
  • 网络President's day;Presidents’ Day;Presidents' Day;Presidents Day;President’s Day
  1. 所有的金融市场将在周一的总统日中休市。

    All financial markets are closed Monday for Presidents Day .

  2. 许多美国大州已经将其更名为总统日。

    Different U.S. states have renamed the day Presidents Day .

  3. 美国财经网站24/7WallSt.在总统日发布的一份报告中披露了美国历史上最富有的十大总统榜单。

    A 24 / 7 Wall St. report , out for President 's Day , reveals the country 's 10 wealthiest presidents in history .

  4. 宾夕法尼亚州的总统日这一天也在上课。

    In parts of Pennsylvania , class was in session on President 's Day .

  5. 总统日是在二月。

    President 's Day is in February .

  6. 我相信总统日那天也有很多挨饿的人

    I 'm sure there 's a lot of hungry people during President 's Day .

  7. 自从20世纪80年代起,法律制定者不断试图将该节日的名称更名为总统日。

    However , since the 1980s , lawmakers have tried to change the name to Presidents Day .

  8. 在新年之后在总统日后在大礼堂日后还有大部分的周三他们都会得这种流感

    after New Years Day , after Presidents Day , after Grand Hall Day and almost Wednesday they has that

  9. 在总统日,消除一些这男人的头像印在5美元纸币上流言,是一件很有意义的事情。

    On Presidents ' Day , it 's well worth dispelling some perennial misconceptions about the man on the $ 5 bill .

  10. 这就是今天的总统日。因此总统日实际上是纪念美国第一任和第16任总统的节日。

    The holiday is now popularly called Presidents ' Day and is to be remembered as honoring the first and 16th American presidents .

  11. 如果参院表决通过该计划,奥巴马将在周一总统日的时候签署生效这一热烈议论的法案。

    Pending the Senate 's approval , President Obama is expected to sign the hotly debated bill into law on Monday , Presidents Day .

  12. 所以在你参与到总统日的周末里,美国民众应该了解,我们代表你们在不知疲倦的工作。

    So as you head into the President 's Day weekend , the American people should know that we are working tirelessly on your behalf .

  13. 上周末,为了总统日(Presidents'Day)的销售,美国各地的汽车销售人员纷纷戴上假发假须,以吸引不情愿的买家回到经销店。

    This weekend , car salesmen around America have donned wigs and beards in a bid to tempt reluctant buyers back into dealerships for Presidents ' Day sales .

  14. 周末中国宣布的放松货币政策的举措,进一步鼓舞了市场人气,尽管由于适逢美国总统日假期,市场交易量清淡。

    Market bulls were further encouraged by a policy easing move announced by China over the weekend , although overall volumes were kept low by the Presidents ' Day holiday in the US .

  15. 该法案预计将于周五由两院投票表决以使奥巴马能够在周一总统日的时候签字生效。

    The bill is expected to be voted on by the two houses on Friday , meeting President Obama 's goal of having it on his desk to sign by Monday , Presidents Day .

  16. 从你出任总统之日起我就要求我们一起工作。

    From the beginning of your Presidency I beg that we should work together .

  17. 而这场势均力敌的竞赛将在总统大选日结束。

    And that head-to-head race ends on Election Day when the voters cast their ballots .

  18. 碧昂斯承认在美国总统就职日表演现场假唱。

    Beyonce has admitted singing along to a pre-recorded track when she performed the national anthem on Inauguration Day .

  19. 今天是总统纪念日,我一个职业女性在家里带孩子。

    Today is the President 's Day , me , a professional " career " woman , has to stay at home taking care of the baby .

  20. 该小组可以获得两家竞选团队的幕后消息,条件是在总统选举日结束之前不得发布任何信息。

    Details of the incident were revealed by a Newsweek reporting team that enjoyed behind-the-scenes access to both campaigns on condition that nothing was published until after polling day .

  21. 阿扁总统今阿日到多咪呢咖共和国。

    President abni arrived in Dominican Republic today .

  22. 美国总统奥巴马星期日将主持亚太经合组织领导人会议。

    And , on Sunday , President Obama will host a meeting of APEC leaders .

  23. 这名第9任总统在就职日感染肺炎,一个月后就死了。

    The 9th President contracted pneumonia on Inauguration Day and died a single month later .

  24. 美国当选总统奥巴马13日宣布,将于15日辞去联邦参议员一职,以专注于明年1月20日就任总统前的政府交接工作。

    U.S.President-elect Barack Obama announced Thursday that he will officially resign his Senate seat as of Sunday .

  25. 查韦斯总统于22日抵达北京,对我国进行为期六天的国事访问。

    Chavez , who arrived in Beijing on Tuesday , is on a six-day visit to China .

  26. 美国总统布什18日突然宣布设置项目小组,将严控进口食品安全。

    President Bush suddenly announced on the18th set up project teams to banned imports of food safety .

  27. 袭击事件发生在二轮总统角逐十日之前。塔利班分子曾经誓言要破坏二次选举。

    It comes ten days the country 's presidential runoff , which the Taliban has vowed to disrupt .

  28. 美国总统布什28日晚举行记者招待会,就内政和外交政策问题回答了媒体的提问。在外交政策方面,布什重申支持博尔顿出任美国驻联合国大使。

    US President George W.Bush has reiterated his support for John Bolton as the US Ambassador to the United Nations .

  29. 台湾新总统五月二十日就职,把海峡两岸的冲突上升到最高点。

    Taiwan 's new president took office on May20 , bringing to ahead the conflict between the two sides of the strait .

  30. 美国总统布什星期日将与英国和西班牙总理会面,讨论解决伊拉克问题的最后外交途径。

    President Bush and prim ministers of Britain and Spain will meet Sunday to discuss what American officials call all final diplomatic options with iraq .