
zǒng hé
  • sum;total;totality;tale;sum total;summation
总和 [zǒng hé]
  • [sum;total;sum total] 全部加起来的数量或内容

  • 日常乐趣的总和

总和[zǒng hé]
  1. 三角形内角总和为180度。

    The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees .

  2. “舆论”只是所有像你一样的成千上万人的意见的总和。

    ' Public opinion ' is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself

  3. 他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。

    He figured up the balance in their checking account .

  4. 她总和两个公开承认自己是同性恋的护士泡在一块儿。

    She hung around with a pair of nurses who were openly gay .

  5. 他有事总和朋友推心置腹地拿出来谈。

    He always talked things over with his friends

  6. 他总和女友煲电话粥。令我抓狂的是电话费可是我们俩平摊的。

    He 's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend . We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad .

  7. 这些数字的总和应和第三栏的总和保持平衡。

    The total of the figures should balance with that one in the third column .

  8. 教育是学生在讲座与研讨会期间互相学习的知识总和。

    Education is the sum of what students teach each other in between lectures and seminars .

  9. 如果猴子触摸屏幕的左侧,他们将得到7滴水或果汁的奖励;如果他们去碰圆圈,他们将得到数字的总和——在这个例子里是17。

    If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice ; if they went for the circle , they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers — 17 in this example .

  10. 但是,土地补偿费和安置补助费的总和不得超过土地被征用前三年平均年产值的三十倍。

    But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition .

  11. 这句谚语也可以这样说:例句我爷爷很有智慧,他以前总和我说:“如果你说不出好话,就什么也不要说。”

    My grandfather was a very wise man , and he always used to tell me : ‘ If you can 't say anything nice , don 't say anything at all ' .

  12. 本文以社会总费用即投资,运行费和事故损失费的总和最小为目标,采用连分式极值有理法,对GIS变电站绝缘配合的优化设计进行了研究。

    This paper studies the optimization design of insulation coordination in GIS .

  13. 这个EJB仅仅添加了两个数字就返回这些数字的总和。

    The EJB simply adds two numbers and returns the sum of those numbers .

  14. 如果以DynamicQueryMode执行报告,则度量值单元的百分比值将变为所有Country行百分比总和。

    If this report is executed using Dynamic Query Mode , the percentage values for the measure cells change to become the percentage of total for all the Countries .

  15. 近代日本借用此一汉语旧词对译英文术语economy,含义变为国民生产、分配、交换、消费的总和,兼指节俭、合算。

    In modern times Japan translated the English terms of economy by borrowing this old term from Chinese , which means the summation of national production , distribution , exchange and consumption .

  16. ST段抬高总和预示急性前壁心肌梗死溶栓后左心室功能

    Prediction of left ventricular function by sum-ST-segment resolution in patients with anterior wall acute myocardial infarction after thrombolytic therapy

  17. 随后把给定的高度添加到给定的y值中,把全局变量/y设为总和,在每次调用textline时在页面中保持一个运行的y计数器。

    It then adds the given height to the given y value and sets the global / y variable to the sum , keeping a running y counter down the page as text_line is called .

  18. 一旦代码完成tuple中的迭代,将调用else子句,打印总和。

    Once the code finishes iterating through the tuple , the else clause is invoked , and the running total is printed .

  19. 以废弃彩色CRT玻壳的屏锥分离工艺为例,采用权重总和计分评价法对备选工艺进行评价,取得较满意的效果。

    Also , panel-funnel separating techniques of end-of-life color CRT glass are assessed and sequenced as a case study .

  20. 其中,GDP财富就是人造资本(或产品资本)、自然资本(环境与资源资本)和人力资本的总和;

    The GDP wealth is the total capital including man-made capital ( or product capital ), the natural capital ( environment and resources capita !) and the human capital ;

  21. 它是长期公共债务、公共担保债务和私人非担保长期债务、IMF货款和短期外债的总和。

    Total external debt is the sum of public , publicly guaranteed , and private no guaranteed long-term debt , use of IMF credit , and short-term debt .

  22. 国民生产总值(GNP)标志着一年内生产出来的商品和服务的总和。

    The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services in a given year .

  23. 计算例子表明,5a定期生长量的总和估计精度在95%的概率保证下可达80%以上。

    The estimation precision of 5 years ′ total increment is greater than 80 % for 95 % confidence .

  24. 研究CAPP系统的技术经济评价问题,提出将加工成本和质量损失成本总和最小作为CAPP系统的经济性评价指标;

    The paper presents the technical economy assessment of CAPP system . Minimal sum of machining cost and quality loss cost is regarded as economical evaluation criterion of CAPP system ;

  25. 如果这两个LPAR的工作集总和小于或等于池的大小,那么不会发生过量使用。

    If the working set of both LPARs remains less than or equal to the pool size , then the there is no over-commit .

  26. 这种网络架构所带来的优点使P2P网络各节点的能力和资源可以共享;理论上说,网络的能力和资源是P2P各节点的总和。

    In P2P network architecture , the advantages are the P2P network node capability and resources can be shared , in theory , network capacity and resources is the sum of P2P nodes .

  27. 这些单元与TB寄存器相同,并且两个线程的PURR值的总和等于TB寄存器的值。

    The units are the same as the time base register and the sum of the PURR values for both threads is equal to time base register .

  28. “在苹果应用程序商店与谷歌Play收入总和最高的20个国家里,2012年11月,苹果应用程序商店一天的收入通常能超过1500万美元,而谷歌Play的收入只有近350万美元。”

    " On a typical day in November 2012 , the revenues in the Apple App Store exceeded $ 15m USD , while in Google play the revenues are just below $ 3.5m USD in 20 of the largest countries in both app stores . "

  29. 汇丰(hsbc)表示,中国证交所目前的交投量非常巨大,以至于经纪费用和股票交易印花税收入实际上超过了上市公司的利润总和。

    The huge current trading volumes on the Chinese exchanges are so large that broking and stamp duty charges actually exceed the total profits of listed companies , according to HSBC .

  30. 用ANN模型确定的沉降系数ms修正分层总和法计算结果,与传统经验方法确定的沉降系数修正沉降量相比,能够更全面地反映各种因素的影响,提高沉降量计算的精度。

    Being used to ameliorate the result of multi-element summation method , the settlement coefficient ms by the method is more roundly in reflection the influence of different factors and has higher precision than the traditional empirical method .