
  • 网络Lower corner;inferior angle;Inferior horn;subscript;inferior cornu
  1. 本文探讨甲状软骨下角、喉返神经、侧韧带三者之间的关系,以及喉返神经浅层解剖结构,从而确立本手术方法的理论依据。

    This article investigated the relations of the inferior cornu thyroid cartilage , the recurrent laryngeal nerve and lateral ligamant , and the superficial structure of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in order to establish the theoretical basis of the procedure .

  2. 结论甲状腺手术识别喉返神经的五种解剖标志中,以甲状软骨下角尖(或环甲关节)和甲状腺悬韧带较可靠,其次为甲状腺下极、甲状腺下动脉和气管食管沟。

    Conclusion The inferior horn of thyroid cartilage and the suspensory ligament of thyroid gland are most reliable as the anatomical landmarks for recognizing the recurrent laryngeal nerve .

  3. 运动员图像上面印有“奥林匹亚”字样,右下角注有年份“1904”。

    Above the figure of the athlete , the inscription " OLYMPIAD " and on the rock bottom right " 1904 " .

  4. 把左上角的点B和左下角的点A做比较。

    Compare node B in the upper left to node A in the lower left .

  5. 在页面的右下角选择Addanotherwidget选项。

    Select the Add another widget option at the bottom right of the page .

  6. 在这个样例实现中,这个小部件用于链接顶端的ContentList和右下角的ContentList。

    In the sample implementation , this widget is used to link the upper Content List to the lower right Content List .

  7. 为此,选择工作区右下角的Serversview选项卡。

    To do this , select the Servers view tab in the lower right section of the workspace .

  8. Roles视图本身可以停靠在编辑器的左下角。

    The Roles view itself can be docked in the bottom lefthand side of the editor .

  9. 当前工作(CurrentWork)在Eclipse工作台窗口右下角的状态行中显示当前工作项。

    Current Work shows you the current work item in the status line on the bottom right of the Eclipse workbench window .

  10. 在该面板的右下角,确保将MapAs设置为Id。

    In the lower right corner of the panel , ensure that Map As is set to Id.

  11. 一个小的快捷方式图标会显示在图标的左下角,以指示它是一个ElementImport。

    A small shortcut icon will appear at the bottom-left of the icon to indicate that it is an Element Import .

  12. 所有图纸右下角应有标题栏,其格式如附录b所示。

    All drawings shall contain the title block in the lower right hand corner , the format for which is attached as Appendix B.

  13. 单击Filters选项卡,然后单击底部右下角的Add链接。

    Click on the Filters tab , and then click on the Add link in the bottom right corner .

  14. 这时会出现一个具有适当默认设置的LaunchConfigurations对话框;请单击右下角的Run。

    A Launch Configurations dialog box appears , with appropriate defaults ; click Run at the bottom right .

  15. 如果源代码中有任何错误,则显示在右下角的Tasks视图中显示出来。

    If any errors are found in the source , they are displayed in the Tasks view at the bottom right .

  16. 第一个,一致性分析的结果显示在RationalSoftwareArchitect的Problems视图中的左下角。

    First , the results of the consistency analysis are shown in the bottom left part in the Problems view of Rational Software Architect .

  17. 该工作项将出现在Eclipse工作台窗口左下角的状态行中。

    It appears in the status line on the bottom left of the Eclipse workbench window .

  18. 单击位于编辑区域左下角的Source选项卡,以切换到Source编辑器中的XML代码视图。

    Click on the Source tab in the lower left corner of the editing area to switch to the XML code view in the Source editor .

  19. Outline视图在左下角,其中用一种便于浏览的结构显示出当前正在编辑的文件。

    The Outline view at the bottom left displays a browsable structure of the file currently being edited .

  20. 注意面板左下角的“Deploy”链接。

    Notice there is a " Deploy " link at the bottom left of the panel .

  21. 点击IBMSupportPortal主页部分右下角的“打开一个服务请求”以提交您的服务请求。

    Click " Open a Service Request " on the bottom right for the IBM Support Portal homepage to submit your service request .

  22. 您可以通过将鼠标停留在左下角红色的X上,来看到这个主机的错误。

    You can see this hosting error by hovering your cursor over the red X in the FURNDB unit 's lower-left corner .

  23. 在打开IBMSQLandRoutineDevelopment透视图时,这个视图的默认位置在工作台的左下角。

    The default position of this view is the lower-left corner of the workbench when the IBM SQL and Routine Development perspective is open .

  24. 您可以在ApplicationDeveloper左下角的DBServers面板中右键单击函数名称,然后选择Drop。

    You can right-click the function name in the DB Servers pane in the lower-left corner of Application Developer , and select Drop .

  25. 在右下角的Exclude部分中,您可以看到额外的实用过滤器。

    In the Exclude section on the lower-right , you can set additional useful filters .

  26. 另外,将会在workbench左下角显示Finished代码审查信息。

    Additionally , there will be a Finished code review message in the lower left-hand corner of the workbench .

  27. 在ConditionalStyles对话框上,单击左下角的图标,创建一个新的条件样式。

    On the Conditional Styles dialog , click the icon in the lower left corner to create a new conditional style .

  28. 输入该参数后,单击对话框右下角的Apply按钮,保存新的启动配置。

    Once you are done entering the argument , save your new launch configuration by clicking on the Apply button on the bottom right corner of the dialog .

  29. 在面板的左下角,单击Configurations选项卡,然后选择两个模拟器,并单击Remove。

    Click on the Configurations tab at the bottom left corner of the pane , then select the two Emulators , and click on Remove .

  30. 在工作台窗口左下角的文本输入字段中输入工作物件的ID并按[ENTER]键。

    Enter the work item 's ID into the text entry field in the lower left corner of the workbench window and press [ ENTER ] .