
  • 网络North Bund
  1. 上海港国际客运中心建于北外滩,拥有870m沿江岸线。

    Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal was founded in the North Bund , which possesses about 870 m length coastlines .

  2. 北外滩沿江地区规划

    Plan for the North Bund Area along River

  3. 论上海北外滩航运服务功能的拓展

    On Exploitation of shipping Service Function of the North Bond of Shanghai

  4. 宁波北外滩保护建筑的修缮

    Remedy Of Protective Architectures Of Northern Band In Ningbo

  5. 位于北外滩的老,寨城的上海。

    The Bund lies north of the old , walled city of Shanghai .

  6. 北外滩滨水区中国上海

    North Bund Riverside Shanghai , China

  7. 最后,以上海北外滩地区地下空间开发利用的需求分析为实例,说明目前在具体研究实例中可以采取的需求分析方法。

    Finally , North Bund Area in shanghai is illustrated to show the demands analysis methods in practice at present .

  8. 上海国际航运中心的发展和黄浦江的开发为北外滩航运服务功能的拓展提供了契机。

    The development of the Shanghai international shipping center and Huangpu River provide the exploitation of the shipping services of North Bond with a great opportunity .

  9. “厄尔”(伯爵)飓风在离开北卡罗来纳州外滩一带的海岸之后正在向北移动,给美国东岸的大部分地区带来巨浪和强风。

    Hurricane Earl is moving north after churning off the coast of North Carolina 's Outer Banks , bringing rough seas , rains and powerful winds to large parts of the eastern United States .