
  • 网络USDA;department of agriculture;United States Department of Agriculture;U.S. Department of Agriculture
  1. 除了农业研究所自身的研究工作,美国农业部还赞助生物技术风险评估研究项目,提供竞争性奖励基金。

    In addition to ars 's in-house research , usda funds a competitively awarded grants program for research on biotechnology risk assessment .

  2. 大约喝五杯橙汁就能满足一天所需的维生素C,橙汁是维生素C含量最多的食物之一,据美国农业部。

    Drinking around five cups of orange juice offers up a full day 's supply of vitamin C ; OJ is one of the highest sources of vitamin C , according to the USDA .

  3. 它是由美国农业部的两位医生研制的一种优质集水器。

    Developed by two doctors in the U . S . Department of Agriculture , it 's an excellent water collector .

  4. 美国农业部对此给出了更为精辟的定义:任何接受人口普查的地区中,至少20%的居民生活在贫困线以下,33%居民的居所距离最近的超市超过一英里(在农村,该距离为超过10英里)。

    More precisely1 , the U.S. Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) defines a food desert as any census2 district where at least 20 percent of the inhabitants are below the poverty line and 33 percent live over a mile from the nearest supermarket ( or in rural areas , more than 10 miles ) .

  5. 美国农业部(usdepartmentofagriculture)昨日调降了玉米产量预期,调降幅度为1988年干旱以来最大一次。

    The US Department of agriculture slashed its forecast for the corn crop yesterday by the most since the drought of 1988 .

  6. 美国农业部也下调了中国、巴西和欧盟(EU)的小麦收成预测。

    The USDA also lowered wheat output for China , Brazil and the European Union .

  7. 美国农业部(FDA)近年来没有批准任何预防噪声导致失聪的新产品。

    Currently there are no FDA-approved products for the prevention of NIHL .

  8. 美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)曾在8月份表示,今年夏季中国进口商订购了300万吨美国玉米。

    Chinese importers had lined up 3 million tons of U.S. corn imports by summer this year , the U.S. Department of Agriculture said in August .

  9. 根据美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)的数据,1998年,中国是世界第四大的大米出口国,出口量占全球市场的14%。

    In 1998 , China was the fourth-largest exporter , accounting for 14 per cent of the global market , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  10. 美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)预期,猪肉产量在2009年将下降3%,而鸡肉和牛肉产量将分别下降1%。

    The US Department of Agriculture expects pork production to fall 3 per cent in 2009 , against a 1 per cent fall for chicken and beef .

  11. 美国农业部(UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture)在2010年修订其膳食指南时,呼吁人们多多食用富含ω-3脂肪酸的海产品。

    When the United States Department of Agriculture revised its dietary guidelines in 2010 , it urged people to eat more seafood , which is rich in omega-3 .

  12. 全球农产品价格料将上涨。此前,美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)在其最新市场数据中强调,玉米、小麦和大豆的库存低于预期。

    The world faces higher agricultural commodity prices after the US Department of Agriculture highlighted smaller-than-expected stocks of corn , wheat and soyabeans in its latest market update .

  13. 美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)上周预测,大豆产量将创下纪录,玉米产量也会接近创纪录水平,这两种农产品的收购价均将创下3年来的新低。

    The US Department of Agriculture last week forecast a record soyabean haul , a near-record corn crop and the lowest farm gate prices for both grains in three years .

  14. 考虑到美国农业部(UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture,USDA)建议美国人从蛋白质获得的热量应占所需热量的10%至35%,20%其实不能算高。

    When the Department of Agriculture recommends that Americans get 10 to 35 percent of their calories from protein , 20 percent should not be considered high .

  15. 全球经济正面临着第二轮的食品价格通胀,此前,美国农业部(usagriculturedepartment)昨日警告,玉米、小麦与大豆的库存量将大幅下降,同时需求将十分强劲。

    The global economy is facing a second wave of food inflation after the US Agriculture Department yesterday warned of significant falls in stocks of corn , wheat and soyabean and heavy demand .

