
xià jiè
  • lower bound;earth;the world of mortals;the world of man;the human world;descend to the world
下界 [xià jiè]
  • (1) [lower bound]∶下方的界限

  • (2) [earth]∶人间;对天上而言

下界[xià jiè]
  1. 守护之神毗湿奴化身为下界的一位国王。

    The god Vishnu was incarnated on earth as a king .

  2. 平行机的实时到达on-line算法下界的改进

    Improvement of the lower bound of the on line algorithm for parallel

  3. 关于(k,s)-SAT临界函数上下界的研究

    The Bounds of Critical Function for ( k , s ) - SAT

  4. 关于Fourier部分和算子范数上下界的新估值

    A new evaluation for the norm of the Fourier operator S-n

  5. 关于同顺序m×n排序问题中总工时下界的一种简便算法

    A Simple and Convenient Algorithm for the Lower Bound of Total Time on the m × n Flow-Shop Problem

  6. 相邻k/n(F)系统可靠度的一个简单下界

    A Simple Lower Bound for Reliability of Consecutive k out of n : F Systems

  7. 非奇H阵行列式的下界和‖A~(-1)B‖∞的估计

    Lower bounds of determinant for an H-matrix and estimates of ‖ a ~ ( - 1 ) b ‖ _ ∞

  8. 通过B网方法,给出了三角剖分下多元弱样条函数空间的维数上下界。

    By B net method , the upper bound and low bound of the dimension of multivariate weak splines over triangulation are presented .

  9. 平稳NA随机变量序列中偏差的下界估计

    The lower bound estimate of moderate deviation for NA random variables with stationary distribution

  10. OFDM系统中的峰值平均包络功率比上下界的分析

    Analysis of Upper and Lower Bound on Peak-to-mean Envelope Power Ratio in OFDM Systems

  11. 几个图论问题在固定BT模型下的指数下界

    Lower Bounds of Some Graph Problems under the Fixed BT Model

  12. 马尔可夫链大偏差Ⅰ函数的下界和Annealing算法的收敛性

    A lower bound of I function of large deviation for Markov chains and convergence of annealing algorithm

  13. Banach空间中无下界函数的变分问题

    Variational Problem of Function Without Lower Bounds in Banach Space

  14. 不论何时约束达到自己的上界或下界时,我们就称之为是一个边界约束(boundedconstraint)。

    Whenever a constraint reaches its upper or lower boundary , it 's called a bounded constraint .

  15. Beta算子收敛速度的下界估计

    Lower estimates of convergence rate for Beta operators

  16. 相关风险函数VaR的上下界的估计

    The Estimates of Lower and Upper Bounds of the Value-at-Risk for Functions of Dependent Risks

  17. 基于下界VaR对沪深股市市场风险的实证研究

    Lower Bound VaR And Its Empirical Analysis of the Market Risk Between Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Markets

  18. 本文第二部分对阶跃入射P波作用下界面孔散射问题的边界元法求解进行了初步讨论。

    The second part of this paper is to give a primary discussion to the BEM used to solve the scattering from an interface hole to incident step P wave .

  19. 基于并行算法的Ramsey数R(3,q)的2个新下界

    Two New Lower Bounds for Ramsey Numbers R ( 3 , q ) Based on the Parallel Algorithm

  20. Hypercube中LIP长度的上下界估计

    Upper and lower bound evaluations of LIP in hypercube

  21. M~(-1)N特征值模的上下界估计&对Martins文章的注

    The upper and lower bounds of the eigenvalues of m ~ ( - 1 ) n

  22. 由于不是采用基于比较的分类方法,SORTER避免了常规分类算法O(nlogn)的时间下界。

    Without performing any comparison , this SORTER avoids the O ( n log n ) lower bound constraint on ordinary sorting algorithms .

  23. 统计递归集的Hausdorff测度的上、下界

    The upper bound and lower bound of Hausdorff measures of statistically recursive sets

  24. Koch曲线的Hausdorff测度的下界估计

    A Lower Bound Estimation About Hausdorff Measure of Koch Curve

  25. 广义Hamming重量上、下界的对偶定理

    A Dual Theorem of Upper and Lower Bounds on the Generalized Hamming Weights

  26. 图的循环带宽的Harper型下界

    Harper Type Lower Bounds for the Cyclic Bandwidth of Graphs

  27. 用拼图法研究Ramsey数下界的一些注记

    Some Notes on Lower Bound for Ramsey Numbers Using Patching Method

  28. 结果各被观察脊髓节段下界的平均位置是:第4颈节平对第3颈椎(C3);第8颈节平对第6~7颈椎间盘;

    Results The mean portion of each inferior bound of spinal segment examined is the 4th and the 8th neck segments are on the same level with C_3 and C_6-7 intervertebral disc respectively ;

  29. 本文对3-连通Ore型图作了一个分类,给出了其中任一边所在的最长圈的长度的下界。

    This paper gives a classification of three-connected Ore-type graphes and also the lower bound of the length of the longest circle which contains whichever edge of the graph .

  30. 求解Ramsey数下界的模拟退火算法

    Lower bounds for Ramsey numbers based on simulated annealing algorithm