
gòng pǐn
  • offerings
供品 [gòng pǐn]
  • [offerings] 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品

供品[gòng pǐn]
  1. 条案上陈放着香炉、烛台和各色供品。

    On the long narrow table were set out an incense burner , candlesticks , and offerings of all kinds .

  2. Baseline记录包含考虑到束或提供品及通用组件之间关系可溯性的字段。

    The Baseline record contains a field that allows for traceability of the relationships between bundles or offerings and common components .

  3. 然而,这些供品只是电脑屏幕上的画面。

    But these offerings are only pictures on a computer screen .

  4. 动物或面包做的人体模型替代了供品。

    Animals or bread dummies had been substituted for the victim .

  5. 对上海人而言,青团是清明祭祖时必不可少的供品。

    As for Shanghai , green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings .

  6. 以清净心供养任何物品时,它就成为真正的供品。

    When it offered with pure intention , it becomes true offering .

  7. 让他们去向他们的神祭献供品。

    Let them go and offer sacrifices to their god .

  8. 我们说话的时候,她正在向神龛上摆放祭祀的供品。

    We talk as she makes offerings to the shrine .

  9. 祭祀的供品用鱼和羊肉。

    Sacrifice offerings with fish and meat .

  10. 棺前还要放食物作为给死者的供品。

    Food is placed in front of the coffin as an offering to the deceased .

  11. 月饼最早是用在祭月典礼中的一种供品。

    Originally the moon cake was used only for sacrificial offerings during the Moon Ceremony .

  12. 有时候,他想要获得人的灵魂,于是就要求人类每年以活人作为供品。

    While he sometimes desired a human soul he would often demand annual human sacrifices .

  13. 从一被征服民族强索供品。

    Exact tribute from a conquered people .

  14. 烧香是一种对佛陀表达感激及尊敬之情的供品。

    Burning incense is a kind of offering , expressing gratitude and veneration to the Buddha .

  15. 倾倒液体供品(尤其是酒)作为宗教仪式的行为。

    The act of pouring a liquid offering ( especially wine ) as a religious ceremony .

  16. 在这一天,人们常常照传统习惯将供品陈列于老式庭院里的供桌上。

    On the day , food offerings were traditionally placed at altars set up in old yards .

  17. 主给予了具体的指示,应该按规矩来准备所需要的牺牲和供品。

    God gave specific instructions for sacrifices and offerings that would be conducted on a regular basis .

  18. 一些历史学家相信这可能是“血”在圣餐礼的圣饼和其它供品上出现的原因。

    Some historians believe that it may have been responsible for reports of'blood'on communion wafers and other bread .

  19. 回到庙里,各拉章都在忙着陈列供品和明天有访客来的摆设。

    After back to the monastery , most people were busy setting up offerings and decoration for Losar .

  20. 他就走过去抓住这公羊,把它代替了儿子做供品献给上帝。

    So he went and took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice instead of his son .

  21. 那一天展出的所有葡萄酒也有过去年期的卡本内供品尝。

    All of the wines represented on the day also offered some of their back vintage Cabernet for tasting .

  22. 天主看中了亚伯和他的供品,而没看中该隐和他的礼物。

    The Lord received Abel and his gift with favour ; but Cain and his gift he did not receive .

  23. 火堆点燃了,巫师和长老对着由糖、古柯叶和酒组成的供品念起了咒语。

    A fire was lit and the shamans and elders chanted incantations over offerings of sweets , coca leaves and alcohol .

  24. 做礼拜的未必都是圣徒。做礼拜的人把他们的供品放在神像的脚前。

    All are not saints that go to church . The worshippers placed their gifts at the feet of the god .

  25. 所以,荟供时必须有适当的观想,否则,供品只是一点点而已。

    So you have to think of it . otherwise , just these , you know , are just little things .

  26. 有的人甚至引用了气候变化作为关闭附近殡仪馆的理由,因为整天都在烧那些纸供品。

    Others have even cited climate change as a reason for closing down nearby funeral parlors where paper offerings are burned throughout the day .

  27. 如他请来“鹰神”,他要拟鹰飞舞,啄食神桌上的供品;

    For instance , if he has invited the God of Hawk , he will imitate flying and pecking at the food on the table ;

  28. 面塑供品的制作与特点。本章主要探讨了面塑供品的制作以及其造型色彩方面艺术特点。三、面塑供品的民俗所指。

    This chapter mainly discusses the production of dough statues and modeling color respect artistic characteristics . Third , the folklore signified of dough statues .

  29. 抱怨是上帝从人类那里获得的最多的供品,它也是人类向上帝倾诉的最诚实的祷词。

    Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings , as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God .

  30. 当月亮在晴朗的天空升起,他们将月饼和新鲜水果摆在桌子上使其成为供品。

    When the moon was rising in a clear sky , they would place the moon cakes and fresh fruit on a table as an offering .