
zǒng jiān
  • commissioner;inspector general;chief inspector
总监 [zǒng jiān]
  • [commissioner;chief inspector] 总督察官

  • 警察总监

总监[zǒng jiān]
  1. 他们反对任命一名下级警官担任警务总监。

    They opposed the nomination of a junior officer to the position of Inspector General of Police

  2. 企业集团财务总监制度工作探析

    Analysis of the Enterprise Group Finance Inspector General System

  3. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

    The directors are responsible for preparing the company 's financial statements .

  4. 会上,财务总监出示了前一年的数字。

    At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year .

  5. 她的正式职务是财务总监。

    Her official designation is Financial Controller .

  6. 她刚刚被任命为昆士兰剧团的艺术总监。

    She has just been appointed artistic director of Queensland Theatre Company .

  7. 我先是被提升为编辑,然后又晋升为编务总监。

    I was promoted to editor and then editorial director

  8. 时尚总监这个新职务能让她全身心投入工作。

    Her new role as fashion supremo is something she can really get her teeth into .

  9. 在北方歌剧公司,他将和去年指挥指定的音乐总监保罗·丹尼尔通力合作。

    At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel , the conductor appointed music director last year .

  10. “大部分参与者只是路过这里,或因为其他原因来到这座岛上,或者只是恰好在这儿”,“尽情书写”的艺术总监亚历山德拉·査辛告诉史密森协会网站。

    " Most of the participants are people who are just walking by or are on the island for other reasons , or they just kind of happen to be there , " Alexandra Chasin , artistic director of Writing On It All , tells Smithsonian.com .

  11. 艾伦·克拉克�Lime公司政策总监

    Alan Clarke , Director of Policy , Lime

  12. Perfectionfatigue(完美疲劳症)指由于不断追求自我完美表现或者因为不断看到完美的图像而引发的精神倦怠或压力。华盖创意视觉趋势总监PamelaGrossman说:

    Perfection fatigue and stress caused by constantly trying to present oneself as perfect , or by constantly seeing images of perfection .

  13. Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。”

    Anna Wintour , Vogue 's global editorial director says : " I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China . Her international experience , exceptional multiplatform digital expertise , and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future . "

  14. 狄克逊监督项目的创意总监设计研究工作室

    Dixon oversaw the project as creative director of Design Research Studio .

  15. 帕特里克·哈奈特�Orsted公司项目总监

    Patrick Harnett , Programme Director , Orsted

  16. 有些出版社会有创意总监,他们会委托自由职业的设计师做设计,或者指派自己社内的设计师做。

    Some publishers have creative directors , who commission ( freelance ) or assign ( in-house ) designers .

  17. 英国邱园的科学总监凯西·威利斯说,忽略真菌的重要性会给我们带来危险。

    Director of Science at Kew , Professor Cathy Willis , says we ignore fungi at our peril5 .

  18. 2020欧洲杯赛事总监马丁·凯伦称,欧足联已经“就此事和参赛球队沟通过”。

    Euro 2020 tournament director Martin Kallen said UEFA has “ communicated with the teams regarding this matter . ”

  19. 谈到拳击、足球等决赛分胜负的项目时,国际奥委会体育总监凯特·麦康奈尔补充说:“如果一名运动员本应参加夺牌比赛,但却不能参赛,他们将获得那场比赛能得到的最低级别奖牌。”

    Referring to events such as boxing and football where finals have a winner and a loser , the IOC 's sports director , Kit McConnell , added : " If an athlete would have taken part in a medal event but cannot , they will receive the minimum level of medal they would have received .

  20. B:我们应该把问题上报给我们的总监。

    B : We should elevate the issues to our Director .

  21. 职务:瑞银全球资产管理集团(UBSGlobalAssetManagement)证券部全球总监

    Title : global head of equities , UBS Global Asset Management

  22. 她道:菲比o菲络加入赛琳(Céline)担任创意总监就提高了这个品牌的转售价值。

    When Phoebe Philo joined C é line as the creative director , it added more resale value to the brand , she says .

  23. 我们特别感谢F部总监,黄淑媛会友,为我们演讲会的贡献以及持续的努力与付出。堪为表率!

    We appreciate Division F Governor , Shw-Yuan Huang , for her contributions and continue efforts for Toastmasters !

  24. 保时捷公司的前任财务总监和CEO由于涉嫌操纵市场而双双被告上法庭,要求追究他们的刑事责任。

    The former chief financial officer and CEO of Porsche are facing criminal charges for market manipulation .

  25. 9个HR总监的10年

    Years of 10 HR Directors

  26. 2007年堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)上市时,(公司投资总监)迈克•诺沃格拉茨和这家对冲基金的其他负责人立即成为了亿万富翁。

    Mike Novogratz and the other principals of hedge fund fortress investment group ( fig ) became instant billionaires when the company went public in 2007 .

  27. 雷o尼古拉斯是美国威斯康辛州麦迪逊软件公司WidenEnterprises的开发总监兼产品经理,他决定一探究竟。

    Ray Nicholus , lead developer and product manager at software firm Widen Enterprises in Madison , Wisc . , decided to find out .

  28. 这种情况是不可持续的,澳新银行(ANZBank)大中华区经济研究总监刘利刚表示。

    This is not sustainable , said Li-Gang Liu , head of China economics at ANZ Bank .

  29. 卖给财务总监(CFO),而不是IT人员

    Selling to the CFO not the IT guy / gal

  30. 上市公司会计诚信与财务总监(CFO)职责分析

    Analysis on Accounting Good Faith and Responsibility of CFO in Listed Companies