
fǎn xiànɡ yí chuán xué
  • reverse genetics
  1. 副粘病毒Tianjin株主要蛋白在真核细胞中的表达及其反向遗传学的初步研究

    Research on Eukaryotic Expression and Reverse Genetics of Paramyxovirus Tianjin Strain

  2. 但其反向遗传学的发展则远远落后于正链或负链RNA病毒。

    However , reverse genetics of dsRNA viruses lag behind the positive-strand or minus-strand RNA viruses .

  3. RNA病毒的反向遗传学操作

    Reverse genetic manipulation on RNA virus

  4. RNA病毒的反向遗传学

    Reverse Genetics for RNA Viruses

  5. TILLING(TargetingInducedLocalLesionsINGenomes)是功能基因组研究中应用的一种反向遗传学技术。

    Targeting induced local lesions in genomes ( TILLING ) is a reverse genetics method for functional genomics research .

  6. 近年来植物功能基因组学的研究技术主要包括表达序列标签、基因表达的系列分析、DNA微阵列和反向遗传学等。

    In recent years , main methods of studying the plant functional genomics include expressed sequence tag , serial analysis of gene expression , DNA micro array , reverse genetics and so on .

  7. RNA病毒反向遗传学的发展极大地推动了RNA病毒的分子生物学研究和新型疫苗的开发。

    It has greatly promoted the study of RNA viruses at the molecular level and the development of new vaccines since the establishment of reverse genetics of RNA viruses .

  8. 利用反向遗传学技术构建H5亚型禽流感高产疫苗株

    Generation High Yield Vaccine Strain Wholly Derived from Avian Influenza Viruses by Reverse Genetics

  9. 作为一项新的反向遗传学技术,RNA干扰技术正在越来越多地应用于包括鉴定基因功能、疾病治疗、植物病毒抗性研究在内的多项研究领域。

    As a new reverse genetic technology , RNAi is used widely in kinds of research fields , including detection of gene function , diseases therapy , plant resistance to virus and so on .

  10. 结果利用反向遗传学技术拯救出了全部基因都源于禽流感病毒的疫苗株,其基因序列符合设计要求包括删除HA基因的毒力相关序列,疫苗株的表型为H5N3。

    Results By using plasmid-based reverse genetics , a recombinant vaccine strain , whose all gene segments derived from avian influenza viruses with the virulence-associated sequence of the HA gene removed , was generated .

  11. 文章从拯救病毒和创造新型病毒、负股RNA病毒的研究、动植物基因功能的研究以及利用RNA干扰使基因沉默等方面,对反向遗传学技术的应用进行了评述,并对其前景进行了阐述。

    The review summarized the application and perspective of reverse genetics technique in many aspects such as reviving virus , creating new virus , researching negative RNA virus and function of animals and plants gene , using RNA interference for gene silencing .

  12. 该病毒感染性全基因组cDNA克隆可以作为反向遗传学系统,为进一步研究病毒复制和致病机制,以及开发相应的载体表达系统提供分子生物学工具。

    The stable infectious cDNA clone of XJ-160 strain , as an effective reverse genetics experimental system , will provide a valuable molecular biological tool to study the pathogenesis and replication of Sindbis virus and to develop the vector system of Alphavirus .

  13. 定向诱导基因组局部突变(Tilling)是检测生物群体相关基因等位变异的高通量反向遗传学研究方法,能够快速有效的识别出目的基因的差异位点。

    Targeting Induced Local Lession in Genomes ( Tilling ) is a high-throughput reverse genetics method , which can detect associated gene alleles of the biological communities and can identify different gene loci quickly and effectively .

  14. 现对TILLING的技术流程、核心与特点,及其在突变研究、反向遗传学及功能基因组学、SNP检测、资源创新与分析以及作物遗传改良等方面的应用进行了综述。

    The methodology , technical core and advantages of TILLING were introduced and its applications in mutation research , reverse genetics and functional genomics , detection of single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ), germplasm enhancement and evaluation , and crop genetic improvement were reviewed in this paper .

  15. 细菌人工染色体载体系统在反向遗传学中的应用研究进展

    Progress on Application of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome System in the Reverse Genetics

  16. 反向遗传学技术在猪瘟病毒研究中的应用

    Applications of reverse genetics in studying classical swine fever virus

  17. 并利用反向遗传学和生物信息学的方法对克隆到的这两个基因的功能进行研究。

    Then we used reverse genetics methods and bioinformatics to research these functions .

  18. 狂犬病毒反向遗传学技术的研究及应用进展

    Advance in Reverse Genetic Technique for Rabies Virus

  19. 反向遗传学在现代生物学领域中的应用

    Application of Reverse Genetics in Modern Biology

  20. 反向遗传学技术及其应用

    Reverse Genetics Technique and Its Application

  21. 稳定、高效的遗传转化方法是反向遗传学研究的重要工具,然而蒺藜苜蓿的遗传转化一直以来都是一个难题,从而制约了对豆科植物与根瘤菌共生互作调控机理的研究。

    Stable and highly efficient genetic transformation method is a significant tool for reverse genetics research .

  22. 这些结果表明我们这套定向突变系统可以有效地用于反向遗传学研究。

    These results indicate that targeted transposon mutagenesis can be a very useful tool in reverse genetics .

  23. 目前多数研究者都是通过反向遗传学方法进行基因功能研究的,即构建目的基因敲除菌株后,通过对突变株表型变化的研究,获得某基因与细菌表型之间的相关性,从而得知基因的功能。

    We always learn of the gene function by comparing the phenotype between the wild and the mutant strains .

  24. 突变体是反向遗传学研究进行基因分离、克隆和功能解析的最理想、最有效的材料。

    Mutants are the most ideal and the most effective material for reverse genetics research to isolation and clone gene , and analysis gene functional .

  25. 近年来,反向遗传学技术的发展为流感病毒基因功能研究和疫苗制备方面开辟了新思路。

    Recently , the development of reverse genetics technique breaks a new path for influenza virus in research of function analysis and preparation of vaccines .

  26. 本论文利用反向遗传学的方法研究水稻中与拟南芥雄性不育基因相对应的同源基因在花药及花粉发育过程的功能。

    In this paper , we investigated the function of rice genes homologous to Arabidopsis male sterile genes in the anther development using reverse genetics strategy .

  27. 水稻插入突变体库的建立是功能基因组研究的一个重要内容,在此基础上也能进行正向遗传学及反向遗传学的研究。

    Insertional mutagenesis has the advantage that the inserted element acts as a tag for gene identification , and it is convenience for both forward and reverse genetics research .

  28. 乙型脑炎病毒反向遗传学系统的建立为乙型脑炎病毒的基因组结构功能研究以及新型疫苗的研制奠定了基础。

    The establishment of the reverse genetics system of JEV will lay a foundation for the research on the genomic structure , function of JEV and the development of new-type vaccines .

  29. 反向遗传操作作为一种新兴技术在RNA病毒的研究中发挥着重要作用,本文介绍了RNA病毒反向遗传学的研究方法以及RNA病毒反向遗传技术的最新研究进展。

    Reverse genetics is a newly developed technique in the study of RNA viruses . This paper described the basic methods of constructing infectious molecular clone and the recent progress in reverse genetics of RNA viruses .