
  • XIAMEN;Gulang Island;Gulangyu Islet
  1. 鼓浪屿,中国重点风景名胜区,全国35个名牌景点之一。

    Gulangyu Islet , one of35 key national scenic resorts , covers an area of1.78 square kilometers .

  2. 厦门鼓浪屿百鸟园的植物配置

    The disposition of plants in the Birds Garden of Gulang Island in Xiamen

  3. 基于RS鼓浪屿绿地景观多样性动态分析

    RS-based Dynamic Analysis of Green Land Variety of Gulangyu

  4. 他说,鼓浪屿不是一个问题。

    Kolong soo , he says is out of the question .

  5. 融古会今推陈出新&厦门鼓浪屿疗养院餐饮综合楼设计

    Design of Gulangyu Complex Complex Building of Sanatorium in Xiamen

  6. 鼓浪屿海滨疗养因子及其作用初探

    Preliminary study of convalescent factors and its action in Gulangyu 's seaside

  7. 她写了厦门鼓浪屿攻略里关于住宿的部分;

    She wrote the accommdation part in Gulangyu travel guide .

  8. 请问,鼓浪屿是什么意思?

    Excuse me , what do you mean by gulangyu ?

  9. 邻城市型风景名胜区生态环境保护研究&以鼓浪屿-万石山国家重点风景名胜区生态环境规划为例

    On the Protection of the Ecological Environment of Tourist Attractions Adjacent to Cities

  10. 杂谈在鼓浪屿的最后一天,相对悠闲很多。

    In the last day of Gulangyu , it was relaxed a lot relatively .

  11. 浅析鼓浪屿的人居环境模式某住宅楼桩基工程事故分析与处理

    Accident Analysis and Treatment in Regard to the pile foundation in a habitation building

  12. 这里就是鼓浪屿钢琴博物馆了。

    Here it is the Gulangyu Piano Museum .

  13. 原本没有机动车的鼓浪屿,街道一般是寂静的。

    Streets in Gulangyu used to be free of motor vehicles and are usually quiet .

  14. 第一章叙述了鼓浪屿租界地形成的过程。

    The first chapter tells the process of formation of Gulangyu as a leased territory .

  15. 鼓浪屿的美丽,更多地隐藏在岛上一栋栋老房子里。

    The beauty of Gulangyu is hidden more in the rows of old houses on the island .

  16. 鼓浪屿沦为公共租界后,人民群众便开始了团结御侮、反抗殖民统治的英勇斗争。

    Right after Gulangyu became the public concession people began their firm and unswerving struggle against colonial domination .

  17. 论鼓浪屿风景区的深度开发武汉新区旅游资源系统整合与深度开发的构想

    Conceiving about the systemic conformity and deep exploitation of tourism resource in the new developed area of Wuhan

  18. 寻求多元与共生的城市和谐更新&以鼓浪屿内厝澳片区改造规划研究为例

    Harmonious Urban Renewal with Diversity and Coexistence : A Case Study of Neicuo ' ao Community Renovation Planning in Gulangyu

  19. 鼓浪屿上气候怡人,四季如春,素有海上花园的美称。

    With mild spring like weather all the year around , Gulangyu is reputed as a garden on the sea .

  20. 太平洋战争爆发前后,日本通过扩大侵略战争及各种手段,使鼓浪屿成为其独占租界时期的鼓浪屿之研究的殖民地,到抗战胜利,整整达4年之久。

    Before and after the Pacific War Japan managed to turn the island into its colony by expanding its invasive war .

  21. 租界时期鼓浪屿的行政管理体制基本是以各国的工部局为主导来进行,其中也有华人的参政。

    During the leased territory period of Gulangyu , the administration management system is mainly carried out by the Municipal Council .

  22. 日光岩位于鼓浪屿中部,是厦门的龙头景区。

    The Sunlight Cliff , the best beauty spot of Xiamen region , is located in the heart of Gulangyu Island .

  23. 每当夜幕降临,鼓浪屿到处传出钢琴、吉他、小提琴、电子琴、手风琴的悠扬琴声,因而鼓浪屿又有“音乐之岛”的美称。

    Every evening the notes of pianos , guitars , accordions , violins and electronic organs are heard wafting over the island .

  24. 日本独占的4年,是鼓浪屿租界史上最黑暗的时期。

    This 4-year occupation by the Japanese turned out to be the darkest period of time in the history of foreign settlement .

  25. 目的了解鼓浪屿炎热期户外疗养活动日光损伤的情况并提出对策。

    To know about the state of sunshine injury of outdoor activities in sweltering hot weather in Gu Lang Yu and raise countermeasures .

  26. 同样地,她还带来其他乐曲的个性。她的演奏技艺使鼓浪屿这个原本就著名的音乐盛地更加添彩。

    Similarly , she brought out the personalities of other songs , and with this skill she strenthened gulangyu 's already famous musical reputation .

  27. 不过,虽然景点中的景色确实固然令人心旷神怡,却不能体现鼓浪屿真正的魅力。

    However , carefree and joyous indeed as the scenery of the attractions , the real charm of Gulangyu can by no means be represented .

  28. 1841年8月英军占领鼓浪屿,嗣后,列强竞相争夺鼓浪屿为租地。

    After the occupation of Gulangyu by the British troops in August 1841 , big powers competed for this settlement and set up their consulate respectively .

  29. 阳光下的鼓浪屿,日光岩和绿林掩映的洋房依稀可见。

    Sunlight Rock and western-style houses hidden in the lush greenery on Gulangyu Islet , a tiny island off the coast of Xiamen , were faintly visible .

  30. 最后,以鼓浪屿风景区为实例,分析其文脉特点与存在问题,并提出文脉保护和传承的规划改造方案。

    Finally , the thesis takes Gulangyu Scenic Area for example , analyzes the present situation , then raises the strategy of planning and reforming of context .