
  • 网络AUSTIN;jane austen;John Austin;J.L.Austin;AUS
  1. 沿着奥斯汀河走上几英里。

    Follow Austin Creek for a few miles .

  2. 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的讲师帕梅拉·哈里斯持有类似观点

    Pamela Harris , a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin , has a similar perspective .

  3. 光盘版的奥斯汀小说集售价为5英镑。

    The collected Austen novels on CD-ROM will cost £ 5 .

  4. 克劳德和奥斯汀担心的不仅仅是模特本身,还有受模特形象影响的大量女性。

    And Record and Austin are worried not just about the models themselves , but about the vast number of girls and women their images influence .

  5. 在2001年,他在德克萨斯州奥斯汀创立了TripleDogDareMedia。

    In 2001 , he founded Triple Dog Dare Media in Austin , Texas .

  6. 耶格尔为得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)的心理学助理教授,沃尔顿则是斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)的心理学助理教授。

    an assistant professor of psychology at Stanford University .

  7. 一名男士步入了奥斯汀市中心W酒店的会议室。

    A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin .

  8. 《王牌大贱谍》(AustinPowers)主角奥斯汀&12539;鲍尔斯的床就能在他的指令下旋转起来,播放巴萨诺瓦音乐。

    Austin Powers 's bed rotates and plays bossa nova at his command .

  9. 安德烈亚·洛伦茨(AndreaLorenz)是身居得克萨斯州奥斯汀市(Austin,Texas)的新闻工作者。

    Andrea Lorenz is a journalist living in Austin , Texas .

  10. 关于奥斯汀白垩与石膏一土壤,其SH波的振幅随方向而变化。

    For Austin chalk and gypsum-soil , the amplitude of the SH-wave varies with direction .

  11. 德州大学奥斯汀分校(universityoftexasataustin)有自己的高功率激光器,2008年其脉冲功率达到1.1拍瓦。

    And the University of Texas at Austin has its own high-power laser , which hit the 1.1-petawatt mark in 2008 .

  12. 全球语言监测机构(GlobalLanguageMonitor)称,Twitter是2009年最流行词汇。该机构位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀,跟踪英语语言的趋势。

    ' Twitter ' was the most popular word of 2009 , according to the Global Language Monitor , an Austin , Texas , group that tracks English-language trends .

  13. 同我一样,自行车世界冠军LanceArmstrong也来自德克萨斯首府奥斯汀。

    Like me , world-champion cyclist Lance Armstrong is from Austin , Texas .

  14. 图为德州州立大学奥斯汀分校PCL图书馆一角。

    The picture shows the PCL of Texas at Austin State University Library iceberg .

  15. 现在他在奥斯汀(Austin)为人翻修旧房子。

    Now he renovates old houses in Austin .

  16. 由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司TicketCity的创始人兰迪•科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。

    Worried that profits were declining , Randy Cohen , founder of ticket city , an Austin-based ticket broker , laid off workers and cut managers ' pay in 2008 .

  17. 尽管有疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,简称CDC)、州和艾滋病健康护理基金会(AIDSHealthcareFoundation)等非营利组织的帮助,人口仅4200的奥斯汀还是有些不知所措。

    Austin , population 4200 , is overwhelmed despite help from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , the state and nonprofit groups like the AIDS Healthcare Foundation .

  18. 格雷戈里·范韦斯(GregoryFenves)最近晋升要职,从德州大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)教务长升任校长。

    Gregory Fenves recently got a big promotion , from provost to president of the University of Texas at Austin .

  19. 邻近的AustinEnergy归将奥斯汀市,该市将科技发展摆在突出位置,罕见地制定了极为严格的可再生能源标准,其原因之一也在于此。

    this is one reason why nearby Austin Energy , which is owned by the tech-centric city of Austin , has an unusually strong renewables standard .

  20. 这种暗指性的用法最早见于简-奥斯汀(JaneAusten)去世后出版的《劝导》(Persuasion)一书中。

    The earliest known example of this allusive use comes from Jane Austen 's posthumously published novel Persuasion .

  21. 德州大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)18岁的新生潘塔·蓬马拉特(PhantaPhoummarath)2005年在兄弟会派对饮酒后死亡;

    Phanta Phoummarath , 18 , a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin , died after drinking at a fraternity party in 2005 ;

  22. 约翰尼在上周末和ZZTop乐队在德克萨斯州奥斯汀一同上台,帮这个乐队做吉他手!

    Last weekend , Johnny took the stage with ZZ Top in Austin , TX , to play guitar with the band !

  23. StephenWatt在德克萨斯州奥斯汀实验室工作,是GlobalTIMCompetencyforIBMIntegratedOperations内的中间件集成解决方案方面的一名软件架构师。

    Stephen Watt is a Software Architect working on middleware integration solutions within the Global TIM Competency for IBM Integrated Operations at the lab in Austin , Texas .

  24. NPR新闻,奥斯汀报道。

    John Fernet , NPR News , Austin .

  25. NickGallardo是德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的一名软件工程师。

    Nick Gallardo is a software engineer in Austin , Texas .

  26. 由于在医学中有可能造成如此严重的无意伤害,目前许多治疗都须经过随机对照试验(randomisedcontrolledtrial,RCT)。1948年,奥斯汀•

    Because it is possible to do so much unwitting harm in medicine , many medical interventions are now subjected to a randomised controlled trial .

  27. 奥斯汀的得克萨斯大学的经济学家詹姆斯·K·加尔布雷斯提出,过多的关注给与了经济衰退的开始而没有足够的在其他经济措施上。

    James K.Galbraith , an economist at the University of Texas at Austin , suggests too much attention is given to when recessions technically begin and not enough to other measures of the economy .

  28. 在奥斯汀死后,同样是ASP志愿者的父母将这个团队把这个组织称为纪念基金的接受者,该基金是为了纪念他们女儿所捐赠的。

    After Austin was killed , her parents , who are also ASP volunteers , named the group as the recipient of memorial funds donated in their daughter 's memory .

  29. Uber正在研发自动驾驶汽车技术,谷歌也于今年7月把测试扩展到了德克萨斯州的奥斯汀。

    Uber is working on the self-driving car technology , and Google expanded its tests in July to Austin , Tex.

  30. 贝克指出,目前使用DegreeCompass的有四所大学&奥斯汀皮耶州立大学、孟菲斯大学(UniversityofMemphis)和两所社区大学,预计其他高校将很快成为这个平台的用户。

    Four schools Austin Peay , the University of Memphis , and two community colleges currently use degree compass , with others expected to join in the near future , says Baker .