
  • 网络olympic opening ceremony;Opening ceremony;Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
  1. 我们认识了那个在奥运会开幕式上的可爱的米基.韦伯斯特,我们认识了悉尼、澳大利亚。

    we know Mickey Webster , that lovely girl in Olympic opening ceremony and we know Sydney , we know Australia .

  2. 但数字化现在主宰了此次奥运会开幕式,这表明我们所处的21世纪的世界正在发生巨大变化。

    But the fact that digitisation now dominates the Olympic opening ceremony is a symbol of how our 21st-century world is changing .

  3. 多数北京市民在电视上观看了第29届奥运会开幕式。

    Most Beijing citizens saw the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games on TV .

  4. 其照片也出现在2012年伦敦夏季奥运会开幕式上。

    Its picture also appeared in the opening of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games held in London .

  5. 国际奥委会鼓励各国代表团设男女旗手国际奥委会、国际残奥委会与东京奥组委、日本政府以及东京都政府发表联合声明,鼓励206个国家的奥委会以及难民代表团在奥运会开幕式上派出男、女各一名运动员作为旗手。

    The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) said in a joint Government ( TMG ) that all 206 National Olympic Committees ( NOCs ) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will be encouraged to have their flag carried by one female and one male athlete at the opening ceremony .

  6. 2008年北京奥运会开幕式的副导演,陈维亚被任命为这场3D秀的导演。

    The deputy director of the opening ceremony of the2008 Beijing Olympics , Chen Weiya is assigned the director of the3D show .

  7. 人气颇高的《法制晚报》(LegalEveningNews)撰文称:北京奥运会开幕式上的烟花和集体舞表演明确传达出这样一个信息,属于中国的时代已经到来了。

    The fireworks and mass acrobatics of Beijing delivered a clear message : China 's time has come , declared the Legal Evening News , a popular newspaper .

  8. 姚明,NBA篮球巨星,将在北京奥运会开幕式上担任中国的旗手。

    Yao Ming , Chinese NBA basketball star , will carry the Chinese national flag at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games .

  9. 马努-吉诺比利,NBA最佳第六人,将担任北京奥运会开幕式阿根廷代表团的旗手。

    Manu Ginobili , the NBA 's top sixth man , will carry the flag for the Argentinian delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games .

  10. 然而,还有一个因素让里约奥运会开幕式变得如此令人难忘:它呈现出了引人入胜的数字视觉效果,给人以类似置身于电影《黑客帝国》(Matrix)或《绝地反击》(Insurgent)中的浸入式体验。

    There was another factor , however , that made the ceremony so memorable : it delivered spectacular digital visual effects , producing an immersive experience akin to sitting inside the Matrix or Insurgent movies .

  11. 这在一定程度上反映出了一种艺术选择:此次奥运会开幕式的主设计师费尔南多•梅里尔斯(FernandoMeirelles)是一位知名电影导演。

    This partly reflected an artistic choice : Fernando Meirelles , the lead designer , is a renowned film-maker .

  12. 北京还可以利用张艺谋来帮助申奥。这位中国著名导演一手执导的2008年奥运会开幕式令人印象深刻,足以获得皮博迪奖(Peabodyaward)。

    Beijing could also dangle the carrot of Zhang Yimou , the famous film director whose authoritarian choreography for the 2008 Olympics opening ceremonies was impressive enough to nab a Peabody award .

  13. 执导过悉尼和巴塞罗纳奥运会开幕式的里克·伯奇(RicBirch)说,伦敦应当加入幽默元素,比如让上世纪70年代的英国喜剧团体MontyPython亮相。

    Ric Birch , who produced the Sydney and Barcelona opening ceremonies , says London should use humor such as an appearance by Monty Python , an English comedy ensemble from the1970s .

  14. 郭女士曾为2008年北京奥运会开幕式制作了280件手工礼服,她在北京宽敞高大的玫瑰坊工作室通过Skype接受了采访,或许正如她所言,“所有人都想了解中国,时装是最简单的办法。”

    Or , as Ms. Guo , who created the 280 handmade theatrical designs for the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony , said via Skype from her cavernous Rose Studio in Beijing , " Everyone wants to learn about China , and fashion is the easiest way . "

  15. 它从伦敦奥运会开幕式中获得了什么信息?

    And what message did it take from London 's ceremony ?

  16. 北京奥运会开幕式表演背景大屏幕数字化刍议

    Discussion on Super-Large Electron Screen on Beijing Olympic Games Before Performance

  17. 2008北京奥运会开幕式火灾风险分析与评估

    Analysis and evaluation of fire risk about Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

  18. 北京2008年奥运会开幕式人工消减雨作业

    Brief Introduction of Rain Mitigation Operation During Beijing 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony

  19. 揭秘!东京奥运会开幕式上中国代表团的礼服藏着这些“玄机”

    Behind the uniform design for Chinese athletes at Tokyo Olympics

  20. 象征、互动与媒体介入&北京奥运会开幕式的文化人类学解析

    Symbolism , interaction and media intervention : Beijing olympic games opening ceremony

  21. 2008北京奥运会开幕式大型纸的设计与分析

    Analysis and design of large paper at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony

  22. 解读北京奥运会开幕式中的出版文化元素

    The Elements of Publishing Culture in the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games

  23. 北京奥运会开幕式多环折叠球体结构设计

    Structure Design of Rings Pucker Sphere in the Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony

  24. 希腊通常是第一支步入奥运会开幕式的队伍。

    Greece is usually the first team to enter at the Olympic opening ceremony .

  25. 艺术与技术的融合&北京奥运会开幕式的赏析和启示

    The Fusion of Arts and Technologies-Analysis and Inspiration of Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympics

  26. 他还执导过2008年北京奥运会开幕式。

    He also directed the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .

  27. 亲爱的朋友们:你们看了2008年北京奥运会开幕式了吗?

    Dear Friend , did you watch the2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony last night ?

  28. 日本计划让东京奥运会开幕式与众不同。

    Japan has a plan to make its Olympics opening ceremony unlike any other .

  29. 创编设计2008年奥运会开幕式表演应考虑因素的研究

    A Study on the Factors of Devising the Opening Ceremony of Olympic Games in 2008

  30. 布什夫妇将在北京奥运会开幕式前夕一同抵达北京。

    They will arrive together in Bejing on the eve of the Olympic opening ceremonies .