
xià xuě
  • snow;snowfall
  1. 这条路因下雪而封闭。

    The road is closed because of the snow .

  2. 山顶上正在下雪。

    Snow was falling on the mountain tops .

  3. 按天气预报,现在该下雪才是。

    It should be snowing now , according to the weather forecast .

  4. 全国各地都在下雪。

    Snow is falling all over the country .

  5. 开始下雪了。

    It was beginning to snow .

  6. 每次英国下雪,我们都会感到惊讶。

    Whenever it snows in Britain we are taken by surprise .

  7. 在我们的那座小山上滑雪橇最棒了,而且1月我们那里总会下雪。

    Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January .

  8. 我们这儿1月份总会下雪。

    We always have snow in January

  9. 下雪预示着冷热空气的交锋,而一个高气压区似乎也将到来并可能持续。

    The snow signaled the arrival of a front , and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in

  10. 自从我得了流感以来,这段时间一直在下雪,大约每三天一场。

    It has been snowing , roughly every third day , for as long as I 've had the flu .

  11. 那年冬天几乎没有下雪。

    There was almost no snow that winter .

  12. 瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。

    Look ! It 's snowing . Winter is here at last .

  13. 10月下雪在东北不是什么希罕的事。

    Snow in October is nothing strange in northeast China .

  14. 按说这时候该下雪了。

    Ordinarily it should be snowing at this time of the year .

  15. 嘿,下雪了!

    Why , it 's snowing !

  16. 呀,下雪了!

    Oh , it 's snowing !

  17. 正下雪呢。

    It is snowing .

  18. 十月下雪在这儿不是什么稀奇的事。

    Snow in October is nothing strange in this place .

  19. 看起来要下雪。

    It looks as if it 's going to snow .

  20. 这天气真邪门儿,这时候还下雪。

    What strange weather & snowing at this time of the year !

  21. 刮风也罢,下雪也罢,他都坚持跑步。

    He keeps up his jogging whether it 's blowing or snowing .

  22. 上星期差不多天天下雪。

    It snowed about every day last week .

  23. 有些国家从不下雪。

    Snow is absent in some countries .

  24. 好像要下雪。

    It looks like snow .

  25. 风向突然由西转北,怕要下雪了。

    The wind suddenly changed round from west to north , bringing with it the threat of snow .

  26. B:天气很冷,冬天经常下雪。你的家乡呢?

    B : It 's pretty cold and it often snows in winter.What about your hometown ?

  27. 一周后的一个下雪的下午,我听到有人敲门。

    A week later , on a snowy afternoon , I heard someone knocking at the door .

  28. 你认为会下雨吗?或者“我觉得要下雪了?”

    Do you think it is going to rain ? or " I think it 's going to be snow ? "

  29. 从昨天下午开始就持续不断地下雪。

    We have had incessant snowfall since yesterday afternoon .

  30. 看起来好像要下雪了。

    It looks as if it might snow .