
  • 网络Gulou;gulou district;Drum Tower District
  1. 地点:南京绿地洲际酒店76层,凌霄中餐厅哈里发厅,南京市鼓楼区中央路1号。

    Venue : Intercontinental Nanjing , 76F , Khalifa Room , Summit Restaurant , No.1 Zhongyang Road , Gulou District , Nanjing .

  2. 南京鼓楼区境内曾是民国官府、外国使领馆及政要名流居住集中之地,各种类型的民国建筑遍布区境各个角落。

    Gulou district of Nanjing has been the territory where the Republic of the magistracy , foreign embassies and dignitaries used to live and concentrate .

  3. 近两个月来,中国第一家“诚实书店”在南京市鼓楼区汉中路街头正式营业。

    For almost two months , the country 's first " honesty bookshop " has occupied a sidewalk on Hanzhong Road in the city 's Gulou district .

  4. 目的通过对南京市鼓楼区向阳社区卫生服务站的成本进行调查,以期获得社区卫生服务机构的总成本和单位服务项目成本,为政府制定社区卫生服务补偿标准提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE To obtain the cost price of community service items through surveys and investigations we provided suggestions to the local government about raising health service allowance .

  5. 杨鸿目睹“话不投机”,当即起草民事诉状将山西路百货商店告到了南京鼓楼区法院。

    Yang Hong witnessed that " fails to agree ", drafted the civil petition to consider immediately the mountain west road Department store the Nanjing Gulou District Court .

  6. 在鼓楼区城市公园的使用人群主要为本地居民中的收入较低者,这部分人群的住址离城市公园相对较近。

    In the Gulou District metropolitan park 's use crowd mainly for the local resident 's in income junior , this part of crowd 's address leaves the metropolitan park to be relatively near .