers stood in security lines for hours and trash cans overflowed with everything from mouthwash to shampoo and wine .

  25. 一位可怜的主教练,根本从最初都不该被任命的人,现在没有办法保证球队度过安全线,已经彻底崩坏了却又不得不继续糊弄下去。

    A poor manager who never should have been appointed and was failing to guide his team to safety has now been fatally undermined but must carry on .

  26. 针对人民币上的多种特有特征,分别采用了紫外、红外、磁性安全线等鉴伪方法进行验钞,实现点钞机精准计数、高效鉴伪的功能。

    According to a variety of unique characteristics on cash , ultraviolet , infrared , magnetic security lines were used to precisely recognition real and false of paper money .

  27. 英国国家卫生医疗质量标准署在其发布的报告中向中年人发出忠告:饮酒量没有“安全线”。

    And a report by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ( Nice ) advised middle-aged people there is " no safe level of alcohol consumption . "

  28. 研究表明作物收获以后仍能查到硫酸铜、除虫菊酯和鱼藤酮的存在,硫酸铜和鱼藤酮的含量水平超出了安全线。

    Studies have shown that copper sulfate , pyrethrins , and rotenone all can be detected on plants after harvest-for copper sulfate and rotenone , those levels exceeded safe limits .

  29. 如果进行了密切协商,奥巴马就可以确信,他的盟国都将竭尽全力:站在安全线外大声为他欢呼加油。

    If he consults closely , Mr Obama can be assured that his allies will give of their best : they will cheer him loudly from the security of the sidelines .

  30. 加强社区卫生服务机构的功能,构建医疗保险参保居民的第一道安全线。提升服务质量,重点加强对老年人的疾病预防。

    Strengthening community health services functions , to build medical insurance insured residents of the first " security line . " Enhance service quality , and focus on disease prevention for the elderly .