
  • 网络huaihai road;Middle Huaihai Road;Huaihai Zhong Road;Avenue Joffre
  1. 上海世博会展示中心的地址是上海市卢湾区淮海中路300号香港新世界大厦。

    Shanghai Expo Exhibition Center is located at the Hong Kong New World Tower , No.300 Huaihai Road ( M. ), Luwan District , Shanghai .

  2. 十来位女性和一位男性撞碎了宝洁公司办事处的玻璃门,并闯入办事处内。这一办事处位于上海主干道淮海中路。

    More than a dozen women and one man smashed a glass door and raced into Procter and gamble 's offices on shanghai 's main thoroughfare , central Huaihai road .

  3. 上海轨道交通1号线、拟建7号线和10号线在淮海中路的陕西南路与常熟路之间形成三线换乘枢纽。

    A transfer hub is planned at the block of South Shanxi Road and Changshu Road along Huanghai Middle Road , linking the existing Shanghai Rail Transit Line 1 , Line 7 ( in plan ) and Line 10 ( in plan ) .