
shuāng yíng
  • win-win;a win-win situation;mutually beneficial;THINK WIN-WIN
  1. 商务谈判未必是一场非赢即输的零和游戏,要争取双赢。

    Business negotiation may not necessarily be a zero game in which one loses if the other wins ; we should strive for a win-win result .

  2. 与此同时,忠诚度则是另一个要素:相比于非远程工作者,远程工作者在未来五年内一直待下去的可能性高出13%,这使得远程工作对于雇员和雇主而言可以获得一种双赢的结果。

    Loyalty7 is another factor : Remote workers are 13 percent more likely than non-remote workers to stay with their current gig for the next five years — making remote work a win-win for employees and employers alike .

  3. 咖啡味道鲜美,所以这是一个双赢的局面。

    The   coffee   tastes   delicious ,   so   it 's   a   win-win   on   both   sides .

  4. 又过了两年,我搬到了好莱坞,现在在拍电影。这可是双赢。

    Two years after that , I moved to Hollywood and am now making movies . Win , win .

  5. 深化肝胆相照的友谊,开展互利双赢的合作,做改革发展的伙伴

    deepen our friendship and treat each other with all sincerity , carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and forge our partnership in reform and development

  6. 双方要坚持互利双赢,保持市场开放,为各自企业到对方国家开拓市场和投资兴业创造更加友善和公平的环境。

    The two sides should be committed to win-win co-operation , keep the markets open and create a more friendly and level playing field for our companies to access each other 's market , make investment and grow businesses .

  7. 我国加入WTO后,这对高等教育来说,是一个双赢的结果,既带来了挑战,也带来了机遇。

    For higher education , it has brought about both the challenge and the opportunity since China entered into WTO .

  8. 还有一个常用语是win-win,意思是双赢。

    LH : But it 's a win-win to me !

  9. 禁止工业锅炉原煤直接燃烧,改烧经洗选、加工、成型、转化后的洁净煤制品,锅炉热效率可明显提高,烟尘和SO2污染也会得到控制,实现经济效益和环境效益双赢。

    Prohibiting direct burn of raw coal and burning clean processed products can achieve a good benefit in economy and environment .

  10. 该解决方案,在金融危机的背景下,为V公司节约了一定的成本,使得企业在信息化进程中达到双赢。

    This solution , under the background of the financial crisis , helps V Company to save a certain cost , and makes the enterprise in information-oriented achieve a win-win .

  11. 希望该研究能够为TP人寿山东分公司实现员工与组织的双赢提供参考,同时也希望为行业内其他公司的发展产生借鉴意义。

    Hoping this research can provide Shandong branch of TP life insurance company Reference of development , as well as other firms in the industry .

  12. 诚挚欢迎您加入我们OEM的行列,让我们在产品设计、成本控管及价格优势上,共同分享资源及创造双赢的结果。

    Let 's take advantage of product design , cost control and lower prices to share the resources and create the results of Win-Win .

  13. BLACKWELL:毫无疑问,这是双赢的局面。

    BLACKWELL : It 's a win-win situation .

  14. 透过本研究发现,品牌经营意识参与下的X学校校本课程开发,采用大学与高中相结合的开发模式,实现了双赢。

    Through this study , we find that , in the participation of brand management consciousness , school-based curriculum development of X school achieve a win-win situation with the cooperation of the private high school and the university .

  15. 在这种情况下,如何在中国市场开发并管理好适合自己企业的供应商作为其OEM合作伙伴,实现真正意义上的双赢,是当今跨国公司面临的一个新问题。

    Under this case , how the multination corporate ( brand company ) to develop and manage the professional feasible suppliers in China market is a focus .

  16. 引入模糊数学方法,提供柔性QoS支持;综合考虑网络提供方和用户的双方利益,采用微观经济学和博弈论方法,找到网络提供方和用户的双赢解。

    In order to support flexible QoS , fuzzy method is adopted , and to consider both network service providers and users , microeconomics and game theory are used to achieve " double win " .

  17. 其中,在渠道冲突方面,本文提出,传统家电厂商必须像PC厂商学习,只有通过渠道成员的战略协作,才可能减小渠道冲突,降低渠道成本,达到双赢的效果。

    Especially , it 's been pointed in the article that the traditional home appliance manufacturer must study from that of PC manufacturer . Only by the channel members ' cooperation , it can reduce the channel conflicts , channel costs .

  18. 实现了清洁生产和污染预防,完全达到原料药生产车间的GMP标准,取得了经济效益和环境效益的双赢。

    The cleaner production and industrial pollution prevention of chlorzoxazone have been obtained , accomplishing the GMP criterion of material medica workshop and acquiring the harmony of economy and environment .

  19. 以追求卓越,创造完美,诚信双赢作为经营理念,以ISO9001国际质量认证体系为管理手段;

    " Seek remarkable and creat perfect " is the manage theory of Huaguang ," Take ISO9001 as-manage means " is magic develop weapon of the company .

  20. 另一方面,随着网络运营的渐趋商业化,付费上网要求实现QoS计费,而网络提供方与用户的利益冲突要求实现双赢。

    On the other hand , with the gradual commercialization of network operation , paying for network usage calls for QoS pricing and accounting . However , the benefit conflicts between the network provider and the user ask the so-called both-win to be supported .

  21. Lorentz-Compton佯谬与一个双赢判决性散射实验设计

    Lorentz-Compton Paradox and the Designing of a Double-Win Crucial Scattering Experiment

  22. 日本对华经济合作,也从民间有限交流,发展成政府间经济合作,1979年日本决定对华实施ODA这个特定经济合作领域的对华援助,这是一个对中日都有好处的双赢事业。

    In 1979 , the Japanese government decided to offer China assistance in the form of Official Development Assistance ( ODA ), which has become a win-win relationship between the two countries .

  23. 提出,应在梳理供应链流程的前提下,对SCM的绩效进行监督、评价与指导,使SCM达到最优,从而使链上的企业在当今竞争激烈的商场中实现双赢。

    Whether unless propose , should on the premise of combing procedure of SC , to performance last supervising , appraise and guide for SCM , Make and reach optimum , make enterprise of chain realize win-win during nowadays market with keen competition .

  24. 通过比较不同情况下的双方得益,揭示了CRM中隐含的企业和客户的双赢机制,分析了双方双赢的源泉,并以此为基础,提出了CRM实施中企业的双赢策略。

    By comparison of the bilateral incomes under different situations , it reveals the double-win mechanism of enterprise and customer hidden in CRM and analyses the source of the double-win . Finally , it proposes the enterprise 's double-win strategies in the implementation of CRM .

  25. 油田企业只要继续采取系列措施,深化HSE和三标管理法就能够达到清洁生产的目标,实现持续发展和环境保护上的双赢。

    If oil field enterprise continues to make a series of measure and strengthen HSE and " three standardization ", it can reach the target of cleaning production and " double win " in sustainable development and environment protection .

  26. 经济发展与生态维护:权衡抑或双赢?

    Economic growth and ecological system : balance or both winning ?

  27. 过硬的专业知识是友好协商、实现双赢的保证;

    Having profound professional knowledge , which is the guarantee factor .

  28. 互相尊重、互相信任是友好协商、实现双赢的基础;

    Respecting and believing each other , which is the base .

  29. 我们的核心经营理念是:诚信立业,互惠双赢。

    Business principle : Enterprise-foundation by credit , Mutual benefit win-win .

  30. 论新疆实现稳定与大开发双赢目标的若干战略问题

    On Several Strategical Problems of Achieving Double Winning Goal in Xinjiang