
xiào zhǎng
  • principal;president;headmaster;head;chancellor;vice chancellor;rector;schoolmaster
校长 [xiào zhǎng]
  • (1) [headmaster;principal]∶中小学的领导者

  • (2) [president]∶大学的主要负责人

校长[xiào zhǎng]
  1. 女王陛下随后出席了午宴,以表示对校长的尊重。

    Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch

  2. 要当校长,你就得脸皮厚一些。

    You need a thick skin to be a headmaster .

  3. 校长进来时,所有的人都立刻站了起来。

    Everyone sprang to their feet when the principal walked in .

  4. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。

    We looked around the school and talked with the principal .

  5. 申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。

    Further information is available on application to the principal .

  6. 那天由校长致欢迎词开始。

    The day commenced with a welcome from the principal .

  7. 从校长下至每个人都将到场。

    Everyone will be there , from the Principal down .

  8. 校长巡视了所有教室。

    The head went on a tour of inspection of all the classrooms .

  9. 她滥用自己作为校长的职权,把工作安排给朋友们。

    She abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends .

  10. 校长通常给我们上法语课。

    The head teacher usually takes us for French .

  11. 做这件事未经校长批准。

    It was done without the principal 's authority .

  12. 我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。

    They have appointed a new head teacher at my son 's school .

  13. 校长絮絮叨叨地谈着考试结果,但是谁也没有听进去。

    The principal waffled on about exam results but no one was listening .

  14. 校长能叫出所有学生的姓名。

    The principal knows all the students by name .

  15. 校长是个大忙人。

    The principal is a very busy woman .

  16. 申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在6月12日以前送达校长处。

    Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th .

  17. 她对校长和教师们满心钦佩。

    She is full of admiration for the head and teachers .

  18. 这项政策太令人费解,甚至连大学校长们也是一头雾水。

    The policy is so convoluted even college presidents are confused .

  19. 唐纳德·金是达特茅斯中学的校长。

    Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School .

  20. 学生们通过了对校长进行不信任投票的动议。

    The students passed a motion of no-confidence in the college principal .

  21. 校长们将被要求完成一份问卷调查。

    Headteachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire .

  22. 我跟校长的第一次冲突发生在6年前。

    My first brush with a headmaster came six years ago

  23. 索耶教授上周四被正式任命为校长。

    Professor Sawyer was formally installed as President last Thursday

  24. 他是英格兰西部一所公学的校长。

    He was headmaster of a public school in the West of England .

  25. 他作为校长的工作履历非常突出。

    His track record as a headmaster was excellent .

  26. 老师们在校长办公室门前举行了一场静坐抗议。

    Teachers staged a sit-down protest in front of the president 's office .

  27. 现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。

    There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches .

  28. 校长们昨天提交了一份要求加薪9%的声明。

    Head teachers yesterday submitted a claim for a 9 per cent pay rise .

  29. 董事们运用赋予他们的更大权力罢免不称职的校长。

    Governors are using the increased powers given to them to act against incompetent headteachers .

  30. 校长需要通晓财政。

    Head teachers need to be financially literate