
  • 网络normal field
  1. 地磁正常场的选取与地磁异常场的计算

    Selection of the geomagnetic normal field and calculation of the geomagnetic anomalous field

  2. 在噪声情况下计算电波正常场

    Evaluating the normal field intensity in noisy environments for underground electromagnetic waves exploration

  3. 1980年代中国地磁正常场图及其数学模式

    The geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 and the mathematical model

  4. 基于近代天线理论的钻孔电磁波法正常场

    The Normal Field in Borehole Electromagnetic Wave Method Based on the Modern Antenna Theory

  5. 平界面高频电磁波正常场理论值的计算

    Calculation of the Theoretical Value of High Frequency Electromagnetic Normal Field for plane Boundary

  6. 磁法正常场改正的一种算法

    A calculation method for correcting normal magnetic field

  7. 水平电偶源充电电磁法正常场研究及其应用

    Study and application of normal field of EM charge method of horizontal electric dipoles

  8. 中国及邻近地区地磁正常场及其长期变化的计算

    Normal magnetic field in China and its adjacent area and calculation of its secular variation

  9. 磁力资料内业整理由日变校正、方位改正和正常场改正组成。

    Magnetic data processing includes daily variation rectification , azimuth correction and normal field correction .

  10. 重力资料内业整理包括零点位移校正、正常场改正、厄特渥斯校正、布格改正及格莱尼异常改正等。

    The gravity data processing includes displacement rectification , normal field correction , Eotvos rectification , Bouguer correction and Grany anomaly correction .

  11. 基于虚拟正常场,可解决物理大地测量学中存在的一个无定义问题。

    With the aid of the fictitious normal field , a theoretical problem in physical geodesy , referred to as the no-definition problem , is solved .

  12. 本文提出了噪声情况下计算地下电磁波勘探曲线正常场的造代线性拟合方法。

    In this paper , " Iterative Linear Fit Method " evaluating the normal field intensity in noisy environments , is developed for underground electromagnetic waves exploration .

  13. 重力勘查的观测值必须进行正常场与高度改正,为此要测量重力测点的平面位置与高程,尤其对高程测量精度要求甚严。

    The observed values of gravity survey must undergo normal field and elevation correction . Therefore , the plane positions and elevations of gravity measuring points must be measured ;

  14. 然后,又以此模式场作为正常场,计算出1970年中国地磁异常场,并与地质构造相比较,发现二者有着密切的关系。

    Furthermore , taking this model field as normal background , the anomalous geomagnetic fields in China in 1970 had been obtained , and the authors found that they were related to the geological tectonics .

  15. 将断电时机器人周围的磁场作为正常场,分析了对机器人通电后的磁场变化,得出电流产生的异常场的等值线图。

    Consider the magnetic field around the robot powered off as a normal field , analysis of the magnetic field changes when the robot is powered on , and drawn current anomaly field generated by the contour map .

  16. 对高精度磁测数据进行了日变改正、高度改正、水平梯度改正、基点改正和正常场改正,异常下限确定,地形改正,分量提取,切线法及正演拟合。

    High-precision measurements of the magnetic data were changed to correct date , correct height , horizontal gradient correction , base correction and normal market correction , threshold in determining the terrain correction , component extraction , tangent method and the forward fitting .

  17. 本文介绍了1980.0年中国地磁正常场图的编绘和地磁正常场数学模式的建立使用不同年代观测的地磁三要素资料2000余个,经过通化改正,统统改正到1980.0这个特定年代。

    In this paper a mathematical model was given for drawing geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 . More than 2000 three-element data of different years have been used to draw the geomagnetic field chart of China in 1980.0 by using Taylor polynomial and least square method .

  18. 本文通过对地球正常重力场理论公式的分析,认为可以采用GPS测量的大地高进行重力高度改正。

    Based on analysing theoretical formula of normal gravity field of the earth , the author holds that the geodetic elevation of GPS survey might ha adopted for cavity altitude correction .

  19. 在靠近岩床10m范围内,镜质体反射率(Ro)值比正常地温场条件下升高1至数倍,最高可达3.44%。

    The R_0 value within 10m around the sill is 1 to several times of that at normal geothermal field condition , and can even be as high as 3.44 % .

  20. 伽利略卫星的等势面和正常重力场

    Equi potential Surface and Normal Gravity of the Galilean Satellites

  21. 计算表明,潮汐对伽利略卫星的正常重力场影响不大。

    Calculations suggests that tides raised by Jupiter weakly affect the Galilean satellites .

  22. 物理大地测量与地球物理正常重力场的同源性研究

    A research on source identity of the normal gravity in physical geodesy and Geophysics

  23. 利用这一方法,讨论了伽利略卫星正常重力场及其在等势面上的分布,以及木星的潮汐对伽利略卫星的正常重力场的影响。

    Tidal effects on the normal gravity are also discussed . The authors apply these to the Galilean satellites .

  24. 布置现场工作和解读资料时,必须考虑正常温度场。

    This normal temperature field has to be considered for the planning of the field work and for interpretation of the data .

  25. 正常椭球内部场的内蕴几何与密度分布

    Intrinsic Structure and Density of the Normal Ellipsoid 's Interior

  26. 埋地热油管道正常运行温度场的确定

    Determination of Temperature Field of Crude Oil Pipeline

  27. 用那个赛季的胜场数和82场的正常赛季胜场数相比没有任何意义。

    Comparing the wins in that season to an 82-game season doesn 't make sense .

  28. 给定参考椭球体的四个基本参数,椭球体产生的外部正常重力位场可利用传统方法确定。

    Given four basic parameters of a reference ellipsoid , the normal potential field generated by the ellipsoid could be determined by using conventional method .

  29. 离体眼眶肿瘤及正常组织超高场磁共振波谱特点的比较

    Comparison of MR spectroscopic characteristics between orbital tumor and normal tissues in vitro by super high field MR

  30. 从恢复正常到另一场(甚至可能更严重的)危机出乎行业、监管机构和全世界的意料而爆发,又会过多长时间?

    How soon thereafter will it be before another perhaps even worse crisis comes as a surprise to the industry , regulators and the world ?