
  • 网络qualitative interpretation
  1. 天然电磁辐射测深技术工作机理的定性解释

    A qualitative interpretation on the mechanism of the technique of electromagnetic radiation sounding

  2. 喇萨杏油田水淹模式库的建立及其在水淹层定性解释中的应用

    Establishment of Watered-out Mode Base and Its Application in Qualitative Interpretation in Watered-out Reservoir

  3. 我们利用自由各向异性模型定性解释了这种优化主要来源于Co颗粒之间的交换耦合的增大。

    We have qualitatively explained that such an optimization comes from the enhancement of exchange coupling between the Co grains in the films by using the random anisotropy model .

  4. 运用分形理论,定性解释了在超声条件下金属Ag粒子的分形生长过程和树枝晶产生的原因,并利用盒维数法求出晶形分形生长过程中的分形维数,其分形维数在1.8~1.9之间。

    The growth process and the reasons to form dendrites were qualitatively explained using fractal theories . The fractal dimension of the dendrites was calculated as 1.8 ~ 1.9 using the box-counting dimension method .

  5. 对空气中和氮气中正、负、双极性脉冲电晕放电的n2(c~3∏u→b~3∏g)发射光谱相对强度进行了比较,并对实验结果进行了定性解释。

    The N2 ( C3 П u-B3 П g ) emission spectrum relative intensity produced by positive , negative and bipolar pulse corona discharge in the air or in N2 are compared , and the experimental results are explained .

  6. 实验结果表明:溶液的pH值可影响到氯酸钠晶体的手性分布。晶体手性分布的pH效应,可用随机动力学理论和胚晶凝聚二次成核理论来定性解释。

    An experimental results indicated that the pH value in solution could influence the distribution of the crystal chirality of NaClO_3 . The effect of pH might be explained by stochastic kinetics and embryos coagulation secondary nucleation ( ECSN ) qualitatively .

  7. 采用一种简洁的方法讨论电磁场与物质耦合系统的能量本征态,在新的理论基础上给出关于Casimir效应物理根源的新的定性解释。

    A new concise method was presented for the calculation of the ground state energy of an electromagnetic field matter coupling system .

  8. 讨论了超晶格电子无阻尼Bloch振荡过程中的能量转化与守恒,并对其机制以及负电阻效应给以定性解释。

    The energy transformation and conservation of the superlattice electrons in the course of the Bloch oscillation without damping are discussed and the mechanism is given .

  9. 我们共设计合成了五种不同结构的PI,发现其电化学性能主要与酸酐单体的结构有关,对此我们采用化学计算的方法给出了定性解释。

    We designed and synthesized five PI samples with different structure , found that the electrochemical performance of PI is mainly associated with the dianhydride component , which is explained qualitatively from the aspect of theoretical calculation .

  10. 依配位数原则确立的ZnO表面簇模型,能够对CO/ZnO吸附体系给出合理的定性解释.计算还表明,考虑相关效应有助于进一步改善计算结果。

    HF calculations for CO adsorption on these bare cluster models give reasonable predictions for the CO / ZnO chemisorption system . It can also be found that consideration of electrons correlation will further improve the reliability of the above cluster modeling .

  11. 定性解释了动态线弹簧采用静态线弹簧本构关系的可行性,通过积分变换方法,导出了描述内埋裂纹板条动态问题的Cauchy型奇异积分方程。

    The feasibility that the dynamic line spring constitutive law can be superseded by that of static line spring is illustrated qualitatively . The cauchy type singular integral equation of the problem is derived by using integral transform technique .

  12. 我们借用了Wirgin提出的波导共振理论对实验现象作了定性解释,计算结果与实验结果基本相符。

    Finally , the waveguide resonance theory is used to explain the experimental phenomena . Our experimental results are in agreement with the zeroth order approximation calculation .

  13. 还测量了薄膜的铁电性质,发现在250℃烘烤温度下得到的薄膜具有最大的剩余极化强度,2Pr为284μCcm2.对实验现象进行了定性解释。

    The ferroelectric properties were measured and it was found that the BLT thin film has the largest remnant polarization ( 2P r ) 28.4 μ C / cm2 prepared at a baking temperature of 250 ℃ .

  14. 市场化进程对经济增长的推动作用&典型事实与定性解释

    Market-orientation Process Boosting the Economic Growth : Typical Facts and Qualitative Explanations

  15. 实验结果可以用非声子超导机制进行定性解释。

    The experimental results can be under-stood qualitatively by non-phonon superconductivity mechanism .

  16. 其中关于高频谐波的结果可对已有实验结果给出很好的定性解释。

    The results for harmonic generations can give qualitative explanation to some experiments .

  17. 烯烃稳定性的比较及定性解释

    Ketene Stability Compare and Qualitative Explanation

  18. 这对于那些特性还不为人们所了解或者特性非常复杂的系统尤其重要,因此特别适于复杂储层评价中的定性解释与定量计算。

    Thus it is particularly suitable for quantitative interpretation and qualitative calculation of complicated reservoir evaluation .

  19. 机理性研究开始实现了由简单的定性解释向模型化、定量化的飞跃。

    The study on toughening mechanisms has been advanced from qualitative demonstration towards quantization and modelling .

  20. 对这种有序结构的形成机理提出了定性解释。

    A physical scenario was proposed to explain the growth mechanisms of the quasi-ordered stripe-like structures .

  21. 并定性解释了其产生机制和谐波效率提高的原因。

    With the first harmonic and its second harmonic the even order harmonics can be obtained .

  22. 并根据弱连接颗粒超导模型对上面结果作了定性解释。

    These Phenomena can be interpreted with the aid of a weak - link granular superconductor model .

  23. 结果表明:这两种模型是定性解释活动星系核光学波段光变的合理模型。

    The results show that these two models can qualitatively explain the AGN variability in the optical band .

  24. 作者用多源场孕震前兆模型对上述特征作了定性解释。

    The authors have used a model of multi-source field for seismogenic process to explain qualitatively the above characteristics .

  25. 叙述了定性解释液体衍射强度曲线和结构曲线黄金规则的经验公式。

    Two empirical golden rules for explaining the diffraction curve and the structural function of liquid have been elaborated .

  26. 对这一现象,应用离子束轰击前后薄膜内部应力改变的观点给予了定性解释。

    This phenomenon is qualitatively explained in terms of the stress changes in the film before and after irradiation .

  27. 根据桩间土体的成拱特征,定性解释了群桩相互作用的机理与规律,具体工程的现场量测结果也验证了此结论。

    These conclusions were explained by arching effects of soil between piles theoretically , and verified by a practical project .

  28. 用离子对交叉驰豫模型及光纤中的非线性效应&受激布里渊散射对实验结果进行了定性解释。

    The results are explained qualitatively by the cross relaxation model of ion pair and the fiber nonlinearity stimulated Brillouin scattering .

  29. 数值分析了光纤截面结构变化对于光栅传输谱的影响,并给出这种影响的定性解释。

    The influence of the structure change of the fiber cross section on the transmission spectrum is simulated , and derived qualitatively .

  30. 本文论述了卤素互化物的生成规律,以及它的反应活性,并从结构上定性解释卤素互化物的稳定性。

    This paper discussed the forming rules and their reaction activities of interhalogen compounds , Explained their stabilities from the structure aspects .