
  • 网络vendor managed inventory;Vendor Management Inventory;vmi
  1. 供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,简称VMI)是一种基于供应链管理思想的创新性集成库存管理模式。

    VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory , referred to VMI for short ), is a kind of integrated inventory management mode based on supply chain management innovation .

  2. 原材料本地化策略和供应商管理库存策略为JIT采购模式的实施奠定了基础,真正意义实现了低库存和柔性生产。

    RM localization and VMI are the basis of JIT purchasing mode , it really achieve the aim of low inventory and flexibility management .

  3. 考虑广告和产品结构的供应商管理库存系统的Nash博弈

    Nash Game in VMI System on Account of Advertising and Production Structure

  4. 本文认为,制造企业普遍实施供应商管理库存(VMI)来减少企业存货,提高存货周转率。

    Manufacturers always implement VMI to decrease inventory and heighten inventory turnover .

  5. 供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,简称VMI)是供应链管理环境下一种新型的库存管理模式,体现了供应链集成化管理的思想,是供应链管理环境下库存控制的一项重要策略。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ), as a newly inventory management strategy , highly reflects the integrated SCM concept .

  6. 供应商管理库存(VMI)支撑体系研究

    Research on Support System of VMI

  7. 而供应商管理库存(VMI)的出现大大改善了这个问题,由企业单独解决变成了集成解决。

    However , VMI solves this problem , changing the problem-solver from corporations alone to the integration .

  8. 本文在现有连续近似(CA)模型的基础上,从供应商管理库存(VMI)角度出发,引入了PowerofTwo(POT)周期配送策略,构建了VMI环境下分销网络设计的CA模型。

    The strategies of vendor managed inventory and ' power of two ' policy are introduced in the continuous approximation model of distribution network designing .

  9. 供应商管理库存(VMI,vendormanagedinventory)作为供应链环境下的一种先进的库存管理模式,成为学者们和企业决策者们关注的焦点。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI , Vendor Managed Inventory ) as an advanced inventory management in the supply chain environment , become scholars and business decision-makers focus .

  10. 供应商管理库存模式(VMI)正是在这种背景下产生和发展起来的,VMI模式是一种制造商和供应商之间的合作性策略,是一种双赢的库存管理模式。

    Under this background , vendor managed inventory ( VMI ) is developing as a cooperative strategy between manufacturer and supplier .

  11. 供应链协同运作的优劣是供应链管理成败的关键,本文通过阐述供应商管理库存的基础理论,提出了基于VMI的供应链协同运作模式。

    This dissertation describes the basic theory of the vendor-managed inventory and proposes a VMI-based collaborative operation mode of the supply chain .

  12. 本文通过对一种简单的供应链系统的建模和分析,评价了供应商管理库存(VMI)实施的经济效果。

    The paper evaluates the economic effect of vendor-managed inventory ( VMI ) by modeling and analyzing a simple supply chain system .

  13. 供应商管理库存(vendormanagedinventory,VMI)模式是在供应链管理的基础上,上下游企业通过库存管理职责的转移,从而实现供应链绩效优化的一种库存管理模式。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) is a new inventory management strategy that upstream-downstream enterprises through the transfer of inventory management responsibilities to realize the supply chain performance optimization .

  14. 随着供应链集成理论的发展,供应商管理库存(VMI)模式作为一种先进库存管理手段逐渐为业界所认可并采用。

    With the development of the theory of the supply chain integration , VMI has become a kind of advanced inventory management model .

  15. 供应商管理库存(VMI)。文中主要介绍了VMI的两种模型,并对其实施原则及方法做了简要阐述。

    This paper describes two kinds of Vendor Managed Inventory models , moreover the levels and the methods of implementation are briefly described .

  16. 通过对一般连锁企业库存管理系统进行分析,结合供应商管理库存(VMI)的先进思想,创造性地将虚拟配送中心的概念运用到了配送中心库存管理模型设计中。

    Then the paper put forward a method of designing the inventory management system based on the ideology of VMI and virtual distribution center .

