
  • General Manager;General Manager's Office;general manager's room
  1. 总经理室在哪里?

    Where 's the General Manager 's office ?

  2. 公司总部在上海,设有总经理室、行政部、财务部、设计部、材料部等职能部门,各地分设专案工程部。

    Our HQ build in Shanghai , with General Manager Room , Administration Department , Finacial Department , Designing Department and Material Department , with Item Project Department in all subsidiaries .

  3. 总经理室是公司的高级管理层团队;

    GMO is the top management team of a company ;

  4. 搜集分析生产进度状况,库存,办公费用开支,总经理室会议组织。

    Organizing and analyzing tables of production schedule , inventory level , office expenses , meeting minutes .

  5. 经总经理室同意后,可由食品卫生主管向宾馆所在的疾病预防控制中心或卫生局报告,以便及时调查。

    After investigation by the local Disease Prevention and Control Center or Public Health Bureau , confirming food poisoning , report to the PSB .