
  • 网络inverse problem;inversed problem;Inversion problem
  1. 三维重磁反演问题的直接解法

    The direct solution of gravity-magnetic inverse problems in three dimensions

  2. 波动方程反演问题的一种新的逼近方法

    A New Approach to Inverse Problems of Wave Equations

  3. PSO和GA的混合算法解分形插值反演问题

    Applying PSO-GA Hybrid Algorithm to Inversion Problems of Fractal Interpolation

  4. 闽台地区Pn速度结构反演问题

    The invertion of Pn velocity structure in Fujian and Taiwan regions

  5. 解一类Poisson方程反演问题的并行算法

    Parallel Algorithm for Solving Inverse Problem of a Class of the Poisson Equation

  6. ARMA模型在柱状声场反演问题中的应用

    Application of ARMA Model to the Inverse Problem of a Cylindrical Acoustic Field

  7. 讨论了弹性水平层状介质中SH波的反演问题。

    The inverse problem of SH wave propagation in horizontally stratified elastic medium is discussed in this paper .

  8. 层状介质中地震勘探反演问题的PST算法

    The PST algorithm of the inverse problem of seismic prospecting in stratified media

  9. 本文采用遗传算法研究了当地下介质为层状分布时地震&大地电磁(MT)之间的联合反演问题。

    This article puts forward joint inversion problem of seismic and magnetotelluric sounding data with genetic algorithm when underground models are layered medium .

  10. 在求解信息重建反演问题时,引入DFT加权范数规则化策略,采用预条件共轭梯度法(PCG)求解,保证解的稳定性和收敛速度。

    The inverse problem is solved by the pre-conditional conjugate gradient method , which makes the solutions stable and convergence quick .

  11. 讨论在地震记录反演问题中被广泛采用的MA(q)模型的参数极大似然估计,并采用最陡下降法来求其近似解。

    MA ( q ) model is widely exploited to model the seismic records . The maximum likelihood estimation of such model is discussed , and an approximate solution is obtained by using the steepest descent method .

  12. 数值实验结果表明,算法对SAR影像仿真问题具有高效、可靠、计算稳定的特征;对水下地形反演问题也有较强的数值稳定性和较高的计算精度。

    It is shown from the numerical experiment results that this method is efficient and reliable for solving the simulation problem of SAR image and has high stability and computing accuracy for solving the underwater topography inversion problem .

  13. 采用有限连续函数集描述二维和三维地电模型,可将MT二维和三维连续介质反演问题转变为泛函的变分问题。

    The inversion problem of 2-D and 3-D magnetotelluric data in continuous medium can be changed into fonctionelle variational problem by using finite continuous function family to describe 2-D and 3-D geoelectric models .

  14. 讨论了均匀各向同性弹性半空间SH波动方程的非线性反演问题。

    This paper deals with the problem of nonlinear inversion of the SH wave equation in a homogeneous isotropic elastic half space with both transmitters and receivers in the bore hole .

  15. 基于Maxwell方程的地下复杂介质中电磁波传播的正、反演问题,已日益成为探地雷达基础理论研究中的前沿课题。

    The forward problem and the inverse problem of the electromagnetic propagation in anisotropy media underground based on Maxwell equation have increasingly been an advanced task in the research of the fundamental theory of GPR .

  16. 将D-函数作为正则化泛函引入本文反演问题的求解,提出一种新的流道设计方法,即流道直径反演的Bregman正则化方法。

    By using a D-function as regularization functional , a new runner design method is proposed , viz . Bregman regularization for runner diameter inversion .

  17. 研究热传导方程在一类非局部时间的边界条件下非线性热源的反演问题.文中应用Sobolev紧性方法证明了热源在Holder空间中的(关于时间的)局部存在性。

    This paper studies the inversion of the nonlinear heat source for heat conduction equation with a class of nonlocal boundary for time . Applying Sobolev compact methods , we 've proved the existence of the heat source in Holder space .

  18. 而修正的标准表达式变换算法和TTF变换法,具有一定的稳定性,对于加扰动的数据反演问题,仍然可以获得较好的计算结果。

    The Modified of the canonical representation formulation method and TTF formulation method is stable to a certain extent . And we still get well simulation result when add the perturbation data to inverse problem .

  19. 二维大地电磁测深曲线的正演和反演问题,Rodi曾提出用矩形有限元求解的方法。

    Rodi suggested that the forward and reverse computations of 2D mag - neto-telluric sounding curve could be solved by rectangular finite ele - ment method .

  20. 定义了波阻抗反演问题的个体适应度函数,并引入模拟退火机制进行适应度拉伸,进一步改善了算法的收敛性能。

    Fitness function was defined and drawn by simulated annealing mechanism .

  21. 第四章是流道直径反演问题的求解。

    Chapter 4 focuses on the solution of runner diameter inversion .

  22. 解重磁反演问题的人机结合选择法(三)

    The Interactive Modelling Method for Gravity and Magnetic Inverse problem (ⅲ)

  23. 含余割核奇异积分修改的反演问题

    Modification of the Inversion Problem for Singular Integrals with Cosecant Kernel

  24. Sturm&Liouville问题的基于谱的散射反演问题

    The Scattering Inversion of Sturm-Liouville Problem on the Basis of Spectrum

  25. 井下倾斜仪的定向反演问题

    On the Inversion Problem for Determining the Azimuth of Borehole Tiltmeters

  26. 岩石力学参数弹塑性反演问题的优化方法

    An optimization method for the elastoplastic inversion of parameters in rock mechanics

  27. 一类断层效应反演问题的条件稳定性和数值算法

    Conditional Stability and Numerical Algorithm for an Inverse Problem of Fault Effect

  28. 时间域内有限地震断层的反演问题

    The inverse problem of finite fault study in time domain

  29. 消光法粒度测量中折射率反演问题研究

    Inversion of Refractive Index in Particle Sizing by Multi-spectral Light Extinction Method

  30. 利用广义共轭梯度算法求解地震道反演问题

    Solving a seismic trace inversion problem by using generalized conjugate gradient algorithm