
  • 网络Mesopotamian civilization;Mesopotamia civilization;Mesopotamia culture;Mesopotamians
  1. 我错误地陈述了美索不达米亚文明是最古老的仍然持续的文明。

    I incorrectly stated that the Mesopotamian civilization is the oldest continuous civilization .

  2. 但是直到新巴比伦王朝,美索不达米亚文明才达到了它的鼎盛时期。

    It was not until the reign of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory .

  3. 中东的一个共和国;是古代美索不达米亚文明的所在地。

    A republic in the Middle East ; the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia was in the area now known as Iraq .

  4. 所以我不认为你能够说美索不达米亚文明是“现存最古老的文明”,尽管有争论认为它有可能是最早诞生的文明。

    So I don 't think you can say that Mesopotamian civilisation is the'oldest living civilisation ' , though it is arguable it may have been the first to arise .

  5. 美索不达米亚古文明,底格里斯河与幼发拉底河之间,是某个文明引入的太空殖民地。

    The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia , between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers , was a space colony where a certain civilization was introduced .

  6. 湿壁画是传统壁画技法之一,它历史悠久最早可以追溯到美索不达米亚、西亚文明时期。

    Florentine Fresco is one of the traditional frescos , which has long history and appeared in the time of Mesopotamia and West Asia civilization .

  7. 美索不达米亚被认为是文明的发祥地。

    Mesopotamia is believed to be the birthplace of civilization .