
  • 网络Pukou District
  1. 南京长江大桥位于南京市西北长江上,连通市区与浦口区,是一座我国自己设计建造的双层双线公路、铁路两用桥,1968年12月29日竣工。

    Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in the north-west of the Yangtze River , connecting the urban areas with the Pukou District , is one of China 's own design and construction of double-lane highways , railways dual-use bridge , completed on December 29 , 1968 .

  2. 滁河南京段是江苏省1条重要的主干线航道,构成南京地区“王”字结构航道网上部的一横,横贯南京江北浦口、六合两区,其战略地位十分重要。

    Chuhe River Nanjing Section is a trunk waterway of Jiangsu Province and of great significance in strategic position .