
  • 网络orthorectification;ortho rectification;ortho-rectification
  1. 利用DEM进行多山地区星载SAR影像的正射校正

    Ortho-rectification of Satellite SAR image in mountain area by DEM

  2. 本论文深入研究了星载SAR影像的正射校正处理方法,为开发一个可操作性强、运行效率高的SAR影像处理软件系统提供技术支持。

    In this paper , the ortho-rectification methodologies of space-borne SAR imagery were studied in detail with objectives to solve key technique problems raised by developing an efficient and operational SAR imagery processing software system .

  3. 基于大周边感受野的仿生图像滤波器组合图像模拟和精配准的星载SAR图像正射校正

    A bionic image filter using extended surround receptive field Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation

  4. 按计算机模拟图像和视像尺寸调整位置组合图像模拟和精配准的星载SAR图像正射校正

    Adjusts position to computer analog and video image size Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation

  5. 本文正射校正处理方案基于距离多普勒(RD)定位模型。

    The ortho-rectification schemes developed in this paper are based on Range Doppler ( RD ) geo-location model .

  6. 为了提高SAR影像的应用价值,必须通过正射校正处理去除SAR影像固有的几何畸变,以生成一幅处于一定地图投影下的正射影像。

    In order to improve the usefulness of SAR images , their inherent geometric distortions must be eliminated by generating a radar ortho-imagery that corresponds to a well defined map projection .

  7. 组合图像模拟和精配准的星载SAR图像正射校正白领工人不像劳动工人那样有良好的组织,那样良好的联合,这是众所周知的事。

    Ortho-rectifying space-borne SAR based on fine registration and image simulation It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers .

  8. 当用于地形校正的DEM数据与SAR影像非同源时,研究了消除二者之间相对系统误差对正射校正影响的方法。

    When the DEM data and SAR image for terrain corrected do not have a same source , we studied the method of eliminating the effect of ortho-rectification caused by relative system error between the two .

  9. 该方法由图像分割和分类等一系列技术组成,首先用基于区域分割法则对正射校正SPOT图像进行分割,然后把它作为参考用最大似然法分类器和其他一些经验规则对TM图像进行分类。

    This method was made up of a series of image segmentation and classification technique . First , the orthograph revised SPOT image was segmented by applying a region-based segmentation algorithm . Based this reference map , TM image was classified using the maximum likelihood classifier and additional empirical rules .

  10. 前面研究的都是误差的一些理论工作,接下来本文以北京近年Aster遥感数据为实例,分别用误差椭圆、矢量箭头和等高线法显示了遥感数据经过正射校正后图面的点元误差分布。

    After theory research , this article used recent Aster remote sensing data of Beijing as an example . I used 3 methods to show the error , there are error ellipse , vector arrows and contour lines .

  11. 星载合成孔径雷达影像正射校正方法研究

    Study on Ortho-rectification Methodology of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery

  12. 对遥感影像数据进行了融合、正射校正和裁剪。

    The remote sensing image data is fused , shot corrected and cut out .

  13. 对快鸟影像进行正射校正,运用高斯滤波进行图像增强,减少噪音,增强退耕地的树冠信息。

    Gaussian filter was applied to the image to improve the tree crown information and control image noise .

  14. 实验结果表明,本文的正射校正方法快速、有效,能满足预定比例尺正射影像的几何精度要求。

    Test results show that the proposed ortho-rectification procedure works well and effectively and also , the accuracy fulfills the requirements of the ortho image generation with corresponding map scale .