
  • 网络Super Brand Mall;zhengda plaza
  1. 购物乐趣&上海正大广场设计理念

    Pleasure in Shopping : Shanghai SUPER BRAND MALL Design Concept

  2. 曾全程参与了上海正大广场的开发、策划、推广及招商。

    He used to work for Super Brand Mall in Shanghai in charge of development , planning , marketing and leasing .

  3. 福州正大广场深基坑支护施工技术

    Bracing and Protecting Construction Technology of Deep Foundation Pit in Fuzhou Chia Tal Plaza

  4. 上海正大广场钢结构吊装施工方案虚拟仿真系统

    The Virtual Simulation System of the Constructional Method of the Steel Structure Lifting Project in Shanghai Chia Tai Mall

  5. 中国日报消息,一名年轻的音乐家在上海正大广场附近用吉他进行表演。

    A young musician performs with a guitar near the Super Brand Mall in Shanghai in May . Provided to China Daily

  6. 那么快到正在上海正大广场举办的上海最大的迪斯尼展览来看看米奇和米妮以及他们的小伙伴们吧!

    Meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse and all their friends at the city 's largest Disney exhibition at the Shanghai Super Brand Mall .

  7. 正大广场三楼已经被布置成了一个魔幻乐园,三楼中心的上空,一个巨大的米老鼠在迎接着游客,向游客们问好。

    The center of the mall 's third floor has been transformed into a magic house with a giant Mickey above , greeting visitors .

  8. 这个周末,哈利波特魔法世界在上海正大广场正式开启,在电影中“韦斯莱双胞胎”的扮演者詹姆斯和奥利弗·菲尔普斯亮相现场,挥舞着魔杖并宣布展览正式开始。

    This Harry Potter experience opened in Shanghai 's Super Brand Mall over the weekend , with the Weasley brothers ' actors James and Oliver Phelps given the honour of waving the wand to officially open the show .