
dìnɡ liànɡ pèi jǐ
  • rationing
  1. 定量配给时期,糖是限量配给的。

    During rationing we had a sugar allocation .

  2. 定量配给使得购买鸡蛋、黄油和肉类等产品更加便捷。

    Rationing has made it easier to find some products like eggs , butter and meat

  3. 实行定量配给的商品存在黑市交易。

    There 's a black market in rationed goods .

  4. 当局已经开始发放定量配给卡。

    The authorities have begun to issue ration cards .

  5. 他们开始发行用来购买大米、面粉等生活基本必需品的定量配给卡。

    They have begun to issue ration cards for basic necessities such as rice and flour .

  6. 战时大米是定量配给的。

    Rice was on ration in the war .

  7. NCN资源的使用必须经过分配,并且在某些情况下,还必须实行定量配给。

    NCN resource usage must be measured and , in some cases , rationed .

  8. 我隐约记得但无法证实列宁(lenin)曾以免费调味品为例,证明某些产品可以免费,而无需实行定量配给。

    I dimly recall but have not been able to confirm - that Lenin held up free condiments as an example of the way goods could be free and yet not rationed .

  9. 今年冬天可能定量配给食物。

    There may be a period of food rationing this winter .

  10. 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。

    When food is rationed people have to queue for bread .

  11. 物价上涨通过定量配给和其它行政措施是可以防止的。

    Price increases may be prevented by rationing and other administrative controls .

  12. 在围城期间面包被定量配给。

    Bread was rationed during the siege of the city .

  13. 顾客手中都拿着定量配给证。

    The customers all clutched ration tickets .

  14. 当物品供应缺乏时,按定量配给市民。

    Ration citizens when supplies are scarce .

  15. 我还记得实行过汽油定量配给。

    I can remember petrol rationing .

  16. 定量配给制保证所有市民都能得到维持生存的食品。

    Ration books insured that all the citizens could receive at least enough food for living .

  17. 船上存粮不足,船长只好定量配给。

    Since the food supply is running low , the ship 's captain doled out the rations .

  18. 面对整个夏季用水都需要定量配给这一令人不快的前景,巴塞罗纳正尽力节水。

    Faced with the unpopular prospect of having to ration water over the summer , Barcelona is saving water where it can .

  19. 目前,农贸市场支撑着朝鲜摇摇欲坠的经济,因为按照定量配给制度,政府几乎什么都提供不了。

    These markets are now the backbone of North Korea 's creaking economy as the regime provides almost nothing by way of rations any more .

  20. 在贫乏的定量配给下,士兵不仅要训练,还要完成体力任务,比如帮助农民在稻田干活。

    On meagre rations the soldiers not only have to train but are given physical tasks such as helping farmers on their rice paddy fields .

  21. 收入不多;少的可怜的工资;缺钱;不够定量配给;食物供给短缺;缺少经验。

    An inadequate income ; a poor salary ; money is short ; on short rations ; food is in short supply ; short on experience .

  22. 直到第一次世界大战时,物资紧缺,对食糖之类的消费必需品实行定量配给,糖精的使用才逐渐变成一种主流,人们也才开始成群结队地去购买这种替代品。

    Saccharin didn 't come into mainstream use until World War I imposed rations on consumer staples like sugar , and people began buying up alternatives in droves .

  23. 这个消息会再度引发一场热烈的争论,即经销商是否在用市场经济规律定量配给稀缺产品,还是乱涨价疏远长期客户。

    The news will ignite another fierce debate about whether the dealers are merely using market economics to ration a scarce product & or alienating long-term customers by gouging .

  24. 定量配给外汇加大了进口的难度,由此助长了短缺、通胀和黑市的猖獗美元卖出价飙升至最低官方汇率的四倍左右。

    The rationing of foreign exchange has made importing harder , fuelling scarcity , inflation and a flourishing black market dollars sell for about four times the cheapest official rate .

  25. 因此,如果金融系统不能找到重启证券化的方法,那么在未来很长一段时间内,信贷都还会是一种需要严格定量配给的商品。

    So either the system needs to find a way to restart securitisation or we face a world where credit will remain a highly rationed commodity for a long time to come .

  26. 但为了澄清事实,我应该指出的是,从一方面讲,没错,由于国库不是大得没边,英国的国家医疗服务实际上是定量配给的。

    But as a clarification I should point out that on the one hand , yes , state healthcare in the UK is effectively rationed as the public purse is not infinitely large .

  27. 然而,这里一个明显的问题就是在世界各国其成本的形式是医疗保健的定量配给,不是以政府引导计划的形式就是通过支付能力定量配给。

    The obvious problem , however , is the cost and in every country in the world there is some form of rationing of Health Care , either a government led scheme , or rationing by affordability .

  28. 当然,直觉上的解释是:我们非理性地拒绝高价,即使这样做的后果是施行定量配给、排长队和不确定我们能否买到自己真想要的东西。

    The intuitive explanation , of course , is that we irrationally object to high prices even when the alternative is rationing , long queues , and uncertainty over whether we can buy what we really want .

  29. 消费品定量配给曾长期伴随着城镇居民的生活,而到1983年,由国家统一限量供应的主要消费品只有粮食和食用植物油两种。

    For a long time in the past , the Chinese needed to use coupons to purchase consumer goods . by1983 , except for grain and edible oil , the coupons for other consumer goods had been abandoned .

  30. 过去一周,北京、上海和广州加油站的供应短缺现象(特别是柴油)均告恶化,迫使它们实行定量配给,或是缩短运营时间,一天只运营几个小时。

    Over the past week , petrol stations in Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou have reported worsening supply shortages especially of diesel oil which has forced them either to ration their stocks or operate for only a few hours a day .