  16. 据美国农业部(USDepartmentofAgriculture)表示,乌克兰、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦三国的黑海地区去年出口了840万吨饲料大麦,占1690万吨总贸易量一半。

    The Black Sea region of Ukraine , Russia and Kazakhstan last year exported 8.4m tonnes of feed barley , half the trade of 16.9m tonnes , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  17. WalterSchmidt是美国农业部农业研究中心的工作人员。

    Walter Schmidt is with the Agricultural Research Service , part of the United States Agriculture Department .

  18. 美国农业部高级经济师弗雷德-盖尔(FredGale)表示:中国大米进口在很大程度上是一种政策驱动现象。

    Chinas rice imports are largely a policy-driven phenomenon , says Fred Gale , senior economist at USDA .

  19. 来自美国农业部以及蒙奈尔化学传感中心(MonellChemicalSensesCenter)的研究者们对老鼠进行训练后,让它们从其它动物的粪便中辨别出感染了禽流感的鸭子的粪便。

    Researchers from the US Department of Agriculture and Monell Chemical Senses Center trained mice to identify duck droppings from animals infected with bird flu .

  20. 按照法律要求,美国农业部在重新规定作物种类之前没有执行环境影响报告书(EIS)。

    USDA failed to conduct an environmental impact statement ( EIS ), as required by law , before deregulating the crop .

  21. GettyImages美国农业部的这份报告每年发布一次,旨在为美国州政府处理子女赡养费用相关问题时提供指引。

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture prepares an annual report about families ' expenditures on children for use in developing state child-support and foster-care guidelines .

  22. 但美国农业部部长汤姆维尔萨克(tomvilsack)排除了改革美国乙醇补贴政策的可能性。

    But Tom Vilsack , US Secretary of agriculture , ruled out any change in the US ethanol policy .

  23. 2005年,美国农业部(AgricultureDepartment)报道,美国人在一天内消费的添加脂肪和油类中的热量平均可达645卡路里,而且这还是刨去了肉类和奶制品等食物中天然存在的脂肪后的数值。

    In 2005 , the Agriculture Department has reported , the average American consumed 645 calories a day in added fats and oils , not counting the fats naturally present in foods like meats and dairy products .

  24. 安娜·麦克朗(AnnaMcClung)是美国农业部水稻育种中心的负责人。

    Anna McClung heads a rice-breeding center for the United States Agriculture Department .

  25. 此前,美国农业部(usdepartmentofagriculture)警告称,肉类行业的饲料玉米和大麦库存将“大幅下降”,其中美国玉米库存预测将达到14年低点。

    They followed a warning from the US Department of agriculture that stocks of corn and barley , the feedstocks of the meat industry , would " fall dramatically " with us corn stocks forecast to hit a 14-year low .

  26. 美国农业部的EIS称有机食品的消费者不用担心基因工程对他们食物的污染,尽管大量的事实与此相反。

    USDA 's EIS claims that organic consumers do not care about GE contamination of their food , despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary .

  27. 据美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)今年夏季估计,中国国家物资储备局坐拥的棉花储备规模多达1000万吨,占全球棉花库存的60%,并且是该局以相对较高的价格收购的。

    China 's state reserves bureau is sitting on a stockpile estimated by the US Department of Agriculture this summer at 10m tonnes , or 60 per cent of world stocks , which it bought at relatively high prices .

  28. 美国农业部的经济学家、该项年度研究的主要作者马克•利诺(MarkLino)承认,该报告没有考虑大学学费和父母放弃的收入。

    USDA economist Mark Lino , chief author of the annual study , acknowledges the report excludes college and forgone income .

  29. 美国农业部经济研究所(EconomicResearchService)的经济学家盖尔(FredGale)说,长期而言,中国需要放松自然资源基础承受的压力,并进口更多食物。

    China will need to ease pressure on its natural resource base and import more of its food over the long-term , ' said Fred Gale , an economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture 's Economic Research Service . '

  30. LewisZiska是美国农业部农业研究局的植物生理学家。

    Lewis Ziska is a plant physiologist at the Agricultural Research Service , United States Department of Agriculture .