  17. 供应商管理库存(VMI)是提高多企业供应链管理效率问题中库存控制方面的有效手段。

    Vendor Managed Inventory ( VMI ) is an efficient method for controlling inventory data aimed at improving the efficiency of the multi-firm supply chain .

  18. 本文从供应商管理库存(VMI)策略的运作过程来阐述供应链中牛鞭效应的消除。

    The article has expounded how to eliminate the bullwhip effect in the supply chain from the point of the operation course of the VMI strategy .

  19. 结合水产品及其库存管理的特点,本文分析了水产品供应商管理库存(VMI)的基本特征,在此基础上构建了一个适用于水产品的VMI模型。

    Considering the feature of fishery goods and inventory management , we analyze the VMI 's basic feature and acquire the model of the fishery industry .

  20. 提出实施信息共享策略,建立供应商管理库存模式(VMI),并建立相应的数学模型,求得问题的纳什均衡,证明信息共享与合作可以改善供应链系统,降低运作成本。

    Moreover , we present some strategies of information sharing and Vendor Management Inventory ( VMI ) and set up the relevant mathematic model as well .

  21. 根据供应商管理库存的原则,提出了LX公司原材料供应商管理库存的策略;

    He proposes the supplier management raw material inventory strategy of LX Company as per the principle of Vendor Manage Inventory ;

  22. NSGAⅡ在应急物资储备库选址中的应用供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Application of NSGA ⅱ in Emergency Material Storage Layout Optimization Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System

  23. 目前行业的零备件库存管理大多是遵循旧的制造行业库存管理理论,比如供应商管理库存,JIT,寄售等。

    Currently , the spare parts inventory management is preferred to the traditional manufacturing industry theory , such as vendor manage inventory , the JIT , consignment and so on .

  24. 第四章对供应商管理库存(VMI)、联合库存管理(JMI)以及协同规划、预测和补给(CPFR)等三种具体的供应链管理下的库存控制方法进行了分析和研究。

    The fourth Chapter analyzes and studies three material inventory control measures based on supply chain management , such as VML JMI and CPFR .

  25. 近年来,供应商管理库存(VenderManagedInventory,VMI)作为一种国际上前沿的供应链库存管理模式得到了越来越多企业的认可和采用。

    In recent years , Vender Managed Inventory ( VMI ) has been recognized and adopted by more and more enterprises as a new kind of supply chain stock management mode in the world .

  26. 供应商管理库存(VMI)是一种战略合作伙伴之间的合作性策略,以系统和集成的管理思想进行库存管理,使供应链系统能够同步优化运行。

    VMI is a strategic of cooperation between the partners , and it can manage inventory with Systematic and integrated management ideological , which makes the supply chain system run simultaneously .

  27. 对供应商管理库存(VMI)这一相对较新的集成库存管理模式,本文通过以联想在VMI方面实际探索经验为案例,分析VMI对优化库存、提升备件管理水平方面的重要作用。

    For vendor managed inventory ( VMI ) of this relatively new mode of integrated inventory management , this essay try to explore the importance of VMI in spare parts inventory optimization .

  28. 文章的主要部分为第三、四、五章,分别从价格折扣、产品的可替代性以及供应商管理库存(VMI)三个方面研究了随机需求下多产品的库存策略。

    The main parts of the article are chapter three , chapter four , chapter five , which research the multi-product inventory strategies from price discounts , product substitutability and VMI respectively .

  29. 供应商管理库存(VMI)是一种比较常见方法,它能有效避免需求放大,实施VMI能够降低供应链的整体成本,提高运营效率。

    Vendor Managed Inventory is a comparatively common method , which can effectively avoid magnifying demand , reduce the total cost of the supply chain and enhance the efficiency of the supply chain .

  30. 在实施供应商管理库存的条件下,根据客户订货前置期的历史统计数据或分布函数,通过仿真研究模拟配送中心的订货流程,借助Arena软件实现了对配送中心最优订货点的求解。

    According to the historic statistic and distributing function of lead time of retailers , the optimal order point of distribute center is acquired by computer simulation and Arena software at premise of implementing VMI in this paper .