
ɡònɡ shuǐ xì tǒnɡ
  • waterworks;water supply
  1. 分析了PMC(压力陶瓷膜片)压力传感器的性能特点,介绍了以PMC压力传感器为主要元件构成的高层建筑恒压供水系统。

    This paper analyzes the technical features of PMC pressure transducer and introduces a control system used as an essential part of a constant pressure waterworks .

  2. CG/LAInfrastructure的诺曼•安德森(NormanAnderson)说,我确实知道,有个美国家庭参与一个跨国供水系统项目已长达八年,但至今尚未获得分文回报。CG/LAInfrastructure的总部位于华盛顿,该公司在全球范围开发项目。

    Indeed , one U.S. family is eight years into a multi-country waterworks deal that has yet to pay a dime , says Norman Anderson , of CG / LA Infrastructure , a Washington , D.C. - based firm that develops projects around the world .

  3. 清洁供水系统是他们的当务之急。

    Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority

  4. 毒烟已经进入供水系统。

    Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply

  5. 供水系统有点问题。

    The water system is not functioning well .

  6. PLC控制变频器恒压供水系统的使用方法与维护

    Method and maintenance of PLC frequency-controlled and constant pressure water supply system

  7. 基于PLC的节能增效供水系统的设计与应用

    The Design and Application of PLC-based Energy-Saving and Efficiency of Water Supply System

  8. 基于PLC恒压供水系统中PID控制器的实现

    The PID controller design in the constant pressure water-supplying system based on PLC

  9. 两种模式PID控制变频调速恒压供水系统

    Two kinds of modes PID control system of VF SR With constant pressure water supply

  10. PLC在变频调速多泵并联供水系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Supplying Water System Made up of Parallel-connected Pumps with Frequency Conversion Timing

  11. 变频调速PLC群控系统在消防供水系统中的应用

    The Application of Frequency Control PLC Distributed Control System in the Water Supply System of Fire Control

  12. 在采集水样的同时,检测水样的水温、pH值等指标并收集医院供水系统相关资料。

    Meanwhile , the temperature and pH value were tested and associated factors of water distribution systems were collected .

  13. 基于GIS的城市生命线工程地震反应仿真研究&以上海市供水系统为例

    Simulation Research of Seismic Response of Urban Lifeline Engineering on GIS Basis & A case study on water supply system in Shanghai

  14. 用LOGO控制的变频调速恒压供水系统

    The constant-pressure water supply system of frequency control of motor speed controlled by logo

  15. PLCVVVF恒压供水系统

    PLC VVVF Constant Pressure Water-Supply Systems

  16. 介绍了恒压供水系统,采用PLC进行逻辑控制,采用变频器进行压力调节。

    A constant pressure water supply system was introduced to which used PLC to process the logic control and employed VVVF to adjust water pressure .

  17. 采用PLC内置PID运算功能,结合恒压供水系统特点,实现PLC对系统的控制。

    We use PLC built-in PID operation function , combine the constant pressure water supply character and achieve the control of PLC to the system .

  18. 工控组态软件MCGS与综合自动化&恒压供水系统

    MCGS and constant pressure water supply system of integration automation experimental facility

  19. 在分析了模糊控制和PID控制特点后,提出了参数自寻优Fuzzy-PID复合控制的恒压供水系统。

    After the Fuzzy-control and PID-control are analysed , the system of supply water with constant pressure are designed by using the method of self-approach ultimate parameter Fuzzy-PID compound control .

  20. 恒压供水系统中智能控制方式的应用研究单片机智能控制的后备式方波UPS电源

    The Intelligent Control Policy Applied Research on Water Supply System The Reserved Mode Square Wave UPS Single chip Micro computer Intelligent Control

  21. 介绍了用PLC控制的变频调速恒压供水系统的基本原理,给出了系统的电气线路和PLC程序设计,并在实际中得到了应用。

    This article introduces the frequency speed constant pressure water supply system controlled by PLC , presenting its hardware structure , the design of PLC program and its application .

  22. 基于simaticS7-200的模糊变频调速恒压供水系统

    The Fuzzy VF SR Constant Pressure Water Feeding System Based on SIMATIC S7-200

  23. 本文以变频调速恒压供水系统为例,简要介绍了S7-200系列PLC内置PID运算功能的应用。

    Take the example of vary-frequency speed-readjustment constant-pressure water feed system , this paper shortly introduces the inside PID function application of S7-200 series PLC .

  24. 以生活区的恒压供水系统为例,介绍了应用PLC实现变频恒压供水系统的需求分析和实现过程。

    Take constant pressure supply water system of life area for example , this paper introduces the needs and realization of variable-frequence constant - pressure supply water system using PLC .

  25. 应用电子技术按设定频率上、下限实现自动转换的双通道积分电路,并按此设计PLC控制的变频调速高楼供水系统。

    Variable frequency altering-speed system of supplying water for high building using PLC control was designed by double-channel integral circuit . The circuit transformed automatically by frequency minimum and maximum enacted by electronic technology .

  26. 针对恒压供水系统,介绍了用PLC实现变频恒压控制的工作原理,对其中的水泵机组自动切换程序进行了优化设计,并给出了PLC梯形图。

    As to the constant pressure water-supplying system , introduced the principle of constant pressure water-supply by frequency control using PLC , designed the automation switch pump program and give out the PLC ladder chart .

  27. 因此,本研究第一部分调查了重庆市供水系统及三峡库区水环境中的MC污染状况并对相关理化、生物学指标进行检测。

    It seemed urgent for us to monitor the MC contamination both in municipal water supply system of Chongqing city and aquatic environment of the Three Gorges reservoir .

  28. 本系统采用单片机进行实时控制,采用模糊自适应PID控制技术,实现居民小区恒压供水系统的快速性、可靠性。

    This system takes advantage of MCU to accomplish the real-time control and adaptive Fuzzy-PID control techniques , and it realizes the rapidness and reliability of automatic constant pressure water supply in the social community .

  29. 为了解决供水系统优化调度的管网模拟问题,提出了一种基于改进支持向量机(SVM)的宏观关系模型。

    For solving the problem of pipe network simulation of water distribution system optimization and control , a kind of macroscopic state model based on modified support vector machine ( SVM ) was established .

  30. 最后,本文对供水系统实验模型进行工作模态分析,得出了系统的频域ODS和工作模态参数。

    Based on the operating modal analysis of the experimental model of piping system , the frequency domain ODS and the operating modal parameters are obtained .