
  1. 城市最佳实践区位于世博浦西园区的E区,占地15.08公顷。

    The Urban Best Practices Area ( UBPA ) is located in Zong E of Puxi Site , covering an area of15.08 hectares .

  2. 城市足迹馆和城市未来馆分别位于浦西的D片区和E片区,两座展馆建筑利用原工业建筑进行设计改建,构成传统与现代相互呼应的崭新空间。

    The other two pavilions , Footprint and Future , are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively ; they represent a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity .

  3. 上海浦西第一楼&恒隆广场大厦深18.2m基坑工程的设计

    18.2m Deep Foundation Pit Engineering Design of Shanghai Plaza Heng Long

  4. Savills指出,除了浦东的上海中心大厦,年底前还将有一座340米高的大厦在更具历史风情的浦西地区破土动工。

    Savills noted that in addition to the new tower for Pudong , a groundbreaking is set before yearend for a340-meter building on the more historic Puxi side of Shanghai .

  5. 在最近的一次游览中,设计师莫里芝奥·博纳斯(MaurizioBonas)如数家珍地说起佛罗伦萨艺术史上那些响当当的名字——科尔西尼(Corsini)、浦西(Pucci)、斯特罗奇(Strozzi),其中斯特罗奇的签名图案仍然在生产。

    During a recent tour , the designer Maurizio Bonas rattled off the illustrious names of historic Florentine clans - Corsini , Pucci , Strozzi - whose signature patterns are still being produced .

  6. 展馆“组”共有12个,其中8个在浦东,4个在浦西。

    There are12 pavilion groups , 8 in Pudong and4 in Puxi .

  7. 我们如何从浦东园区到浦西园区呢?

    How can we get from the Pudong Site to Puxi Site ?

  8. 外环隧道浦西连接井特大型深基坑的变形控制

    Deformation control of Super-large Deep Foundation Pit for Connecting Shaft of the Outer Ring Tunnel

  9. 那么我要从浦东园区到浦西园区怎么走呢?

    One more question , how can I get to Puxi park from Pudong park ?

  10. 它流经上海市区,将上海分割成了浦西和浦东。

    It flows through the Shanghai area , would be split into Shanghai Puxi and Pudong .

  11. 每天夜里,比利时蚂蚁福雷柳斯浦西勒斯的自我牺牲精神都会达到一个新的水平。

    Every night , the Brazilian ant Forelius pusillus takes self-sacrifice to a whole new level .

  12. 浦西彰显着东方都市的魅力,热闹、兴旺,但是嘈杂、拥挤。

    Puxi emits the atmosphere of enchantment of a typical oriental metropolis , flourishing but crowded .

  13. 架桥机在大跨径组合段及匝道T梁施工中的研究及运用&卢浦大桥浦西引桥龙华东路段T梁吊装施工

    Study and Application of Bridge Launching Gantry to the Construction of T-Shaped Girder for Large Span Section and Ramp Section

  14. “多辅”是指核心功能区以外还有三个辅助片区,一个在浦西,二个在浦东。

    Multiple Auxiliary Parts refers to three auxiliary zones , one of in Puxi and the other two in Pudong .

  15. “一主”是指围绕跨越黄浦江两岸的滨江绿洲形成的核心功能区,分为浦东、浦西两个片区。

    The Main Part refers to the core area surrounding the riverside green space along both sides of the Huangpu River .

  16. 被批准的必须迁址浦东,同时可以保留浦西支行。

    The licensed institutions must move their premises to pudong , and the offices in Puxi could be maintained as sub-ranches .

  17. 从多场试运营得来的经验是:浦西园区参观环境更加舒适,展示内容同样精彩。

    The Puxi section of the Expo Park is likely to be more comfortable and less crowded than the Pudong section .

  18. 上周五晚上,M在正大9楼的愉家,一个靠窗对着浦西的桌边,跟我爸妈提亲了。

    Last friday night , we booked a window table in restaurant YUGA which has river view alongside the Huangpu to west Shanghai .

  19. 这从上海浦东、浦西的开发就可以看出来。

    First , Shanghai has a high effective government , which we can easily see from the successful development of Pudong and Puxi .

  20. “城市文明馆”和“城市未来馆”位于浦西使用工业遗产建筑改造成展馆。

    Pavilion of Urban Civilization and Pavilion of Future are situated in Puxi Site ; they will be renovated from existing industrial building .

  21. 以延安高架道路燃气穿越工程为例,介绍了水平定向穿越施工工艺在上海浦西的应用。

    By taking Yan'an elevated road engineering for example , the article introduces the application of the horizon directional crossing technology in west Shanghai .

  22. 浦西卡尔教授称智慧的人很注重常识,但真正使他们与众不同的地方在于他们对于问题有自己的理解和判断。

    Pushkar says wise people often highlight common sense & but what makes them different than most is how they follow their own advice .

  23. 与浦西隔江相看的是位于浦东新区的中华第一高楼,88层高的金茂大厦。

    Across the Huangpu River , Puxi Area is looking at China 's tallest building the88-storey Jin Mao Tower which is in Pudong Area .

  24. 这根世界上最高的温度计高达165米,矗立在黄浦江畔的浦西世博园中。

    The165-meter Expo Thermometer , the highest meteorological signal tower in the world , is located in the Puxi Expo Park along the Huangpu River .

  25. 世博园区规划用地范围为5.28平方公里,其中浦东部分为3.93平方公里,浦西部分为1.35平方公里。

    The Expo Site covers a total area of 5.28 square kilometers , with 3.93 sq km in Pudong and 1.35 sq km in Puxi .

  26. 上海老船埠休闲创意园位于浦西黄浦江干,再起路以南地区,中山南路479弄。

    Old Pier is located in the Huangpu River in Puxi , Fuxing Road , south of the region , Zhongshan South Road , 479 Lane .

  27. 公共服务设施的集中区域包括东西贯穿浦东部分的景观步廊沿线和广场周边、以及浦西部分的中部区域。

    The area for concentrated facilities covers the main pedestrian route and four theme plazas in the Pudong section and the central part of the Puxi section .

  28. 这间地处浦西之巅,高66层楼里的豪华五星级酒店,提供中国最时尚大都市中高标准的优质的服务。

    Located in the tallest landmark property in Puxi at66 stories high , the hotel raises the standard of five star service in China 's most stylish city .

  29. 本文介绍了浦东发展银行字浦江两岸的建筑情况,兼及浦西旧址与浦东新址同时期的金融建筑,分析了银行建筑设计的历史传承与变化发展。

    The essay presents Pudong Development Bank 's office buildings on both sides of Huangpu River , Shanghai , and it also covers financial buildings of the same era in the two sites . A history of transition and transformation of bank buildings has been analysed as well .