
  • 网络Otago University;Otago;The University of Otago
  1. 奥塔哥大学成立于1869年,是新西兰历史最悠久的国立大学。

    Founded in1869 , University of Otago is the oldest university in New Zealand .

  2. 进行调查的新西兰奥塔哥大学的詹姆斯·弗林教授分析了英国孩子们在这些年的智商得分数据。

    For the study , Professor James Flynn , of the University of Otago in New Zealand , analysed UK children 's scores in IQ tests over time .

  3. 我是新西兰的学生。我在奥塔哥大学学中文和法语。

    I am a student at Otago University , Dunedin , New Zealand , studying Chinese and French .

  4. 奥塔哥大学出众的学术声誉和浓郁的研究文化吸引了来自全世界非常优秀的学生。

    Otago 's outstanding academic reputation and strong research culture attract highly talented students from all over world .

  5. 据奥塔哥大学人类营养学系的估计,一个由父亲、母亲、两个青春期的孩子组成的家庭每周最基本的食品费用大约在300纽元左右。

    Otago University 's Department of Human Nutrition estimates that an Auckland family of mum , dad , and two teenagers is looking at a basic food budget of around $ 300 a week .

  6. 但是新西兰奥塔哥大学政治学和心理学退休荣誉教授詹姆斯•弗林说,人们能一辈子“升级”自己的智商。

    But James Flynn , Emeritus professor of political studies and psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand , argues that people can ' upgrade " their own intelligence throughout their lives .

  7. 和你们大多数人一样,我作为国际学生来到新西兰,在这里读完高中后进入奥塔哥大学,不知道自己三年后的目标是什么。

    Just like many of you , I came to New Zealand as an international student . I finished my high school and went to the University of Otago not knowing where I will be in3 years'time .

  8. 奥塔哥大学教育系的高级讲师戴维?伯格博士说,世界各地和丛林学校类似的先锋学校越来越多,尤其是在斯堪的纳维亚,那里有些幼儿园的孩子在教学日去冰上钓鱼。

    Dr David Berg , a senior lecturer in education at the University of Otago , says there is a growing precedent for alternative " bush " schools worldwide , especially in Scandinavia , where some kindergarten children go ice-fishing during the school day .