
  • Merrill Lynch 公司总部所在地:美国 主要业务:证券经纪
  1. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和富国银行(WellsFargo)牵头此次债券发行工作。

    Bank of America Merrill Lynch , JPMorgan and Wells Fargo led the underwriting of the sale .

  2. 它不会指望美国证券交易委员会(SEC)来核实美林的偿付能力。

    It does not look to the Securities and Exchange Commission to verify Merrill 's solvency .

  3. 包括美林(MerrillLynch)在内的必和必拓顾问一直在游说力拓股东。

    Shareholders have been canvassed by BHP advisers , including Merrill Lynch .

  4. 与美林和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)不同,高盛近来几乎没有零售业务。

    Unlike Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley , Goldman has had almost no recent retail operations .

  5. 参与此次公开募股的其他银行还包括美国银行美林公司(BoAMerrillLynch)、巴克莱资本公司(BarclaysCapital)、以及Allen&Co等。

    Others bankers include BoA Merrill Lynch , Barclays Capital , Goldman Sachs and Allen & Co.

  6. 据信,美国银行(bankofamerica)收购的美林已有100多名优秀经纪人跳槽到瑞银。

    Merrill Lynch , which has been acquired by Bank of America , is believed to have lost more than 100 of its " thundering herd " of brokers to UBS .

  7. 此前,科莫已详细列举了美林在2008年最后几天支付的百万美元级奖金数目,当时该银行即将被美国银行(bankofamerica)收购。

    Earlier , Mr Cuomo had detailed the number of million-dollar bonus payments made at Merrill in the last days of 2008 , before it was acquired by Bank of America .

  8. 美林铀股指数(merrilllynchuraniumequityindex)目前处于近3年来的最低水平,相对于其峰值已下跌一半。

    The Merrill Lynch uranium equity index is at its lowest level for almost three years , and has halved from its peak .

  9. 但一年前他为了安全,转向了IBM、美林、通用汽车和德尔塔航空等蓝筹股。

    But a year ago , he dove for safety in blue-chip stocks like IBM , Merrill Lynch , General Motors , and Delta Air Lines .

  10. 分析师约翰o墨菲是“数量”派,他是美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)长期调查《汽车之战》(CarWars)的作者。

    On the mass side is analyst John Murphy , author of the long-running " Car Wars " study for Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  11. 在联想公布季报后,包括瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)和美林(MerrillLynch)在内的机构提高了对该股的评级。

    Among those raising their recommendations on Lenovo after release of the quarterly results were Credit Suisse and Merrill Lynch .

  12. 他的父亲查尔斯(Charles)与人联合创建了券商美林(MerrillLynch),他给了詹姆斯一只信托基金。

    His father Charles , who co-founded brokerage firm Merrill Lynch , had given him a trust fund .

  13. 她曾为肯•刘易斯辩护,后者被指控在担任美国银行(BankofAmerica)行长期间在收购美林(MerrillLynch)这一交易上误导了投资者。

    She defended Ken Lewis against allegations that he misled investors in the acquisition of Merrill Lynch when he was head of Bank of America .

  14. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)经济学家陆挺表示,中国央行几乎别无选择,只能放软身段。

    Lu Ting , an economist with Bank of America Merrill Lynch , said the central bank had little choice but to soften its approach .

  15. 美林(merrilllynch)昨日公布的一项调查显示,基金管理公司因信心增强正着手部署资金。

    A Merrill Lynch survey yesterday showed fund managers are deploying cash as they become more confident .

  16. 美林于2005年以5亿美元从其印度合作伙伴手中购入合资公司dsp美林的控股股份这笔交易在当时创下一个纪录。

    Merrill bought a controlling stake from its local partner in their joint venture , DSP Merrill Lynch , in 2005 for $ 500m a record transaction at the time .

  17. 富国银行(WellsFargo)和美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA,该行正因对美林的灾难性收购而苦苦挣扎)均被迫在业务和薪酬上听命于政府。

    Wells Fargo and Bank of America ( struggling with its disastrous acquisition of Merrill Lynch ) were all forced to follow government orders on operations and remuneration .

  18. SimonYuan就是瑞信最近招聘的员工之一,他从美林(MerrillLynch)去职后,担任瑞信大中华区金融机构业务联席主管。

    Among the bank 's recent hires are Simon Yuan , who quit Merrill Lynch to co-head its greater China financial institutions coverage .

  19. 美林(merrilllynch)银行家必须多工作半小时,才能坐公司报销的出租车回家。

    Merrill Lynch bankers have to work a half hour longer before they can catch a company-paid taxi home .

  20. 这些知情人士表示,如果美林决定推进那宗交易,其所持贝莱德股权的一部分可能会被科威特投资局(kuwaitinvestmentauthority)收购。

    If Merrill Lynch had gone through with the deal , some of its BlackRock shares were likely to have been purchased by Kuwait Investment Authority , these people said .

  21. 2005年,美林受邀担任苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)的顾问,帮助其收购中国银行(boc)的股权,但最终却成为共同投资者。

    In 2005 , the bank advised Royal Bank of Scotland on the acquisition of a stake in Bank of China , and eventually invested alongside it .

  22. 这可能让美国银行更容易收获该行与美林(merrilllynch)合并所带来的战略好处。

    That may make it easier for BofA to reap the strategic benefits of its messy tie-up with Merrill Lynch .

  23. 前美林(merrilllynch)高管表示,他们向监管机构揭发雷曼衡量流动性状况的方式,系出于竞争原因。

    Former Merrill Lynch officials said they contacted regulators about the way Lehman measured its liquidity position for competitive reasons .

  24. 去年7月,他还斥资45亿美元从资金紧张的美林(MerrillLynch)手里购回了自己公司20%的股份。

    He also bought a20 % stake in his company from cash-strapped Merrill Lynch in July for $ 4.5 billion .

  25. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)一位21岁的实习生死亡,致使人们呼吁伦敦金融城的银行整顿年轻员工的工作文化。

    Banks in the City of London are facing calls to overhaul the working culture for younger staff following the death of a 21-year-old intern at Bank of America .

  26. 在美国银行(BoA)决定转而收购美林(MerrillLynch)之后,巴克莱银行成为雷曼仅剩的唯一竞购方。

    Barclays was the last remaining bidder for Lehman after Bank of America decided to pursue Merrill Lynch instead .

  27. 今年5月份,瑞士信贷曾宣布将在新加坡新增900个外包职位。此前美林(MerrillLynch)也宣布了类似举措。

    In May Credit Suisse announced the creation of 900 outsourced jobs in Singapore following a similar announcement by Merrill Lynch .

  28. 美林(merrilllynch)表示,对于包括金融类股在内的整个欧洲市场,收益率如今处于1975年以来的最高水平。

    For the entire European market including financials , Merrill Lynch says , the yield is now the highest since 1975 .

  29. 有的毕业生应聘到德意志银行(DeutscheBank)、美林(MerrillLynch)和高盛(GoldmanSachs),工作地点遍布国内外。

    They get jobs at Deutsche Bank ( DB ) , Merrill Lynch , and Goldman Sachs ( GS , Fortune 500 ) here and abroad .

  30. 这样的诉讼有一大堆,涉及从沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)到美林(MerrillLynch)等众多公司。

    There has been a salvo of such claims , from employees at companies like Wal-Mart ( WMT ) and Merrill Lynch .