
xiào dǒng
  • School directors;a member of the board of trustees of a college, school, etc
校董[xiào dǒng]
  1. 老师们获得校董的全力支持。

    The teachers have the full backing of the school governors .

  2. 感谢Tilghman主席各位校董和朋友们

    Thank you . President Tilghman . Trustees and Friends

  3. 感谢Tilghman主席,各位校董和朋友们,2012年级的家长们,普林斯顿2012年级的同学们。

    Thank you . President Tilghman . Trustees and Friends . Parents of the Class of 2012 wherever they put you .

  4. 感谢Tilghman主席,各位校董和朋友们,2012年级的家长们,还有最关键的,普林斯顿2012年级的同学们。

    Thank you . President Tilghman . Trustees and Friends . Parents of the Class of 2012 . Above all , Members of the Princeton Class of 2012 .

  5. 没叫你们来校董办公室吗?

    You weren 't called in front of the Administrative Board ?

  6. 她开始对校董们展开一场无休止的斗争。

    She launched into an interminable battle with the school governors .

  7. 所以你们被叫到校董办公室来

    So you were called in front of the Ad Board .

  8. 学校里的家具一部分是由校董们预备的。

    The schoolhouse had been partly furnished by the managers .

  9. 校董听证会上,你有谁能代表你么?

    Do you have anyone representing you at the school board hearing ?

  10. 我用了周五下午大部分光阴来说服校董会…

    I spent the better part of Friday afternoon convincing the alumnae ...

  11. 校董们啊,她们的女儿啊,教员们啊.你讲出来.

    The alumnae , their offspring , the faculty . You name it .

  12. 校董麻将游戏现在常常举办展览和比赛。

    The governing bodies of mahjong now often host exhibition games and tournaments .

  13. 祝贺校董会令人尊敬的教职员工们

    Congratulations to the Board of Trustees esteemed faculty

  14. 德克萨斯大学的校董们开始谈论10000美元的本科学位。

    Regents at the University of Texas are talking about a $ 10,000 undergraduate degree .

  15. 谢校长,谢谢校董们。

    Thank you , President and Trustees .

  16. 请校董马丁.利普顿将这位候选人引上前台珍妮特?露意丝?

    Chair of the Board , Martin Lipton and please escort this candidate to the lectern

  17. 我母亲既不是老师也不是校长或校董成员

    You see , my mom was not a teacher or a principal or a school board member

  18. 参议员亨利威尔逊是马萨诸塞州的名字阿加西以校董史密森。

    Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts was to name Agassiz to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian .

  19. 向校董会推荐教师的聘任、晋升和解雇等事宜。

    Making recommendations to the school board on the appointment , promotion , demotion and dismissal of teachers ;

  20. 谢谢大家谢谢你们斯巴院长各位校董伯林格校长2012届毕业生你们好

    Thank you Thank you , President Spar , trustees , President Bollinger Hello , Class of 2012 .

  21. 每一位已正确地登记为选民的校友均可提名一位校友参选校友校董。

    Each alumni who has duly registered as a voter may nominate one candidate to run for the Alumni Manager .

  22. 学校校董注册的申请,须以订明表格向署长提出。

    An application for registration as a manager of a school shall be made to the director in the prescribed form .

  23. 校董合一是目前我国大多数民办高校的管理现状,近年来民办高校的所有权与经营权分离的问题成为关注热点。

    The current situation of management for the most of non-governmental colleges nowadays is the form of school-running merged with director board .

  24. 早上好,雷德市长,巴奇校长,哈登校长,理事们,校董们,校友们,家长们,朋友们,

    Good morning , Mayor Redd , President Barchi , Chancellor Haddon , governors , trustees , alumni , family , friends ,

  25. 现有四书院的资源,除了大学基本的资助外,主要是由各书院的校董会自行筹集。

    Other than basic funding of the university , the four existing colleges mainly rely on their boards of trustees to raise funds .

  26. 令人振奋的是,你们为此向校长和校董们请愿并且获胜,如今大家可以把每一间宿舍的两个卫生间都弄得一样让人恶心了。

    Thrillingly , you petitioned the President and Trustees and won : Now guys can make both bathrooms on every dorm floor equally disgusting .

  27. 丈夫是著名私立学校的校董,并在那里积累文化资本,从而能够在招生游戏中为其他人作担保;

    Husbands are trustees of prestigious private schools , where they accrue the cultural capital that comes with being able to vouch for others in the admissions game ;

  28. 而院校董亦可履行本委予院校董的能及的力,授予其委出的神校董。

    And the board of trustees may delegate to a theological Council appointed by it the power to discharge the functions and duties imposed on the board by this sub-paragraph .

  29. 校或(如校不在)署理校院的部管理及律,就此定期向校董告。

    The warden or in his absence the acting warden shall be responsible for the internal management and discipline of the college and shall periodically report thereon to the council .

  30. 现设立校董会,名为香港理工大学校董会,可行使赋予大学的权力,亦须执行委予大学的职责。

    There is established a Council to be known as the Council of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University which may exercise the powers conferred and shall perform the duties imposed on the university .