
zǒnɡ lǐnɡ shì ɡuǎn
  • consulate general
  1. 美国驻四川成都总领事馆已关闭。

    The U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu , Sichuan Province has closed .

  2. 此节目由美国总领事馆讯息资源中心协办。

    This programme is jointly presented with Information Resource Centre , US Consulate General , Hong Kong .

  3. 中华人民共和国驻洛杉矶总领事馆

    Consulates General of The People 's Republic at Los Angeles .

  4. 歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P。

    The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs , the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.

  5. 您正在收听的是英国总领事馆英语在线播客栏目,我是Nina。

    Youre listening to British Councils English Online podcast and Im Nina .

  6. 2015年1月20日,英国驻港总领事馆外,一位抗议者坐在横幅下。(法新社图片/PHILIPPELOPEZ)

    A protester sits in front of a banner outside the British consulate in Hong Kong on January 20 , 2015 ( AFP Photo / Philippe Lopez )

  7. 罗伯特·克鲁斯(RobertKloos)是荷兰驻纽约总领事馆负责视觉艺术、建筑和设计的官员。他说,经济衰退反而给一些荷兰设计师带来了好处,因为它使荷兰文化界从政府那里得到的优厚补助减少了20%。

    Robert Kloos , director for visual arts , architecture and design at the Netherlands Consulate General in New York , said that the recession did some Dutch designers a backhanded favor by causing the generous government subsidies awarded to the Dutch cultural sector to be cut by 20 percent .

  8. 广州的总领事馆不接受直接的签证申请。

    The Consulate-General in Guangzhou does not welcome direct visa applications .

  9. 新加坡共和国驻中国总领事馆(厦门)

    Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore - China ( xiamen )

  10. 驻温哥华总领事馆教育组的提醒

    Warning from the Consulate-General of The PRC in Vancouver

  11. 在纽约,人们在波兰总领事馆外面放下一束束花。

    In New York , people left flowers outside the Polish Consulate General .

  12. 总领事馆那边怎么说?

    What 'd the consulate general have to say ?

  13. 英国国民(海外)护照部〔英国驻港总领事馆〕

    British National ( Overseas ) Passport Section [ British Consulate-General Hong Kong ]

  14. 庆典得到了英国总领事馆文化教育处及卡西欧(上海)贸易有限公司的大力支持。

    The ceremony is pledged with full support from British Council and Casio Shanghai .

  15. 护照部〔英国驻港总领事馆〕

    Passport Section [ British Consulate-General Hong Kong ]

  16. 英国驻重庆总领事馆&为赴英人士提高签证服务水平

    England general consulate in Chongqing Enhancing the visa service for people going to England

  17. 投资墨西哥,你准备好了吗&墨西哥总领事馆总领事毛爱家先生访谈录

    Are you ready to invest in Mexico

  18. 之后,你可以去美国总领事馆索取签证。

    After that , you 're supposed to get a visa from the American Embassy .

  19. 美国驻上海总领事馆周五发表声明,呼吁人们保持冷静。

    The U.S. consulate in Shanghai issued a statement Friday urging people to remain calm .

  20. 他还分别同美国、法国及日本驻沈阳总领事馆总领事进行了交流。

    He also met the Consul Generals from the United States , France and Japan separately .

  21. 总领事馆也呼吁悉尼和墨尔本的当地政府采取行动以保护中国留学生。

    The consulate general warned Chinese students and their parents to be careful in choosing Australian colleges .

  22. 此前,美国要求中国关闭中方驻休斯敦总领事馆。

    The move came after the U. S. demanded China to shutter its consulate general in Houston .

  23. 爱尔兰于2000年在中国上海设立总领事馆,并在香港设立名誉领事馆。

    Ireland opened a Consulate General in Shanghai in2000 , and has an honorary consulate in Hong kong .

  24. 瑞士驻沪总领事馆和德国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处的室内空间

    Interior Space of Consulate General of Switzerland and Culture and Education Section of the German Consulate - General

  25. 周五,中国命令美国在72小时内关闭驻成都总领事馆。

    China ordered the United States to close its consulate general in Chengdu within 72 hours on Friday .

  26. 波兰驻上海总领事馆的安杰伊·贝俊嘉表示,这些企业往往创造出溢出效应。

    Andrzej Pieczonka with the Polish Consulate General in Shanghai says these businesses often create positive spill-over effects .

  27. 中国强烈谴责美国要求中国关闭驻休斯敦总领事馆。

    China has strongly condemned the United States for asking China to close its Consulate General in Houston .

  28. 快看!-上海浙江江苏安徽现代艺术展,瑞士驻沪总领事馆,上海。

    Quick Look ! - Shanghai Zhejiang Jiangsu Anhui Contemporary Art Exhibition , Consulate General of Switzerland , Shanghai .

  29. 目前并不清楚该总领事馆每天面向上海和周边省份提供多少签证面谈预约。

    It 's unclear how many appointments the consulate makes available for Shanghai and its neighboring provinces every day .

  30. 在一些案件中,犯罪分子将来电显示号码修改成中国驻外使领馆电话或中国驻澳大利亚总领事馆电话。

    In some cases the fraudsters display the phone numbers of the Chinese embassy or Consulate General in Australia .