
  • 网络HuaiHai Road;huaihailu road;Avenue Joffre
  1. 淮海路是与南京路齐名的旅游、购物街。

    Huaihai Road and Nanjing road is a famous tourist shopping street .

  2. 我在淮海路178号南园宾馆工作。

    Im working at Nanyuan Hotel at178 Huaihai Road .

  3. 但是你得在淮海路换乘26号无轨电车。

    But you 'll have to change for trolleybus No.26 at Huaihai road .

  4. 淮海路:国际时尚街魅力

    Huai Hai Road : International Fashion Street

  5. 这里的公交基本只到淮海路靠近人民广场的地方。

    The buses here can only reach Huaihai Road which is near People 's Square .

  6. 他舅舅住在淮海路307号。

    His uncle lives at307 Huaihai Road .

  7. 在总结前人研究以及实地调查的基础上发现,上海已经形成了虹桥开发区、陆家嘴金融贸易区、静安南京路、卢湾淮海路和黄浦外滩5个办公中心。

    Based on former studies and field investigations five major office centers were found in Shanghai .

  8. 地铁淮海路逆作法工程的技术与管理对策

    The technology of reverse constructing method applied in Huai Hai road subway project and its management

  9. 其他的商业中心还有卢湾区的经典新天地和淮海路,以及徐汇区的徐家汇商业区;

    Other major commercial areas include the classy Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in Luwan district and Xujiahui in Xuhui District .

  10. 著名的购物街如南京路、淮海路、四川路,它们和世界上其他大城市的主要购物街很相似。

    Huaihai , and Sichuan Road are much similar to the main shopping streets of any large city in the world .

  11. 漫步在南京路与淮海路,便是走在了流行与时尚的前沿。

    Walking along the Nanjing Road and the Huaihai road , you will have a chance to follow the latest vogue and fashion .

  12. 香港旅游发展局6月将在上海新天地和淮海路购物区举办一系列庆祝活动。10月15日至19日,香港贸易发展局将在繁华的南京东路步行街举行大型“时尚香港”活动。

    The Hong Kong Tourism Board plans to hold a series of celebrations at Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in June and fashion activities at Nanjing Road in October .

  13. 而在2006年3月,三枪位于淮海路的一家门店,也因租约的问题被撤了出来。

    And in March 2006 , 3 guns are located in the one door inn of sea route of the Huaihe River , because the problem of lease was removed , also come out .