
  • 网络doublethink;double think;double thinking
  1. 他的思绪,早滑进到双重思想迷宫般的世界里去。

    His mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink .

  2. 甚至在使用双重思想这个字眼的时候也必须运用双重思想。

    Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink .

  3. 即便要弄懂“双重思想”这个词,也得用上点双重思想才行呢。

    Even to understand the word ' doublethink ' involved the use of doublethink .

  4. 在新话中这叫双重思想,不过双重思想所包括的还有很多别的东西。

    In Newspeak it is called doublethink , though doublethink comprises much else as well .

  5. 但是由于运用了双重思想,他也使自己相信现实并没有遭到侵犯。

    But by the exercise of doublethink he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated .

  6. 双重思想,也可以说销售意识,是个很有用的工具。

    Doublethink , which can be also called as " sales consciousness ", is a useful tool .

  7. 这种矛盾不是偶然的,也不是出于一般的伪善,而是有意运用双重思想。

    These contradictions are not accidental , nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy ; they are deliberate exercises in doublethink .

  8. 上面已经谈到,党的神秘,尤其是核心党的神秘,取决于双重思想。

    As we have seen , the mystique of the Party , and above all of the Inner Party , depends upon doublethink .

  9. 使用双重思想这个工具,相信问题产品并不影响同时又是优质产品;

    He used to tell us that the secret of his achievement was that he applied the " doublethink " concept to customers'perception of quality .

  10. 不用说,双重思想最巧妙的运用者就是发明双重思想、知道这是进行思想欺骗的好办法的那些人。

    It need hardly be said that the subtlest practitioners of doublethink are those who invented doublethink and know that it is a vast system of mental cheating .

  11. 最后靠双重思想为手段,党终于能够抑制历史的进程,而且谁知道呢,也许还继续几千年有这能力。

    Ultimately it is by means of doublethink that the party has been able and may , for all we know , continue to be able for thousands of years to arrest the course of history .

  12. 但同时,真是不失双重思想原则,党又教诲说,无产者天生低劣,必须用几条简单的规定使他们始终像牲口一样处于受支配地位。

    But simultaneously , true to the Principles of doublethink , the Party taught the proles were natural inferiors who must be kept in subjection , like animals by the application of a few simple rules .

  13. 现代战争的重要目的按照双重思想的原则,核心党里的指导智囊是既承认又不承认的是尽量用完机器的产品而不提高一般的生活水平。

    The primary aim of modern warfare in accordance with the principles of doublethink , this aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the inner party is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living .

  14. 而且,康拉德把这种双重性思想运用在自己丛林小说的创作中。

    Moreover , Conrad employed this dualism in writing his jungle fiction .

  15. 但在国家文化软实力建设的背景下,思想政治教育也面临着内外的双重挑战,思想政治教育价值认识及其实现同样遭遇着严重的时代困境。

    However , in the context of national cultural soft power construction , the ideological and political education is facing internal and external dual challenge .

  16. 对张力控制从粗、微双重调控的思想入手,进行总体设计方案。计算了在收线过程中微细扁线材的受力情况,并设计了恒张力张紧装置。

    Based on coarse and fine adjustment joint together and calculate the force of the flat mieco-wire in the winding process , the constant tension control system was designed .

  17. 模型采用双重规划的思想,上层问题以小区的汽车保有量之和最大为目标函数,约束条件是路段上的汽车尾气排放不超过相应的交通环境容量;

    The upper level is a car ownership model , in which objective function is to maximize the total of zonal car ownerships and the constraint is traffic environment load on a link should not exceed the pre-decided capacity .

  18. 在现行规范及已有文献的基础上,提出了底部框剪上部砖墙多层房屋抗震设计中刚度强度双重控制的思想,阐述了其物理意义。

    In this paper , based on the Standard of Anti seismic Design of Buildings and some experiments , the idea of double control of rigidity and strength in the aseismatic design for multi story brick building with frame shear wall at first story is introduced .

  19. 互联网的双重影响及高校思想政治工作的创新

    Double Edges of Internet and Innovation of Ideological and Political Work in Institutions of Higher Learning

  20. 马克思主义理论是以双重身份出现于思想政治教育中的,它既是指导性的,又是其中的内容。

    Marxism theory appears by a double identity of guide and content in the ideological and political education .

  21. 科学研究自由具有双重性:作为思想自由,它是一项消极的权利;

    The freedom of scientific research is dualism : being a mental freedom , it is a negative right ;

  22. 提出了对于碎石桩复合地基的设计应该实行承载力和沉降双重控制的设计思想。

    Design idea of double control on bearing capacity and settlement is suggested for the composite foundation with gravel columns .

  23. 针对传统访问控制系统不能达到满意的安全防范效果,本文提出通过识别人脸的面部图像的方法来访问,从而实现对身份的双重检验的新思想。

    For traditional access control system can 't attain satisfying safety , a new method is proposed to apply face recognition technology to access control system .

  24. 但两人均处于社会与文化的双重转型期,思想、认识深受历史交替、文化转型的影响。

    But two people are in the double transformation period of society and culture . Their thought and knowledge is deeply influenced by the history alternation and the culture transition .

  25. 利用接触问题局部非线性的特点,将缩聚法用于迭代求解。基于拟线性、双重迭代法的思想,解决了两重非线性相耦合的问题。

    By virtue of local nonlinearity of contact problems , a condensational procedure is employed to improve the efficiency of iterative solution , Based on quasi-linear , double iteration technique , the two-level coupled nonlinear problems are solved .